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The Passion Awakens

The Passion Awakens

Regina Santiagoo


Luke, the heir to the throne as the future Alpha King, has his life transformed when he is persuaded by his father to spend a year in the Blood Moon gang. There, he meets Hellen, an annoying popular girl and the typical patrician, who represents everything he despises. Hellen, used to having all her desires fulfilled and being the center of attention, sees her perfect world crumble when she becomes the target of Luke's teasing and harassment. Despite their differences and constant conflicts, an invisible force brings them closer and closer together. While trying to resist the unexpected attraction between them, Luke discovers, too late, that Hellen is his mate, the person destined to be by his side as his soul mate. Now he finds himself in a race against time to repair the wounds caused by his prejudices and impulsive behavior. In the midst of a challenging journey, Luke and Hellen will have to face their own inner demons, overcome their differences, and find a way to come together. Can they build a lasting relationship and overcome the adversity they face?

Chapter 1 A Life Not Perfect!

Hellen was used to

being the center of attention, she was popular at school, cheerleader of the

Angry Wolves soccer team, had long curly hair as dark as the night, and eyes as

blue as a sunny day, her body was perfectly perfect , As far as she was concerned

her life was perfect, her father was the alpha of the Red Moon Pack, the second

largest pack in the world thanks to her father's unique way of leading and

training the members, second only to the royal pack, and that was because that

was where the Alpha King ruled.

Hellen's plans for

life were simple, to graduate and go to college far away from Forks, the small

town surrounded by forest, and composed almost entirely of wolves, except for a

few humans who lived among them but knew about the secret of Forks, to get away

from the surveillance of her father and her brother Trevan, who would soon be

the future Alpha.

She wanted the

freedom of not having anyone bossing her around, she was the little girl of the

family, since her mother died shortly after she was born in a raid by rogue

wolves, which made her father and brother extremely protective of her, as well

as spoiling her.

But there was still

a year to go before she could go to college, and to her long-dreamed-of


Hellen sighs and remembers

once again the fiasco that was the night before, when she finally agreed to go

out with Mike, the most popular wolf after her brother and Noah her future

beta, she had just turned seventeen, and there was no sign that her mate was

going to be of this pack, so she finally decided to give her first kiss, after

all kissing wouldn't hurt anyone.

No one would believe

that the most popular girl was a BV, a term used for people who had never

kissed, but her fame came from na incident when a boy in the fifth grade told a

friend that he had kissed her behind the bleachers at the end of a game, and

the rumor spread and she didn't deny it because it matched her image as a

popular girl, and so always one or two boys made up rumors that she didn't

deny, which made her brother furious, although he was two years older than her

and no longer at school, Noah to Hellen's misfortune was eighteen and in her

class, he kept Trevan informed about Hellen's every move at school, and that

was how her alpha father Dilan and her brother found out about her meeting with


Just remembering her

brother knocking on Mike's car window just as he leaned in to kiss her and her

father literally yanking the poor guy out of the car as soon as he opened the

door made her want to cry.

Even knowing that

Mike wouldn't give up on her couldn't improve her mood.

"Hellen if you don't

come down I'm going up and you won't like it," Trevan shouts from downstairs.

Since last night

Hellen had been on a silent strike, as she knew it mortally annoyed her father

and brother , she had refused to eat breakfast and lunch, and although she was

starving and her wolf Sally was restless, she intended to skip dinner.

"That's enough Hell,

I'm starving, if you're not coming down , then let's go out for a run and I can

hunt a deer," Sally complains

Sighing Hellen

decides to go downstairs for dinner and maintain the strike of silence.

In the dining room

she finds her father and brother, who seem relieved to see her.

"Darling Madam Luiza

has prepared your favorite dish," says her father but without getting any


Hellen simply sits

down and serves herself completely ignoring the presence of her father and


"Mike is not the guy

for you little sister, we just want you to save yourself for your mate," Trevan


Snorting in anger

Hellen gives up the strike of silence and says:

"By any chance

before you found out Eve was your mate you hadn't already picked up half the

girls in the gang" and turning to her father says " and you daddy do you think

I don't know about your nightly encounters with Mrs. Peterson?"

The silence she

receives in response only increases her anger.

"Now you want me to save myself for a guy that may take

years to show up and that for sure will have already got all over the place,

without even a kiss?, damn you have crossed the line" and without mercy she

plays her final move, "if mom was here I'm sure she would agree with me, I'm

not saying I'm going around sleeping with guys but a kiss won't kill anyone".

Her father sighs

defeated and says:

"That's fine as long

as it doesn't go beyond that..."

"Dad you can't be

serious", Trevan interrupts

"Yes I am, she's

right son, there are wolves that unfortunately can't find their mates, we can't

ask her to do that", and turning to Hellen he says, "but young lady, that

doesn't mean we won't be watching you, and if that imbecile gets one finger out

of line it will be the end of him" he says giving the subject as closed.

And Hellen feels her

world getting back on track where everything is exactly the way she wants it.

"Changing the

subject, the royal delegation arrives tomorrow for the first day of school"

says Alpha Dilan

"What? Who is

arriving tomorrow?" asks Hellen interested.

"Daughter we have

been talking about this for months, our flock has been chosen by King Alpha to

house Prince Luke and his friends for his last year at school, so he can have a

look at our training and leadership method"

"I hear he is

cursed" says Trevan as he pours himself more food.

"Cursed?" asks

Hellen interested.

"Well he is the most

powerful being in our world, much stronger even than his father the Alpha

King,,, and that has made him cruel and cold, and he can't meet his mate as na

agent, by smell , he only recognizes her by the most intimate touch, they say

he and the group are very ill tempered" says Alpha Dilan and turning to his

daughter "stay away from them dear".

Hellen smiles, but

little does she know that her perfect world is about to change.

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