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my new relationship

my new relationship



this story is about a lady trying to shoot her shot


So, I jokingly told my friend to give me her brother's number after she posted his picture on her Whatsapp status saying, "Single to stupor...serious ladies only."

1 really just wanted to catch cruise, so I replied her saying," ahnahn you've been hiding him from us?" | teased.

She replied almost immediately asking if I had ended things with my ex and I said,

"Yes, it has been six months."

"Ooops I didn't know."

"It's nothing, really. Besides, we've not been in each other's space since we left school. "My brother will like you," she replied.

I tossed my phone on my bed, sipped my glass of juice, and threw three pieces of spicy plantain chips in my mouth while I waited for her reply and an email from my team lead regarding the next task for the day. A few minutes later, she sent a message asking for more pictures. I smiled & scrolled through my gallery looking for pictures. It was at that point that I realized I didn't have good pictures. I ended up sending 2 pictures from last year's Christmas party & 2 that I took at work.

"I have sent them to him, you should expect his message soon," her text read.

"Ahhh! Ahh!! I laughed and screamed into my pillow before replying her, "Okay, thank you.

I didn't know what I was doing or why I was doing it, but it felt cute. I felt like I was 20 again & not 26. It felt strange trying to shoot my shot at a man.

Later at night, my phone rang and it was him. I had thought he would text. I waited for a couple of seconds for the phone to ring as it was in my hand.


"Hi, good evening Aduke.. it's Jide, Lola's...""Brother..," I said interrupting him. I heard him clear his throat.

"Ohh, nice. I hope I didn't wake you up, though?"

"No, it's just 8:00 pm. It's still early.

We talked for about two more minutes before he ended the call because he had to take another call. He sounded calm and nice, and I couldn't help but smile.

Later that night, he sent a text asking if we could meet. "Ohh, so soon? Isn't that too early?" I replied. "There's no timetable for love, but you can take your time if you want."

1 gave in, and we agreed to meet on a Sunday after church because I had a wedding to attend on Saturday.

When we met, he was dressed in a white senator attire, wearing a red cap, and shining black shoes. The sight of him reminded me of someone I had seen on Instagram. I looked at him and smiled.

He moved closer, and the scent of his perfume screamed money, confidence and success.

"You look small...smaller than I imagined," he sipped his glass of wine and said, looking into my eyes.

"And you look big... really huge," I replied, and burst out laughing. We both laughed about it.

"You're beautiful, very beautiful," he complimented and winked at me. I felt a flutter in my stomach, like a cold jelly. I imagined the two of us, hand in hand while he told me stories about his work-the intriguing ones and even the boring ones.

I had always been attracted to skinny guys, but he was far from that; chubby, like a well-fed cat.

"Hey..Aduke!" he called out.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked, adjusting my dress.

"I said..are you single? Like single single??"

That was fast, I wasn't expecting such a direct question, but I appreciated men who knew what they wanted.

"Yes," I nodded,and he looked sideways to hide a smile. We spent another hour at the restaurant before heading home. He offered to drop me off, and the ride was a good one. We sang and danced to Azonto by Wizkid and other throwback songs, gesticulating wildly and swaying in our seats. It was fun.

When we arrived at my place, he asked if we could do it again, and I gladly said yes.

"Thank you,"he said as I was about to get out of his car.


"For going out with me...spending time with me."

"You're welcome. Thank you for making it so much fun," I replied, stepping out. I resisted the urge to look back, but I sensed that he hadn't driven away just yet.

It made me slightly nervous and that thought made my steps falter. He wanted to ensure entered my apartment safely before leaving, and the simple gesture filled me with joy. As I was about to check the flower pot for my key, the door swung open, and my friend-Yimika was standing there with her hands on her hips. She looked at Jide who was about to drive out, and then back at my face.

"I didn't know you stayed back," I said, facing her.

"Well, I went home and packed for two more days."

"Alright," I nodded.

There was a certain look on her face, and I could tell she wanted to ask me something about him. Instead, she searched for the answer in my eyes and on my lips. "What do you think?" I asked, meeting her gaze.


"Him... what's on your mind?"

"Nothing... he's not badddd."

"What do you mean by he's not badddd?" I mimicked her, dragging her words. "Just tell me what you think." She paused, halfway through the doorway, one hand on the doorknob.

"Whatever I think won't matter anyway.

You always make your own decisions.

Her words stung, but I was determined to hear her thoughts. "Oh, Aduke he's too old for you. Oh, Aduke he's not that handsome, oh Aduke..

"What did you bring for me?" I heard her voice interrupting my thoughts.

"I got takeaway, but I didn't know you would be staying back," I replied.

"So, should I pack my bags?"

We didn't talk about Jide but instead talked about other things and I ha**d how much I craved her validation. I wanted her to say something. Anything. I wanted her approval of him.

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