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The good for nothing witch princess picked up a werewolf sidekick

The good for nothing witch princess picked up a werewolf sidekick

moon phoenix


In the middle of the woods, where she kneeled with her head bowed as a group of kids surrounded her. They made fun of her as she tried to stand up but failed due to her weak knees, she has been kneeling there for two hours. "How can you be this weak, my diva?" one of the kids said, and the rest burst out laughing. They throw her eggs and pour a bucket of milk on her. She has been enduring this for years since she was born, her whole coven, her whole family hates her except her sister. ......................................................... Narcissa also known as a diva( a name given to her by her father), is the good-for-nothing daughter of the great witch queen, has no ability and energy to cast spells, she was outcasted and bullied by her whole coven. Until she found this interesting wolf, who stood up for her anytime she was bullied. (a moon novel series)

Chapter 1 Royalty or savages

I rob the washing cloth softly against my skin, the aromatic fragrance filled the air, I was still cleaning up when I heard the noise of dispute coming from my room.

I rushed out of the bathroom, I opened the door to my room in haste, only to see some of the male minors moving my belongings out of my room, Mary my handmade tried to stop them, but they won't listen to her.

"Halt" I commanded and they halted and

now slightly, that's punishable but since nobody respects me here, it counts as an honor.

"Why are you moving my things?" I asked confused.

"lady Narcissa, Princess Helena is having a royal visitor, she said to vacate your apartment," one of the male minors said

" But where am I going to stay? " I asked frustrated.

"She said you could stay in the traveler's lounge for the time being," the male minor said, I felt like killing her, why will she do this s to me, I already have the smallest room and only a maid while they have dozens of maid and large apartment.

"The princess also said Mary will have to serve the royal visitor for the main time, ", the minor said and that's the end line for Narcissa, she could only clench her first as Mary follow the minor obediently.


A little girl sat down lonely in the woods, playing the flute, when a young silver haired lady walk towards her, she sat down gentle beside the girl on a log of wood.

"Narcy "the young lady called and the girl stoped playing the flute.

" Why didn't you tell me Helena is still bullying you?" She asked worried as she gentle stroke the girl's cheeks.

The little girl sigh as she stare at her big sister, the tears which she has been pushing back since fell down freely down her cheeks.

She stared down at her feet, and her sister raised her chin up with the tip of her fingers.

"Talk to me, narcy , am your sister right?, you can tell me anything" she said looking hurt as she stared at the broken narcissa .

" Helena and the other kids made fun of me because I can't perform the cleaning spell" she said sobing.

The cleaning spell is known as the most easy spell to perform expecially in their coven.

Lucy sigh and drew narcissa closer to her chest stroking her back .

"There, there, narcy don't take it to heart okay?, To me you are a great witch, narcissa the great, hmm " Lucy said and she nodded smiling.


Narcissa stood beside the log smiling, at the memory, she wish her big sister is here, her expression change from happy to sadness.

What a pity Lucy was banish and exile from the clan, after violating one of rules,no witch is allowed to go to the city or outside world.

Her big sister Lucy was the next in line to the throne of the witches, she was smart, a good martial artist, a great spell caster, a wise leader, and a dutiful princess, she was nicknamed the beauty with brains.

She was narcy's role model, everyone loved her not until she violated the rule, everyone was disappointed in her, even queen mother, except narcissa.

No one understands Lucy (Lucia) only narcissa did.

"Hey loser " a high pitched voice called, narcissa knew the voice as much as she knew the owner.

She look back at her so called third sister Bianca , and as expected with her gang of idiots.

"Leave here right now we will like to have a tent here"Bianca said flaunting her wine coloured hair.

She stared at the crew with anger, Bianca her sister, Brittany the daughter of the right chief and Brenda the god daughter of the witch priest.

"Don't look at me like that GFN(good-for-nothing)"Brenda said smiling.

"Or I might slap you across your face" Brittany added.

Throughout the whole insult narcissa stood still fist clenched, pretending to be strong.

She walk away as they say but triped on nothing and fell to the floor hitting her forehead against a huge stone, she could hear their laughter including the servants , she felt a warm liquid running down her forehead, her vision became blurry and soon she couldn't see anything, darkness engulfed her vision........

How was this chapter let me know, I won't mind a little correction though... Love you XOXOXO

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The good for nothing witch princess picked up a werewolf sidekick

Chapter 1 Royalty or savages
