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Abandoned, Shifter

Abandoned, Shifter

S. Fox


Jordan Rogers didn't exactly have the picture perfect life. Abandoned at the age of three. Her foster family didn't exactly give a damn about her. Taking emotion and physical abuse. What happens when she turns fourteen and shifts into something she didn't even think existed. Wondering who she was and where she comes from come to light. when a stranger finds her naked, afraid and very confused in the woods. Not really understanding what was happening.

Chapter 1 My life


I stared at myself in the mirror of the bathroom. The bruise evident on my cheek. Using the compact I always keep handy to cover up the evidence. What's the point in even telling any adult. They call ahead to conduct an investigation giving the abusers time to cover up what they have done. Threatening the one who calls for help coaching them in what to say and how to say it. It's pointless, I just don't trust easy anymore not like I used to. I am extremely skittish and uneasy around any adult. You can't trust any of them, I mean my biological parents even couldn't be trusted leaving me on my own when I was little. I can't even remember who they are, Or what they looked like everything about that night was a blur.

But after that I came into the hands of my foster parents. Terrible people, They keep a lock on all of the cabinets even the damn refrigerator. They have to have complete control over everything. Including me so when I come home even a minute past curfew needless to say I get the daylights beat out of me. Nancy doesn't do the punishing. Her husband Eric Chase does and Let me tell you he doesn't hold back. Most of the foster kids listen and don't go against them. They hardly talk back or go out after school too afraid to get a beating. But that's not in me to be obedient. I am too far headstrong and stubborn. I don't like being told what to do by any adult. They can shove that up their ass. I used to be scared and afraid of what would happen if I wouldn't listen or talk back. But frankly I don't care anymore, I am done being an obedient child, I'm done being told what to do, And I am done being controlled. I have become numb to the pain of beatings I just don't give a rats ass about their rules anymore.

They only salvation from these people is school. And after school to wander the woods or town. But lately I have been noticing something odd happening to me. My hearing for example I can hear every word of what Nancy is saying two floors down from my room. The exact conversation. My sight has become so clear way past 20/20 vision.

And smell lets just say if you didn't shower the day before I can certainly smell it.

"Jordan hurry up or you'll be late for school!" I hear Nancy yell I cover my ears because damn did that freaking hurt.

I finish covering up the bruise and grab my backpack and rush down the stairs. Not even sparing a glance at her or Eric. I open the front door and walk to school.

I make it to my first class just in time for the bell to ring. I don't let on that the noise hurts like hell.

"Okay class where did we leave off yesterday. Oh yes the French Revolution." Mr. Clearly says

I kind of tune him out as I stare out the window. I mean how much longer can I last in this environment. I should hate my life but I don't I just want to be free away from all the bull shit. From the liars and adults. I mean who can you really trust if you can't even trust the people who are supposed to protect you? No one I suppose.

"Miss Roberts!" I hear Mr Clearly yell

I slowly drag my eyes away from outside.

"Yeah?" I ask

"Pay attention I'm not explaining this lesson for the good of my health." He says with anger behind it. Mr Clearly is a angry teacher all the time. My opinion he hates his job probably thought he would make it as a collage professor but instead got landed with a job teaching snot nose teenagers. I don't blame him for that. I would be pissed off at the world too.

The bell finally rings to go to the next class I decided to skip it. Gym class isn't my thing. I mean running yeah I could run lap around everyone. Playing sports it's alright just not too into it. It doesn't really excite me. It's even pointless to even be graded on it. Participation is the grade it virtually makes no sense how is learning to climb a robe going to help you land a job in the real world? seems ridiculous if you ask me.

I am currently sitting under a tree sketching a scenery picture it's in the woods. Nothing but trees and wild flowers blooming.

"Wow that's good." I hear a voice from beside me

My head snaps in that direction. It was a boy about my age. He had jet black hair, And his eyes were the shade of Jade. I've never seen him before.

"Sorry I didn't mean to intrude." He smiles at me

"It's alright." I say closing my sketch pad.

"I'm Zane Summers." He says with his hand out.

"Jordan." I say shaking his hand

Something seems off about him and I can't really pinpoint it. But their definitely something off.

"Sorry to bother you but I'm kind of lost I'm looking for the principles office I'm new." He says with a little bit of embarrassment.

I stand up. "Sure I can show you." I said heading in the direction of the office with him walking right next to me. I don't know why but all the hair on the back of my neck is standing up. Something about this guy is making me uneasy And I don't like it.

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