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This Life Chose Me

This Life Chose Me

Ane Walters


A 19-year-old girl, Clara ,finds herself ensnared in a web of manipulation as she is tricked into marriage. Plunged into a loveless union with a much older man, her heart longs for a connection she never anticipated. As time passes, fate intertwines her path with that of her husband's charismatic and kind-hearted son, Is their forbidden love strong enough to conquer all?

Chapter 1 The flashback

I stood there thinking about all the things he could do to me had I been his. It was only until I heard Paul’s voice that I was drawn back into the sad and depressing reality known as my life. “What extraordinary delicacy did my wife prepare for me today?”, Paul asked. All the happiness I felt a second ago departed me as I heard him say those words. As unwilling as I was, I moved my eyes from the sight of Jay working out shirtless to look at this old, unattractive and apathetic man who happened to be my husband.

As I followed him to the kitchen, I asked myself, “ How did I end up like this?”. I dished up for both of us and we sat around the dinning table. As we were eating, Paul started talking about how the country’s economy is crashing and everything involving politics. Then is hit me. My life flashed before my eyes and I started to recall how I ended up here.

It all started when I was very young. I grew up in the care of my grandfather and had never met my mom. I was told she was dead but deep inside, I had always wished for that to be a lie. Paul is a very well known and respected politician in the community where I grew up so he would often visit to campaign whenever the local elections were approaching. That is how he got to know my grandfather. My grandfather had a great interest in politics and was even a greater supporter of Paul. One day during his campaign, he decided to give out food parcels to the community and I grandfather and I were amongst the people lucky enough to receive food parcels from Paul himself. After that encounter, Paul’s visit to my household became very often. I would ask my grandfather why he would come without any food parcels and all he would say to me was, “I am securing your future”. Whenever Paul would visit, he would say to me “ How are you my tiny wife?” and I would innocently reply “ I am fine”. What did I know at the time? I was 10 years old for GOD sake.

Two months after I had completed my secondary school, my grandfather sat me down and asked me what I would want to do with my life. “ I want to go to school and further my education”, I said. “ I don’t have money to take you to school but I have managed to find you a job, perhaps you can save from there and take yourself to school” he replied. I was so happy because this meant that not all hope was lost and I was even happier when l learnt that my employer would be Paul. “He is a rich man, I bet he will pay me well", I thought to myself. My grandfather assured me that I would be trained on the job so I didn’t need to worry about not having any office skills.

Shortly after , Paul arrived at my house ready to pick me up. I was surprised how all this was happening. I packed my clothes and hugged my grandfather goodbye and left with Paul in excitement to open a new chapter in my life. On our way to his house, he would casually call me his wife and I would reply. It was kind of a norm now. After all, he had been calling me that since I was a kid. The rest of the drive was pretty smooth. We got to his house and I settled in without any difficulties.

During the night as I was sleeping, I felt warmth hovering over my thighs and I was shocked to see Paul laying beside me in nothing but his briefs as I turned my head. I tried to get off the bed but failed as he intensified his grip on my thighs. I tried to fight my way out by kicking his abdomen but he overpowered me and landed a punch on my face. “Do you want to deny me of what is rightfully mine", he asked angrily. “You belong to me now and I can do anything I want with you", he yelled. He stood up and opened the bottom drawer beside my bed where he took out a paper and threw it at me. “You better behave when I get back", he said as he exited the room. Upon reading the contents of the paper, I learned that my grandfather had married me off to Paul as the paper I was reading was my marriage certificate. It had both the signatures of my grandfather and Paul as well as my bride price and the terms and conditions of our marriage, that my grandfather would be jailed if I ever left him.

I broke into tears as I tried to digest what I had just read. Just then, Paul walked in. He pulled me by my ankles and laid me flat on my back. I tried pleading with him to let me go. “Please don’t do this, I’m still a virgin”, I cried. “ I’m only seventeen” I added. All my pleading was in vain as I found myself experiencing the worst type of pain possible. With each stroke he delivered it felt like my vagina was being ripped apart. I cried throughout the whole session and he continued while his sweat dripped on me, clearly unbothered by my tears. After he was done he collapsed beside me and started snoring almost immediately. Since then he has denied me the opportunity to further my education and see my grandfather.

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