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Perfect changed man

Perfect changed man



A person changed after coming out from the prison

Chapter 1 I am out!!!

“I’m finally out …..”

John Wilson roared out as he breathed in the fresh air outside with all his might! Behind John was “Havens worth Penitentiary Prison”, where he had spent three whole years and was finally released today after completing his sentence.

“Hey, I wonder how my parents are doing.”

John carried his ragged canvas bag and hurriedly walked towards home, his parents had never seen him once in three years and now John was worried about them.

On the way home, John kept examining a bronze ring on his hand.

The ring was carved with a life like dragon with the word order in the place of the dragon’s head.

This ring was given to him by his cellmate, Old Dragon Head, when he was released from prison today.

This Old dragon Head was a very strange person, who was always talking in a divine manner, saying that he was the Master of the Heavenly Dragon Hall, who knew astronomy and geography, was proficient in magic and medicine, and was able to bring people back to life.

Everyone treats the old dragon head as a madman and does not want to pay attention to him. Only John will talk to the old dragon head when he has nothing to do, and even gives him a little bit of his meal.

Every day the old dragon head would tell John some strange and bizarre things, what with the Heavenly Dragon Hall and the Locked Dragon Island, things John had never even heard of.

The old leader later asked John to accompany him to meditate and practice every day, John was also board, so he followed along and learned.

But who knew that after three years had passed. John had actually followed that old leader and practiced his skills and medical skills.

When he was released from prison today, the old leader gave John this ring and told him that on the 15Th day of the 7th month of this year, he should go to the Nameless Island in the East China Sea, and that if he showed his ring on the island, someone would pick him up.

Because he had learned a lot from the old leader, John believed in his words and agreed to do so, but it was still several months before the 15th of July.

Unknowingly, John had already reached the doorstep of his home. Looking at the somewhat dilapidated house in front of him, John was full of complications, he wondered, how his parents were doing these three years because of his impulse, his parents must have been under a lot of pressure.

Thinking back to three years ago, John’s eyes still flashed with anger.

Three years ago, John and his girlfriend Mia Parker were already talking about getting married.

But one day when they were walking Mia Parker home, they met Samuel Lee who was drunk.

This Samuel Lee is a famous rich boy in New York, who has done all kinds of bad things.

When Samuel saw that Mia was pretty, he had bad intentions and made a pass at Mia.

Being a famous rich kid in the area, Samuel Lee didn’t even give John a second glance at the time.

Seeing his girlfriend being insulted, John went crazy.

He picked up a brick and smashed it on Samuel’s Head.

The result was predictable…

The powerful Samuel was beaten up, of course he would not give up, he directly called the police and had John Wilson arrested.

He was then sentenced to three years in the prison for intentional assault.

It was only until today that John was released.

After hesitating for a long time, John then gently knocked on the door of his room.

“Who is it?”

The door opened and an old woman with white hair and a stooped figure poked her head out, one hand constantly groping forward, “Who is it, which is knocking at the door?”

The old woman’s eyes were tightly closed and it was obvious that she could not see anything, so she was blind!

After John looked at the old woman in front of him his whole body froze, his eyes were wide open and his body was trembling slightly.

He couldn’t believe that this old woman with white hair and a wrinkled face in front of him was his own mother, Victoria Wilson.

It had only been a short span of three years, how could his mother have turned into this state?

“Mom, it’s me, I’m John.”

John went forward to hold his mother and shouted with an excited face.

“John? Is it really you?”

Victoria ran her hands over John’s face, unable to stop her tears from flowing out.

“Mom, it’s me, it’s me…..”

John’s eyes were also red. “Mom, what’s wrong with you? What’s wrong?”

He didn’t understand, when he left it was clear that his own mother was fine, why did she turn into such state in just three years.

“Hey, it’s a long story, come in and talk”

Victoria dragged John into the room.

Looking at the Spartan room, almost empty, John was very shocked.

Although their family wasn’t rich, his father had a formal job, so it was still possible to reach modest means, but now how come the family had become like this!

“Mum, what’s happened to the family?”

John saw the family in such a state and asked his mother after him.

“Ai!” Victoria let out a sigh, “After you left………….”

Victoria told the story one by one, it turned out that after John went to jail, The Lee family did not intend to let them go and demanded a million dollars in compensation.

In the end, there was no way out, John’s parents sold his wedding house and borrowed a lot of money, but they still couldn’t get enough, and finally there was 300,000 left, and they could only pay the Lee family in installments.

For this reason, John’s father lost his job and had to sweep the streets for living, while his mother cried out all day long!

This was why John had been in prison for three years, but his parents had not seen him once.

As he listened to his mother’s story, John slowly clenched his fist, and a majestic killing intent flooded the depths of his eyes!

He didn’t expect this Samuel’s Family to be so ruthless; this was to drive their family to extinction.

“Mom, did that Mia Parker not care about you guys at all?”

John asked with a face full of confusion.

Mia was his soon to be wife, and he was in jail for Mia’s sake, she couldn’t have watched his parents in this state and not cared, right?

“Alas, don’t mention it, the Parker family not only doesn’t care, even the bride price we gave, I want it back, they won’t give it back, saying it’s not their fault they can’t get married, it’s because you’re in jail, so the bride price won’t be returned.”

“Your father went to them to argue and even got beaten out by the family!”

The more Victoria said, the more her heart sank, and in the end she simply couldn’t stop the tears.

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