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Waiting for you forever

Waiting for you forever

Didi writes8


In a captivating tale of forbidden love, a wealthy young boy finds himself captivated by a girl who has arrived in the country to be with her younger sister. As they spend time together, their connection deepens, and love begins to blossom between them. However, their budding romance faces significant obstacles. The girl's family struggles with poverty, while the boy's affluent family strongly opposes their union. Despite the challenges and opposition they face, their love remains strong as they navigate the complex dynamics of their divergent backgrounds. Their determination to be together will put their love to the test, and only time will tell if they can overcome the barriers that stand in their way.

Chapter 1 When we first met!


The streets of Paris unfurled before me, a tapestry of sights and sounds, as I took my first steps in this magical city.

My name is Jupiter, and I had embarked on a journey across oceans and continents, leaving behind the familiar for a chance at a new beginning.

As I walked along the cobblestone streets, my heart swelled with a mix of trepidation and excitement. Paris, with its grandeur and mystique, offered the promise of endless possibilities.

It was here that I aimed to forge my path, to embrace the freedom to be who I truly was. Lost in my thoughts, I rounded a corner and suddenly found myself face-to-face with a man who emanated an air of elegance and wealth. His impeccable attire and confident demeanor captivated me, but it was his eyes that held my gaze.

A kaleidoscope of colors, hazel flecked with gold, revealed a depth that seemed to reflect the very essence of his soul. In that instant, time stood still.

Our eyes locked, creating an intangible connection that resonated through my being. It was as if the universe conspired to bring us together, to intertwine our lives in this vibrant city.

But like a whisper caught in the wind, the moment slipped away too soon. A bustling crowd swept between us, obscuring the enigmatic stranger from view. My heart raced with a mixture of disappointment and intrigue, eager to unravel the mystery that had unfolded in those brief seconds.

I couldn't shake the feeling that our encounter held significance, that this chance meeting had the power to alter the course of my life. Who was he, this man who seemed both familiar and unknown?

What secrets lay behind those piercing eyes that had captured my attention so effortlessly? Driven by curiosity and a deep yearning to understand, I embarked on a journey through the enchanting streets of Paris. Each cobblestone I tread upon felt like a step closer to unraveling the enigma that had entered my life.

I wandered through quaint cafes and historic landmarks, hoping to catch another glimpse of the captivating stranger who had ignited something within me. As the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over the city's timeless beauty, I carried with me the memory of that serendipitous encounter. It resonated within my core, an unspoken promise that our paths would cross once more. With a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty, I embraced the beginning of my Parisian chapter, eager to discover where fate would lead me next.


Eric's Point of View

The walls of the mansion closed in on me, suffocating my dreams and stifling my desires. The weight of my father's expectations pressed upon my shoulders, an invisible burden that threatened to shatter my sense of self. I yearned for an escape, a sanctuary where I could breathe freely and discover my own path. Anger fueled my steps as I stormed out of the mansion, leaving behind the grandeur and the suffocating air of privilege.

Paris beckoned me, its streets offering a refuge from the suffocating traditions that threatened to confine my life.

Through the winding alleys, I found myself drawn to an art gallery.

Its vibrant colors and expressive strokes seemed to offer an escape, a world where emotions could be laid bare.

With a mixture of frustration and curiosity, I stepped inside, hoping to find solace within the gallery's walls.

It was amidst those captivating works of art that my gaze locked with a girl, a breathtaking vision of beauty and strength.

Her presence intrigued me, and her eyes held a depth that mirrored my own struggles.

There was something about her that drew me in—an unspoken understanding that we were both searching for our own truth.

Approaching her, I couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I murmured, my voice laced with the weariness of my battles.

She turned her gaze towards me, surprise flickering in her eyes!

I felt weak!.

"Yes, it truly is," she replied, her voice carrying a gentleness that soothed the turmoil within me.

“My name is Eric what is your name ?”

“Jupiter jones nice to meet ya “ she said stretching her hands out with a big smile

Her words resonated with my own desire to find beauty amidst the chaos. Together, we ventured through the gallery, exploring the depths of artistic expression. In each stroke and canvas, we discovered fragments of our own souls, pieces of our identities that had long been suppressed. We shared our dreams, fears, and the weight of our individual struggles, finding solace in each other's vulnerability. Jupiter became my confidante, a beacon of strength in a world that demanded conformity. Her unwavering spirit and unwavering belief in authenticity ignited a spark of courage within me. In her presence, I realized that the path I longed to follow, one that deviated from my father's expectations, was worth fighting for. As we navigated the gallery's halls, our connection deepened. I found in Jupiter a kindred spirit, someone who understood the battles I faced and encouraged me to embrace my true self.

She shattered the walls of privilege that confined me, reminding me that true happiness could only be found by following the path that resonated with my own heart.. Little did I know that Our meeting, born out of frustration and rebellion, had set into motion a journey of self-discovery and a love that would transcend the boundaries of societal norms.

Jupiter POV……

Chapter 3: An Unexpected Departure - Jupiter's Point of View Leaving the art gallery with Eric, a whirlwind of emotions consumed me.

There was an unspoken connection between us, a magnetic pull that defied explanation. Yet, as the moments ticked away, a sense of urgency stirred within me.

I glanced at my watch, realizing with a jolt that I was running late for my shift as a waitress. Panic surged through my veins, threatening to disrupt the fragile balance we had found.

The reality of my responsibilities crashed against the euphoria of our meeting, a collision that left me torn between desire and duty. My heart pounded in my chest as I turned to Eric, my voice trembling with regret.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," I murmured, my words barely audible.

Confusion flickered in his eyes, and he reached out to grasp my hand gently.

"But we just met," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of disappointment and longing. I nodded, my heart aching with the need to explain.

"I have a job as a waitress, and I'm already late. I can't risk losing it."

In that moment, time seemed to stand still. I could see the conflict etched upon Eric's face, the struggle between understanding and the desire to keep me by his side. But duty called, and I knew I couldn't ignore its persistent beckoning. Reluctantly, I released his hand, the loss of his touch leaving an emptiness within me. "I hope we'll meet again," I whispered, my voice heavy with the unspoken hope of our reunion.

With one last longing glance, I turned away and hurried into the bustling streets of Paris, leaving behind the enigmatic stranger who had ignited something profound within me.

The sound of my own footsteps echoed in my ears, a reminder of the path I had chosen and the sacrifices I had to make. As I rushed to my workplace, my mind couldn't help but drift back to the art gallery and the stolen moments with Eric.

The uncertainty of our future gnawed at me, and I found myself yearning for the day when our paths would cross again, hoping that fate would weave its magic once more.

In the depths of my heart, I held onto the belief that our connection was destined to endure, even amidst the challenges and the currents of life that threatened to tear us apart. As a newfound determination settled within me, I vowed to face the hurdles ahead, fueled by the memory of our encounter and the hope of a future where our love could truly blossom.

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