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Yantie Wahazz


Malik and Isha's friendship since they were children ended in hostility due to a misunderstanding. One another away from each other. Especially when one day, Malik said that he loved Isha so Isha was angry and accused Malik of betraying their friendship by letting his feelings of love develop for Isha. Malik, who is resigned, can only love in silence and despair when he hears Isha is about to marry another man. However, fate is playing a trick on them when Malik volunteers to replace Murad, the man who wanted to marry Isha but didn't show up on the promised day. How will Isha take a stand? Did she accept Malik's helping hand to save her good name and accept the marriage? Or choose to refuse with the many consequences that must be borne? If Isha hates Malik, why does she hate all the women who are near and close to Malik?


Ridwan Ghazali's house has been busy for the past few days. Several neighbors passed around this big house. Several cars of guests who had started to arrive had even started to line up neatly along the road leading to Ridwan's house. Several relatives and friends from outside the village and the city also seem to have started coming and even staying at Ridwan's house.

Of course, it is natural because today, at the Ridwan family's big house, there will be a wedding ceremony for their only daughter, Syalaisha Ghazali, with colleagues in her office. All relatives were happy because finally Isha—the beautiful girl's daily nickname—got married after a long time of procrastination.

"Soon, the leader will come, Miss Isha. What about the groom-to-be? Can't be reached yet?" asked Dewi in a low voice near Isha, sitting with some of the bridal makeup who had done her makeup.

"Can't be contacted since this morning, Dew," Isha answered nervously.

Her face, which should be beautiful and radiant, now looks very anxious. Moreover, her father and mother repeatedly asked how Murad, Isha's future husband, was.

"Try contacting his family or friends again, Ma'am? Why, I'm worried about this. The problem is that the time for the qabul consent has almost arrived," repeated Dewi.

Isha's trembling hands immediately took the cell phone that was placed nearby and tried to call Murad again. However, the result remains the same, not active. Contacting Murad's friends was in vain because Isha did not know any of Murad's friends.

"Can't be contacted, Wi," Isha looked at Dewi, her cousin, in a panic.

"We'll just have to wait a bit; who knows if he'll contact us? Sis Isha calm down, huh?" said Dewi calming Isha, although, to be honest, Dewi herself was doubtful.

Where are the brides who can't be contacted on D-day like this? Never mind the phone; he did not even send short messages. Dewi is starting to get suspicious; could the man be absent?

Then Ridwan and his wife returned to the dressing room with faces that were starting to look angry. Ridwan saw Isha, who was also nervous, and looked at him with tears. Isha was at a loss for words to defend Murad's negligence this time because Ridwan and his wife disagreed with Isha's choice. However, they couldn't prevent Murad's presence because it seemed that Isha had fallen in love with this handsome man.

"How about this, Babe? The penghulu will be coming soon, while Murad has no sign of coming. What if you don't come?" asked Ridwan in a tone that was starting to sound high. His anxiety led to impatience.

"Sir, don't say that. Maybe there is a problem?" Rosminah, Isha's mother, intervened to neutralize the situation, which was getting hot.

"So what else should I say, Ma'am? Has this crossed the line of patience? All relatives and neighbors have come. All preparations are done and ready to be carried out. Aren't we ashamed if the bride and groom don't come?" Ridwan looked at his wife with annoyance.

"I know, sir. But this is beyond expectations. Hopefully not by accident. We'll wait a few more moments," said Rosminah trying to calm her husband's anger.

"What if he doesn't come?" asked Ridwan in a loud voice, making everyone in the room feel as if they were drugged and chose not to answer or move.

"Let's just pray for Murad to come, sir," Rosminah said patiently.

"I had a bad feeling from the start with that guy. But your son can't be told. This is the result. Everyone will be ashamed!" Ridwan started to grumble.

There was silence; only Isha's sobs could be heard. The bridal makeup girls could only be silent, occasionally taking tissues to wipe Isha's tears so they wouldn't make a mess of her pretty face.

"Already, Ma'am. Just pray that the groom will come at the right time. Hopefully, everything will be fine," Dewi persuaded while giving Isha another tissue.

The woman nodded weakly. She was disappointed and didn't know what to do—confused to death. She didn't expect the happy day she had dreamed of all this time would be shattered in a day; although it hasn't happened yet, it looks like it will happen.

"If in half an hour he doesn't come or doesn't give any news, we cancel everything!" Ridwan broke up with a firm voice, then left the place angrily.

"Dad?" Rosminah called out to Ridwan but also turned to Isha, who was sobbing more and more. She was confused about who to give priority to. On the one hand, Isha needs support, while on the other hand, Ridwan needs to be calmed down.

