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Reflecting His Majesty

Reflecting His Majesty



Sixteen year old Freya Morgan is the most beautiful, fierce teen warrior the Isle of Black pack has. With her long layered black hair, big hazel eyes, plump pink lips and deep dimple on her left cheek; her undeniable beauty had most of the packs she wolves envying her while all the male wolves dreamed to have her. Her athletic build, curves in the right places and a most radiant smile it seemed our young she wolf had it all but all was not what it seemed. Whilst she was a very dominant, sharp tongued she wolf; she was also very feminine and would always stick up for what she believed was right. That was all until she came face to face with her biggest life challenge and her goddess gifted mate -The King of Alphas, His Majesty King Rivian Reign!

Chapter 1 Always be on guard

*Who let the dogs out* Freya's alarm sounded at 0600 as it did every morning. She slammed her hand over her phone trying to silence the blaring sounds as she tried to sleep a little longer. As the alarm sounded a second time Freya reached over to throw the noisy device away but was rudely awakened by the raised voice of her father Lucian Morgan. "Get up Freya, trainings at 0700" Freya dragged herself out of the warmth of her bed to shower.

Once showered she dressed into a black sports bra, black tights and a windbreaker; tied her hair into a high ponytail then headed to the pack dining room for breakfast before dashing of through the pack house to the lawn where all the warrior wolves were just lining up for training.

"Right everyone, change of routine this morning! Two laps, fifty press ups, fifty burpees, fifty sit ups, fifty jumping jacks and an hour of sparring" Beta Jaxons voice sounded out with a soft brush of his aura over all that were standing before him.

"Why the sudden change?" Freya questioned the girl next to her. "I don't know, I heard something about the royals visiting each pack to introduce the new king so maybe the beta wants us to be on guard and prepared" Sophia answered. Sophia was the eldest daughter of Beta Jaxon and his wife Luciana. Luciana was also Freya's dad's twin sister. "Oh what happened to the king? The other king I mean" Freya asked as curiosity set in. "King Julian stepped down from the throne, had enough I think and now that his son King Rivian has turned twenty one, I'm guessing he feels like it's time" Sophia said as she shrugged her shoulders. Freya felt a rush down her spine as she thought about the new king.

Suddenly she felt a pressure strike across her ankles and she was face to face with the ground. "What the fxxk?" Freya yelled as she looked up to see her older brother Giddeon standing over her with a smile plastered across his smug face. "Get your head out of the clouds Freya, number one rule" as Giddeon was about to finish his sentence Freya chimed in "Always be on guard! I know you jerk" Freya said as she flipped into a crouching position and kicked her left leg around in a swift 360 movement causing Giddeon to fall hard on his back. Before he could get up Freya flipped him onto his stomach holding his right hand behind his back while placing one of her knees on the centre of his

lower back and the other on his left arm to hold it down causing Giddeon to tap out. "You've gotten faster and smarter little sis" he snorted as a light feeling of defeat brushed through him. He was not entirely phased by his defeat though as Freya was known to be ruthless on the training field. Even against his six foot three muscled frame, her five foot eight athletic build had it's advantages.

"Great work out there kid, your a natural" Beta Jaxon smirked as he complimented her. "Aaah your getting soft Beta, no need for the compliment" Freya replied flatly.

After training everyone headed for the pack house showers while Freya headed the other way toward the forest. "Where are you off to Freya?" Sophia called out. "I'm going to give Maiden a run first" Freya said back. Before Sophia could say anything more Freya had stripped off her clothes and run into the deep green forest. With a swift crack of her bones she had turned into the most beautiful wolf. You could almost mistaken Maiden as a royal wolf. Larger than the normal she wolf! Golden eyes with the whitest most pure fur. She was a sight to be reckoned with. She looked as though she was gliding when she ran through the trees, catching a few rabbits before nestling under the leaves next to the emerald waterfall that was found in the centre of the packs land.

"How do you feel Maiden" Freya said as she let Maiden do her thing. "Great Freya, I needed that but something feels different" Maiden stirred as she fluttered through the leaves taking in the marvelous scent of the earth, water and air as a whole. "Really? What do you mean" Freya questioned her wolf while deepening their connection to sense what her wolf was feeling. "Like an energy or a connection to something close but still far away" Maiden said excitedly. "Wait a minute, I feel it. What is that?" Freya whispered as she tried to tune more into what her wolf and herself could feel. "Right, I think that's enough for the morning Maiden, we need to get back to the pack house" Freya muttered before turning back and heading out of the forest toward her clothes. It was normal for wolves to undress in front of each other so Freya didn't feel the slightest bothered about being naked outside. She grabbed her clothes from the ground and dressed as she strolled toward the pack house. When she walked through the doors she was met by Alpha Thesius and his wife, Luna Elena. "Oh morning Alpha, morning Luna" Freya quickly said with a respectful bow. "Good Morning Freya" the alpha and Luna said in unison. "The royals will be here in two hours, Beta Jaxon will be meeting with all warriors in the pack dining room in a half an hour" alpha Thesius said as he and the Luna walked toward the alphas office on the right hand side of the main foyer.

Freya bowed her head again before heading off to the shower to prepare for the royal arrival.

"Maiden" Freya called to her wolf. "I'm here" Maiden replied. "I think I know what you were feeling earlier" Freya linked through. "The Royals" they both said with excitement.

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