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Succy joseph


He is not surrounded by darkness, he is darkness itself. The Devil disguised as a handsome man in an impeccable black suit and red tie. He's a charming prince, and the demon who haunts her dreams. A night was all she wanted, but it turned out to be the worst decision she'd ever live to make. She was in dire need of money for her brother's surgery, and she decided to have a one-night stand with a wealthy man to get it. Something she now lives to regret. It started out with infatuation that soon morphed into feral obsession. He wanted all of her, and he was ready to kill to make her his. She was timid and shy, yet he chose her. Will she survive In his dark world? He is the king of darkness, yet he chose an angel who knows nothing about his world

Chapter 1 A night with him

A young girl could be seen seated drinking slowly as she look around expecting that one person to show up.

She was dressed in a short black Gown that exposed most of her body, and one could tell she felt so uncomfortable wearing it.

She gulped down nervously as she looked around seeing different people making out in the club.

She has never been to a club before...this was her first time.

“Hey? She turned around and met with a boy standing behind her.

She ignored him.

“You look so pretty.” he complimented licking his lips.

Aurora just rolled her eyes.

This is not the first time she has been complemented so it was not new to her.

“What is such a beautiful girl doing here all alone”? He asks trying to touch her but she slapped his hand off giving him a deadly glare.

“Fucking leave me alone,” she said and the boy scoffed.

"Playing hard to get huh?" He grabs hold of her harshly making her panic.

"Leave me alone" She struggled to get out of his hold, but she couldn't.

"Alessandro Giovanni is here." someone screamed through the crowd, and the boy left her immediately. Everyone started running looking for somewhere safe to hide while she just stood up looking at everything confusedly.

His dark eyes roam around searching for one person, and when his eyes landed on her he exhaled, taking a deep breath.

He took a deep breath as he looks at her delicious body.

He was getting impatient to grab her.

He walked towards her with his bodyguard hovering all around him.

Aurora gulped down in fear as she watched the boy walked toward her and she could tell it was because of him they were all running.

No one needed to tell her that he was a dangerous person because he has that evil aura around him.

She looked at the handsome boy in front of her and she wondered how many days God used in making such an amazing creature.

‘He was so good looking’

So she had taught... but if Only she knew his looks doesn't defined him.

His handsome face, his curled hair that made him look like a girl, his dark eyes that looks dangerous, and his pink lips that were so attractive it made him look like a God.

Of course, he was a God. A God of his own.

Alessandro smirked a little when he saw her staring at him but he was not here for any play. He wanted to get in between her legs and get down to business.

Aurora gulped down in fear and tried to walk past him but he was dragged back and she shivered in fear, looking deep into his black eyes.

She hasn't realized yet that he is the one she was waiting for.

“Where are you going? He asked his deep voice sending shivers down her skin.

His deep voice were alone to scare someone. Everything about him speaks danger, and all she wanted to do was to run away from him.

“I don't see....see.... how that....is your business. She shuttered, in fear.

Her voice showed how scared she was.

"Is she trying to run away? He taught staring at her blankly but one could tell that look was dangerous.

He turn around and gave signal to his guards behind him and immediately they were beside Aurora

"What? She asked looking at them in fear and immediately she was held.

"Get your hands off me" she screamed struggling to get out of their grip but it seemed impossible.

"Get her to the car." He commanded and they drag her to the car.

"Fucking let me go" she yelled as they drag her into the car and almost immediately Allessandro was right beside her, and she shift uncomfortably.

"Get us to one of the fancy hotel" he told the driver.

"Yes boss". He started the car and zoomed off.

"Look I don't know you so please let me fucking go" She said but Allessandro just kept staring at her lips wishing to suck from those sexy lips of her.

His phone rang and he diverted his gaze to it. He frowned when he saw the caller.

"Yes? He answered the call.

"Boss she tried to escape". The other caller spoke, Allessandro felt his anger rising up immediately.

"End her life immediately". He spoke and ended the call immediately.

Aurora gasped in fear as she listened to his conversation.

Are they going to kill her as well. She taught staring at lucca who was focus on his phone.

"Somebody help" she scream hitting the car window and Alessandrondro growled angrily.

He dragged her towards her and make her look at his dreadful eyes that brought fear inside of her.

"Keep quiet if you don't want me to fucking deal with you". He said angrily, Aurora shivered in fear before nodding her head.

Alessandro let go of her hand, and turn back towards his phone while Aurora turned to the window enjoying the cool breeze that passed through it. Suddenly she felt that feeling and she quickly use her hand as a sheld to cover herself.

She was feeling cold, and to worsen the situation she was putting on a strapless Gown.

Allessandro diverted his gaze to her, and he pulled of his jacket before stretching it at her.

"Here". He said, and that was when Aurora turned to look at him.

"I don't need it" She replied.

"I wouldn't want you to pass out when I get down to business..so fucking take it, He said, giving her that daring look to refuse it.

"Thanks". She collected the jacket even though she don't want to but she don't have a choice.

She wrapped it around her shoulder, and turn back to the window.

She wondered how her brother is feeling right now....before she left the doctor told her that her bbrother'ssituation has gotten worst.

She cleaned the tears gathering in her eyes as she taught of her brother.

Her taught was interrupted when the car stopped ,and he look around trying to know where she is but she got no Idea.

A man in suit quickly rush down to open the car door for Allessandro, and he stepped out gracefully like the king he was.

"Oh my gosh! A girl screamed as she stared at Alessandro who just ignored her.

Aurora sat inside the car looking around not until the car door opened, and two men came towards her, and dragged her out of the car gently just like alessandro has commanded.

She looked at the tall building in front of her.

It was a hotel. She taught as she looked at the building.

The staffs widened their eyes in fear as Allessandro steped inside.

