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His Unknown Wife

His Unknown Wife

Saviya Syed


This is a story of Serah, who had an awesome life until someone related to her committed a mistake and she ended up paying for that person's mistakes. A story of Michael who was heart broken when his love left him mid way and he was forced to do something terrible only for the sake of his family and society.

Chapter 1 Introduction


I had multiple feelings right now I could not wait for her to enter the aisle and I could make her forever mine. This was all planned long back she wanted everything to be so perfect that she could not stop working on this. Olivia was always very particular about her personal things be it her hair, her makeup, her dressing. All had to be perfect or not be at all, also the fact that she let me be to myself and work on my own was the most relieving thing ever.

I was expecting Olivia to enter and this would be done with in some time and not take too long as I had to fly for a meeting and was to take Olivia with me but the meeting was canceled and I had to tell the same to her so she can plan something for the rest of the few days.

My Mother did not like her for some reason as she thought I was making this marriage decision too quickly but as the time passed my mother too realized that she really was a good match for me, she still have a lot of doubt but she was happy for me.

I could see everyone waiting with all the patience, and then suddenly the music was on, soon the whole room was filled with beautiful music and everyone looked at the entrance to see the bride arrive, but instead of Olivia, I saw one of the most beautiful girl walking with heavy steps and was searching for something or someone. I looked at her like I had my eyes glued on her. She reminded me of someone. I very well knew I had seen her somewhere else before.I saw her worried face and she was avoiding having any eye contact with me. I wondered if anything bothered her.

She walked towards me as though she was either forced to do so or she was not interested to do that. I should not be worried about that but her dress was complimenting her face more beautifully. He hair were in a loose bun and one of those tied hair had made its way out and was following the air direction. She looked at me once or twice and was trying her best to keep a smiling face she was hesitating while she did that to greet people around her and the people present there got suspicious as Olivia was taking too long to enter as everyone there expected Olivia to follow Serah.

The music suddenly stopped, and people started to look worried. In the midst of all the hassle going on I admired looking at her, I could see how beautifully she was crafted, well that might not be the right word, but she really did look beautiful. I also observed that almost everyone in the room looked at her as though she was the center of attraction.

I could not take my eyes off her as I was drowned so much in her. I knew something was wrong and she was worried about something. She did look at me once, but she immediately looked away like she was avoiding making an eye contact with me. But I was not sure if she would remember me.

She walked ahead and then saw someone in the crowd and went to talk to her. She bends down and whispered something to Olivia’s Mother Amber. I could see Amber shocked but my whole concentration was still on her. Amber stood and looked at the crowd and started to walk out of the gathering. I saw that girl stand there for some time. She again gave a brief glace at me and looked away.

Why isn't she mine.!!!

What why what why isn't she mine have I become a pervert already….

This thought bought me to reality.

"Damn you Michael what are you thinking she is not yours" I mentally scolded myself.

I also knew somewhere this was wrong of mr and I should not be behaving this way just some time before my own wedding I was not being disrespectful to anyone but I also don't want to ignore this women.

My attention then shifted to see her now follow Amber and I was stressed I was not sure what was going on and when I looked at my mother, she had a face that defined only one thing, that I was in some big trouble for not considering her decisions. I closed my eyes and gave a slight nod with my head to confirm my mother that I shall soon find out what was going one. I could not see what's the issue but my mother was not liking any of this my mum is a little orthodox and does not appreciate more delay in some auspicious celebration. It was not like a mother hated Olivia it was just that she was not sure about me and her as a couple. My mother told she never saw that sparkle between the two of us that a married couple should have she liked the fact that I was settling finally because i thought I was ready for it and Olivia and I were having a good bond that can be taken forward. We both knew that we also have personal boundaries and we need to respect that we never interfered in each other's life and I thought it was cool but not my mum.

I walked behind the two ladies and yelled “Amber”. Both turned back and looked at me and I took a deep breath pushing all the thoughts and urges to talk to this girl. I walked pass her and quickly walked to Amber.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"Can we talk Inside" she said pointing at Olivia's room.

I nodded my head and said, “after you”.

While we walked inside, I saw that girl follow us inside. With the current situation that was going on here in front of me and inside my damn head, she being present around me and Olivia would just be a mess for me.

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