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Thrilling Romance: Alive or Dead

Thrilling Romance: Alive or Dead

A. A. Lawrence


Ashlynn feels like she has it all, but slowly realizes after a series of events she is longing for a family and answers.

Chapter 1 Dreaded Monday

Alarm ringing loudly. Ashlynn so badly wanted to ignore it. The night before was restless and uneasy. She felt as though someone was watching her. As the alarm rings on, a very exsausted Ashlynn groans and sits up. Rubbing her eyes and looks at the time. 5am. Ugh rolling her eyes she climbs out of bed. Having to leave for her job on this Monday seemed like a chore. Ashlynn usually loved her job at the law firm but recently a new hire has really pushed her.

Ashlynn picked out her causual wear for the office, black pants, her favorite blue blouse, some cute panties and a matching bra and headed to the shower. She was by no means skinny, but not overly large. She had a full hour glass figure with extra fluff in all the right places. Her long strawberry blond hair had waves for days and her bright blue eyes sparkled in the light. She had a baby face and was often mistaken for a teenager despite being 27. With her fair skin she didnt do much for makeup except making her eyes pop. Winged eyeliner and some black mascara was her usual face. After her shower and getting dressed she looked back at the clock. 5:45am. Ugh She was really dreading going to the office today. Grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

Ashlynn works for the top lawfirm, currently working as the head legal assistant she meets all walks of life. The law office of Murphy and Sons takes on all legal matters. She began working there after college. Attorney Steven Murphy and her parents were best friends growing up, and when Steven knew Ashlynn wanted to be a lawyer he took her on in the office while she attend law school. She was quickly able to show how smart and capable she was and after a few short years moved to the Head legel Assistant in the office. She was satisfied where she was in life for the moment and after her parents death in a double homicide last year, she took a break from law school.

They believed the person who murdered her parents was a former defendant of Mr. Bryne when he worked for the DA. This fear really shocked Ashlynn, they still havent caught the man responsible and it really made her rethink if she truly wanted to have her name out there as an attorney or just be the work behind the name and face. She did love working for the team and at this moment was not in any hurry to finish Law school. Attorney Murphy understood and loved having her in the office. She was single, no kids or family left. Her salary was perfect for just her.

As Ashlynn arrived to the office she saw him. Benjamin Holden. CEO and family heir of Holden Industries. The largest company in Country. He was tall, muscluar, beautiful blue eyes, dark hair and trimmed beard. He was about 6'2 to Ashlynn's 5'4 so she had to look up at him.

Why Hello Mr. Holden? What brings you over to the firm so early? Ashlynn questioned. Hello Ms. Bryne, I was actually hoping to catch you. I wanted to see if you were able to meet me over some coffee to discuss our newest legal contract. I had a few questions. Benji firmly stated. Ashlynn looked very concerned as she drafted that contract herself with all the requests Holden Industries wanted. Benji couldnt help but see the concern on her face. It was so cute. He wanted to reassure her but did not want her to say no to his coffee proposal. I assure you it has everything we had asked for Ms. Bryne I just wanted to gather some further imput from you. I see how much you care for your work and I wanted to discuss a few things, off the record so to speak. I want to ensure a few things before I bring it back to the board. Please accept my offer for coffee?

In reality he just wanted to get to know her more, his company has been a client of the firm for years, but only recently has he seen this beautiful women. 6 months ago she came to his office to go over a new legal contract for a new project. The moment I laid eyes on her I could not stop thinking of her. Her beauty was so pure. Barely any make up and her eyes. They just drew you in so deep. I felt whenever we made eye contact she was looking deep into my soul. I needed to know more about this women. Jasper my assistant did some digging. He provided a full report.

*** Ashlynn Bryne 27yo. Law student in her 3rd year. Head Legal Assistant at Murphy and Sons' law firm, has been there for 5 years, since she graduated college. Has a Bachelors of arts in business with a duel major in psychology. Graduated top of her class. Her childhood seemed pretty normal for a middle upper class family. Her parents before their death were prominent in the community. Her father Cullen Bryne worked as the District Attorney for a number of years and her mother, Katheryn Bryne was a teacher. She was an only child and has no other family. Her parents also both only children. Her parents died 1 year ago, it was a double homicide. The suspect is still at large and is believed to be a former defendant in one of Attonrey Bryne's major cases while a DA. Ashlynn was away during the murder, studying a semester in Europe. ***

Ashlynn thought about this offer of coffee, it was unusual for the CEO to come by personally and alone before the firm opened up. She liked to get into the officer before everyone else so she can organize her tasks for the day. Okay, she said. I have about 30 minutes before we actually open for the day. Where shall we go Mr. Holden?

Please call me Benji, I was thinking of Buena Vista just down the road. I would hate to discuss any business matters in public and I have a VIP room there. Benji explained. Ashlynn agreed and they walked the half a block to the restaurant.

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