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Author Hassy


It was Love at first sight for Angelina. Zach possessed all the features Angelina desired in a man. She met him on the first day she got a job as a maid in his house. Angelina and Zach had a one night stand on his birthday, he had mistaken her for his Actress girlfriend on that night. Her Joy knew no bound, she thought Zach would fall in love with her after the night but things didn’t go the way she had predicted. Zach’s life became so complicated when he discovered Angelina was pregnant for him. But for Angelina, it was a dream come true. What happens when Zach’s girlfriend finds out his maid is pregnant for him?

Chapter 1 Thrilled off

The door creaked and a dazzling man showed up wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist as drops of water fell from his hair down to his burly shoulders and went to his hard Abdomen.

Angelina bit her lip seeing Zach standing in front of her. His Stern eyes greeted her while She held the tray of Cookies he asked her to drop by.

“ Honey” She was trilled off when she heard a soft voice that obviously came from a girl inside. “ Sweetie, is the Snack we ordered already arrived?” She asked.

Angelina twitched in shock, A woman came out of nowhere wearing only a bathrobe, then seductively hugged him from behind. Her eyes drifted to Zach’s hand, it crept on the woman’s waist and then glanced at her.

Angelina knew her, She’s the new rising Star in the film industry. She saw one of her interviews and the reporter asked her if she already had a boyfriend or a crush on showbiz yet she said she have none. But then when Zach’s name was spoken out by the reporter, she was thrilled.

She could even remember how Lara told everyone that she didn’t mind having a one-night-stand with Zach a CEO, more likely a Billionaire.

Lara Lucas also known as Lady L. That was her name. Many people Admired and wanted her, she’s pretty and curvy. Angelina never imagine that was Zach’s wants in a girl, no wonder they are always seen together.

Her head went down, She bit her lower lip as the excitement and agitation She had disappeared. Hence, Zach Sneered.

“ What is she doing?” Lara whispered in his ears. Zach gave Angelina a disgusting look, like She was trash he would never look at. “ She’s My servant, forget about her existence” His voice becomes sweet when he’s talking to her.

He gestured to her to give him the Cookies while giving her a Stern look. She handed it over to him and watched as he wrapped his hand around her waist and shun the door on her.

Just an hour ago, Angelina received a message from Zach to see him. She thought he had already changed his mind. She thought he remembered their one-night-stand and assumed he wanted to have dinner with her.

A stab pierced Her heart , it’s painful and heartbreaking. She veered around and let the two enjoy the night even if her heart was crying due to heartbreak.

She thought after what happened to them on his birthday he would now consider her and Mary her. He would look at her like she was a flower he’d see amid cactuses around her.

Like She was sunshine in his dark and cold surrounding. Yet, turns out she was only assuming because of his mixed signals.

Tears started to roll down her eyes. She had boasted about having dinner with the Boss to her co-maids. She remembered one of them laughing at her to quit dreaming.

“ Damn… I knew it!” She whispered silently whilst sitting down on the bench in the garden. She looked up at the sky as the stars trickled down her face. Her make-up was now ruined and she bet she became ugly because of it.

“ How would I face them?” Was the only thing running through her mind. Angelina has longed for that moment and she thought her stars were already shining when she got a call from him.

“ Angelina, what’s wrong?” a soft hand tapped her on the shoulder. Angelina quickly cleaned the tears on her face and turned around faking a smile.

A young lady sat down on the bench holding Angelina’s hand. She was wearing the type of dress Angelina was wearing. It was a short black gown with a white apron indicating they were maids in the billionaire's house.

“ How did the Dinner went?” She asked Angelina. She didn’t know the answer to give to the maid, Angelina wished that day had never came.

“ Angelina, I’m talking to you” She tapped her on the shoulder. Angelina looked at her and faked a smile.

“ It… It didn’t go as I had thought” Fresh tears rolled down her face. “ Aww girl, so sorry” She Sniffed and cleaned the tears on her face.

“ I thought Zach was going to talk to me about that night. I thought he would tell me he is in love with me and… and” She covered her face with her palms.

“ Come on Girl, I already told you that Zach won’t have anything to do with you. It was an Accident that he slept with you that day. He wouldn’t have if he knew it was you. A mere maid” She Scoffed.

“ I know I’m just a maid here, his servant. But can’t he at least sees the love I have for him? I’ve been showing it to him ever since I came here. I thought after that night, everything would change” She sobbed.

“ Didn’t I told you to quit dreaming? That night, I warned you not to go to his room but you turned deaf ears to my words and went there. Can you now see the result? He slept with you for nothing”

“ Stop saying that, Nicky.” Angelina snapped at her. “ What if Zach loves me? What if he’s doing all this because of his girlfriend?” She stood up.

“ You know what? I’m tired of all this. The only words Coming out from your mouths is, Zach won’t Marry you. Zach won’t even fall in love with you” She sighed Angrily.

“ Chill girl, Chill. It’s the truth. You are not the first person to have a crush on Zach. Many maids left this house because of that. I once had a crush on him too but now I know better.” Nicky stood up from he bench.

“ My words for you again, Angelina. Stay out of this, you are only hurting yourself for nothing” She Shook her head and walked away.

“ What should I do now? I’ve always try to take him out of my mind but I just can’t. The memory of that night keep coming back” She squats and heels her head with her hands. “ I love him” She sobbed.

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