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Reunited With My Lost Luna

Reunited With My Lost Luna

Joseph Oyebode


Seven Years ago, Ivory wells was betrayed by Darrel Williams and accidentally injured the Future Luna, and was then expelled from the pack. She was never allowed to set foot in the pack, and lost her shelter and love, and to live alone in the human world, after giving birth to a child.

Chapter 1 Fated mates. Or Not

POV: Ivory Wells

They say Life is perfect when you are young and in love. Would I have ever thought that I would ever lose Darrel? Nah, not in my wildest dreams..

“We have arrived,My love.” He said,parking in front of the hotel that would be used to host my Birthday. I sat still in the car, willing the anxiousness inside of me to be gone. I sighed and alighted from the car. Darrel took my hands and squeezed it reassuringly. I sighed. Here goes nothing.

“Happy Eighteenth Birthday, Ivory Wells!!” I heard screams and Camera flashes and I smiled. My girlfriends, Candy and Tiara walked up to me and handed me a birthday gift. “We love you, Ivory.” They both chorused and I smiled.

“Thanks girls.” I said and we all hugged each other. Darrel held my hands and kissed it, and I smiled. “I’ve got a surprise for you.” He whispered in my ears and I smiled at him.

Darrel and I had been in a relationship since I was 13, and he was Fifteen years old. I had my parents, Darrel, who was the son of the Alpha and two best friends a girl could have.

What could possibly go wrong?

“I can’t wait.” I said and he smiled.

“Go on, and change. The room number is 4105.” He said and handed me the card. I smiled and walked into the room, and changed into a fitted dress, and came back down to enjoy the party.

“Candy, have you seen Darrel?” I asked and she shook her head. I looked around but I didn’t see him, And I decided not to worry.

Two hours had passed since I arrived at the Party with Darrel. I had no idea where he was,even though I searched for him all around.

“He isn’t a kid,Let him have some fun. After all,after tonight,he is gonna be all yours.Might as well take this night to have his last dose of fun before his marriage commitment to you.” Candy,my best friend said when she noticed that I was constantly searching for him.

“Candy,you know that sounds really weird. Its my birthday tonight, and this celebration was held for me. Why would he be anywhere else? Listen,I have to go find him. Take care of my purse for me okay?” I said hurriedly and left her sitting alone at the table. “Excuse me.” “Sorry.” “Coming though.” These were words I kept saying till I made my way through the massive crowd. I walked down the alley way,trying Darrel’s phone. It rang,but he didn’t pick,so I wondered what the problem was. Darrel doesn’t fail to pick my calls,and this thought sent me into panic mode.. Could it be… Where is he? Walking down the hallway,I tried to call his phone number,and I heard his ring tone faintly.I followed the ring tone closely and I heard it come from behind a door. This was the room, where my change of dresses were kept. I peeped in and saw two people on a bench,kissing.My heart began to thump faster and harder,hoping that what I was seeing were delusions and not real. I opened the door and I saw Darrel, holding another girl,in his arms. The fuck is going on here?!

“Darrel.” I said coldly and he turned and stared at me, seemingly looking as Nonchalant like he had done nothing wrong. I took a good look at the girl that seemed like she was holding onto Darrel for dear life.

Wait, is that a Smirk I see on her face? Anger washes all over me and I give Darrel a look. “Explain.” I said simply, my hands folded. Because I had no idea, no iota of understanding as to why Darrel would want to throw away 5 years of our relationship down the drain.

“She’s my fated mate.” He said simply and my heart dropped. “Excuse me?” I asked and he shrugged.

“Not that I asked for it, but the moon goddess send me another Mate. And she is going to be Luna.” He said and I gripped the door handle for support.

“Can we talk, Darrel?” I asked, my voice shaky and he stared at me.

“Look at the time, Ivory. You are yet to transform, your birthday is over. Its past 2am and still no transformation. How can I have a Luna who does not have a wolf? Iwill announce Jenna as my mate and Luna in waiting this night. Let’s break up.” He said.

That nasty feeling in my gut filled me up and I immediately felt nauseous. I ran into the bathroom,and threw up in the Toilet Seat. I washed my face and walked out to the room, but both of them were no where to be seen. I walked to the main party and I watched from upstairs.

“Silence! I have an Announcement to make. This is Jenna and she is my fated mate. We are going to be married soon, and I am announcing her as Luna in waiting.” He said loudly and the hall became quiet with bits of murmur.

“How about Ivory? Darrel, are you nuts?” Candy asked and Darrel shrugged. I screamed in tears and started to run towards the room. Entering the room, I sat on the bed and cried.

“Awww. You look so pitiful when you cry.” I heard and raised my head up and saw Jenna standing in front of me.

“What did you just say?” I asked, anger and disgust filling me up. She smiled and looked at me, with a nonchalant shrug.

“You look pitiful when you cry. I mean,I understand how you feel. It is very sad when someone you love throws you away because of the mate bond thing. Then again, you might not even be a real wolf. And that’s why he chose me over you.” Jenna said and I stood up angrily.

“Shut up.” I growled. “What? I mean, look at the time, Ivory. Its 2:35am. You have not transformed, and that means what? You are worthless. Useless. You are nothing but Darrel’s bed mate. I am his true mate, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Not even your father, who is a commanding General.” She said and I stood up. I could not take anymore of her nonsense talks. I started to walk out and then I saw her throw my things out of the room. She smashed the wrapped up gifts that Darrel had kept for me, but none of those stuff mattered. All I wanted was to leave here. I walked out and got to the staircase, when she pulled my hands..

“Where are you going?” She asked and I looked away, pulling my hands from hers. She walked back and trampled on the things that she had thrown out. That was when I saw her trampling on the necklace that I held dear to me.

“No!” I yelled as anger filled me. I walked up to her, turned her aside and pushed her. Jenna lost her footing and fell down, rolling down the stairs. I grabbed the necklace and followed her down, gasping. She landed on her head, and blood flowed out of it, like a river. I collapsed on the floor, grasping her, trying hard to stop the bleeding. “No, no, no. Please Jenna, wake up. It was a mistake, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I murmured, my eyes wide, my hands bloodied and tears falling from my eyes,

“What the fuck have you done, Ivory!” Darrel yelled and grabbed Jenna’s limp body from my hands. Darrel stared at me with bloody eyes and stood up, while the paramedics took Jenna.

“Here me all. I, Darrel Williams, here by Banishes,Ivory Wells, from the Purple moon pack. Get out of my pack and get out of my life!” He yelled angrily.

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