"Breaking the Mold of the Closet" is a story about a 17 year old's journey to self discovery and acceptance. The protagonist struggles to share their sexual identity and is afraid to share their true self with family. The story explores the protagonist's fears, doubts, love stories, and challenges.
Nhlangi is a 17 year old girl, living my life according to those who live in it. I lives with my mother and baby brother (Jason) whom i'm 10 years older than. I'm in grade 11, i'm repeating the grade. My father lives with another woman and his other children, he was an abusive husband and now an absent father. Well, i do ask for some money sometimes, and he does give me some sometimes. I'm lesbian but only my girlfriend and friends know even though i told them that my parents know and that they are fine with it.
I don't really have a good relationship with my mother but i have something good going with my father even though he's hardly here for me. I once told him that i like girls but he just brushed me off and said "you are still young to know that" that's how much we were close. I suffer with some mental issues such as anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse. I used to smoke heavily, cigarette and weed. I've been clean for 5 full months but i found another escape, which is alcohol. I tend to thug everything out and just pour a glass of vodka or gin because i love the burning sensation on your throat and how fast it works.