"Budhe calms down Pakdhe's emotions first. Let Ms. Isha be with me," Dewi finally mediated Rosminah's confusion.

"Take care of Isha for a while, okay, Wi," said Rosminah, who rushed to catch up with Ridwan, who was getting emotional. The woman rushed out. While Isha was still crying, lamenting her unfortunate fate.


If there is tension in the house, a man sits restlessly and has a very gloomy face in the rows of seats for the invited guests. His heart had been beating erratically ever since. He still held the gift as a thick mushaf neatly wrapped in a trembling and sweaty hand.

He is Malik. Isha's playmate since childhood. However, their friendship has soured in recent years. He sat alone in the back row. He is preparing his heart if Isha finally legally marries her lover.

Yes, Isha will soon be legally married to Murad. Moreover, the headmaster also came a few minutes ago. Malik knows he will be heartbroken, and his feelings will be destroyed. However, it would not be wise to show it to everyone. His parents sat beside him and patted Malik on the shoulder several times to calm their son.

"You calm down, Mal. There is a God who rules everything." Aminah, Malik's mother, gave her advice to strengthen Malik. She knew how Malik felt.

Malik just nodded, but the constant moving of his feet showed how agitated he was.

"Maybe he's not your soul mate. You have to have the courage to accept reality." Malik's father, Aiman, also gave advice.

This is a big test in his life. After years of harboring his feelings, he has to throw his heart away only to be disappointed. But he couldn't force his will on Isha. However, Isha had the right to refuse it.

"It looks like the event will disband," a guest whispered to another guest in the front row of Malik's seats. But Malik could hear it.

He gasped, immediately turned towards the guest, then looked at his father and mother.

"Disband? Disband how, Guy?" asked Malik, adjusting the position of the glasses he always wore since entering college.

"Yes. The groom has not yet arrived and cannot be contacted" answered the guest in a low voice.

Malik raised his eyes and saw that all the guests did look agitated.

"It's getting tense inside," said another guest.

Malik stood up and rushed into Ridwan's big house without thinking further.

"Mal? Where are you going?" asked his mother in surprise.

He didn't care about his mother's questions and the few people who stared at him. Malik kept on entering the house's living room, which he knew very well because he used to often come to this house. Aiman and Aminah soon followed him.

When Malik arrived in the house's living room, there was tension. There was even a soft cry that Malik confirmed was Isha's voice. Malik's determination is getting rounder.

"Mal, what are you doing?" whispered Aminah as she and her husband caught up with her vast strides.

"I have to save this show, Mom. I won't let them embarrass Isha," Malik muttered clearly and firmly.

"But Mal? They don't necessarily agree," whispered Aiman.

"We won't know if we don't try, Dad. I asked for your blessing to save them." Malik's determination is now unanimous.

Aiman and Aminah looked at each other only to give up. It's time they let Malik determine his own pace. Malik is already big and can sort out what is good and what is not. After all, Malik's steps have always been full of calculations.

"This has exceeded the tolerance limit, ma'am. I can't wait anymore. We just canceled this wedding. Let's all be ashamed. It's all because your son can't be advised!" Said Ridwan with a red face of anger.

Meanwhile, Rosminah seemed to have no other way to persuade her husband. After all, her husband was right, they had been waiting since earlier, but there was no news from Murad.

"We are going to be humiliated! We'll disband them all!" Ridwan said in an angry voice.

"Sir, why don't we wait a while first?" asked Rosminah with the same panic as her husband.

"Wait? How long should we wait for something we can't be sure of? Can't be called, can't be contacted. Should we wait for someone like that?" Ridwan scolded angrily.

"Wait, Uncle," Malik interjected.

Everyone gathered in the living room stared at Malik, likewise, Isha. The girl looked at Malik with annoyance. 'What does this man want? Do you want to be a hero in broad daylight?' Isha thought, increasingly irritated because Malik was present at the wrong time. Even Isha assumed that Malik would laugh at her. However, the tall, clean-skinned man didn't care about the stares of everyone in the room. He walked up to Ridwan.

"Malik?" muttered Rosminah with a confused look.

"Sorry if I'm being rude, uncle. I want to help so that Om Ridwan's family will not be humiliated," said Malik.

"What do you mean, Mal? This is not the right time to joke around," Ridwan asked firmly.

"I'm not kidding, uncle. Let me replace Murad to marry Isha," Malik asked firmly and confidently.

"Ha?" Malik's words amazed the whole family in the living room.

"What?" Isha's voice screamed in disbelief.


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