"Good evening sir, "how can we help you? She asked trying to give her best smile.

"A room for tonight". He said and she nodded typing theumber of the telephone.

"Fucking let me out of here" aurora yelled hitting the door.

She had been kept here for the past two minutes and felt so scared thinking of being killed.

Almost immediately the door open and alessandro walked in majestically, and closed the door behind him.

"Look I don't know you so fucking let me go". She said glaring at him and lucca took out her phone showing her one of her pictures sent to her.

"Is this not you? He asks showing her the picture and she nodded staring at it in surprise.

"Yes it is me, who are you? She asked.

lucca smirked, and move closer to her.

"I am your daddy for tonight". He whispered in her ear bitting her earlope softly making her shivers.

Her heartbeat faster when she realized he was the one.

He was the guy she was waiting for.

Bianca her Best friend had arranged everything, since she was a prostitute.

If only she knows, if only she knows who was standing before her, she will run for her dear life.

Allessandro pulled Aurora to himself, and kiss her gently grabbing hold of her hair.

She didn't reciprocate, and that made growled in anger.

He bite her lower lips, and she gasped in pain making slide his tongue inside her mouth sucking her lower lips harshly.

He pushed her harshly to the bed, and get in between her legs kissing her lips back.

He traced his kiss down to her stomach kissing her everywhere making her breath quicken.

He raised her clothes up and tore off her pant making her gasped.

Tears fell down her eyes finding it's way to his back, and he raised his head gently to look at her.

He scoffed, and rolled his eyes at the same time.

Allessandro stood up from her and pulled of his shirt while Aurora just stared at his broad chest that seemed so attractive.

It was painted with different tattoos, which make him look so hot.

He unlocked his belt, and immediately Aurora closed her eyes.

He pulled off his trouser,getting between her leg again but this time naked making Aurora heart beat violently.

She was so scared right now.

She wanted to push him away but she dare not.

He pulled her clothes off flinging them to where they dem fit. He was getting impatient, and all he wanted to do right now is to get in between her legs and f**k the hell out of here

Aurora gulped down feeling so scared of loosing her virginity.

He widened her leg a little, and came in between her legs observing the beautiful scenery dripping wet for him.

He held his d**k in position and push it into her making her scream in pain.

Aurora groaned in pain as she open her eyes meeting with an unfamiliar white ceeling. She looked around the room, and she sighed when she remembered what happened last night.

She tried to stand up from the bed but she felt a strong hand wrap around her waist possessively.

She turned her gaze to look at Lucca who eyes were open staring possessively at her, and she gulp down and tried to stand up but he pulls her back making her fall back on the bed.

"Fucking leave me alone I need to go. Aurora said looking at Allessandro just kept staring at her this time codly.

He just didn't want to let her go. He hate the fact that he had to let her go.

Allessandro let go of her and she immediately stood up with the sheet wrap around her which was filled with blood.

Allessandro watch her every moment as she walked into the bathroom and he smirked as he remembered last night.

Last night was one of the best sex he has ever have and to even think she was a virgin is making him go crazy.

He wanted her again, he wanted her all to himself, and he was going to have her at all cost.

He has never been interested in any girl until now, and he Is not going to allow her to slip out of his hand.

He was the first man to get in between her legs, to see her nakedness and he is going to be the last man to see her naked.

He smirked evilly as he taught of things he was going to do to her when he finally claim her as his.

His eyes held promises you surely don't want to know about.

Dangerous promise at that.

Aurora came out of the bathroom wearing the previous dress she wore, and all this while Allessandro was staring at her.

With the way she was walking he know he really dealt with her last night. Well he was a man that liked it rough so he was not sorry about being hard on her.

His dark eyes roam around her delicious body wishing to have another sex with her.

"I need to go right now". She announced throwing his jacket towards him, and he close his eyes as he smelled the jacket.

'it smells exactly like her. He taught holding the jacket tightly to himself while Aurora just stared at him with a confused look.

If only she knows what is going on in his mind right now she will run for her dear life.

"Wait! He said as she was about to walked out of the room, and Aurora stopped turning around to look at him.

He stood up from the bed with just a singlet and a boxer, and Aurora quickly looked away from him.

"You forgot this". He said stretching out her tore pant with a smirk on his handsome face, and catherine gasped in embarrassment trying to take it away from her but alessandro didn't allow her instead he took it to his nose, and smelled it taking it to his nose he held it to himself.

"I like the smell, I am going to keep it with me". He said taking it to his nose again, and aurora frown In embarrassment.

"Good thing it is going to be the last time we are going to see each other. She said, and he chuckled darkly scaring the shit out of her.

"That is where you got it all wrong sweetheart because we are are going to see more often soon". He said smirking evilly which was not a good one.

She looked at him for some moments.

He seriously was not joking. His words showed it was a promise.

"What is with the delay? You don't wanna leave?" He raised his eyebrows, and she scoffed.

She walked few meters away, but she was pulled back into a hard chest.

She looked up, only to met with dark eyes staring at her.

"Be careful bouncing that ass around.... I hate others staring at what is mine" He said. His words was too serious, and scary at the same time.

She moved away from him, and quickly walked out.

She knows he was staring at her but she didn't dare turn around to look at those deadly eyes.

'He looked so scary. She taught as she walks outside, and she bend down shyly when she saw people staring at her due to the way she was walking.

She quickly rush out of the building, and almost immediately two of alessandro bodyguard move towards her bowing down and making her frown in confusion

"Please ma boss told us to drop you home, so please get into the car". One of them said, and catherine scoffs trying to walk away from her but they held her gently.

"Please ma, don't make this hard for us," He said, and aurora gently walked into the car while they rush to the car zooming off to their destination.

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