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Severed wings

Severed wings



A young adult whose life revolved around finding solace in men led her in a position whereby she realizes that she has destroyed her life and seeks for a reboot

Chapter 1 Where it all began

Lola has always thought that she was a blessing, a gift that the Lord had brought to earth. She was living in her delusional world where she was the main character always. She always felt like she was different from other kids in her area, from almost drowning to death and being saved in the nick of time and experiencing supernatural phenomenon always, she felt really

Special . As a happy child she lived with her grandparents as well as her aunts and uncles.

Her mother was not around, she was working in another city to inorder to earn a living.

Her father denied her while she was still in her mother's womb. Even though Lola grew up knowing who her father was the first and last time she saw him was when she had broken her handed and needed transportation to go to the hospital. The man literally just dropped her off at the hospital and left, luckily Lola was with her grandfather but this left her really shattered. At that age she didn't understand buh as she grew older she understood that she has always longed for a father who was never there for her. What really broke her was that she was in the same school as her younger half brother whom she was always jealous of because she felt like he took all the love she was supposed to be getting from her father.

Despite being displeased by her father, her father's family really cared for her and as old as she has grown now she wants to reconcile with her father family as she left them at a younger age. Even though Lola lived in a happy household she faced troubles no other kid should face. From being molested by her uncle and groomed to be a porn addict she faced difficult times.

She really didn't understand anything, she thought the things that were done to her were completely normal until she grew older and realized that she had been victimized. She never dared to tell anyone about what happened to her

as she also saw her cousin be molested by the same uncle who was in senior year

She really loved her grandparents but unfortunately they died one after another.

First it was her favorite grandmother who died while she went to school and never got to say her last goodbyes to. She is still tormented by the fact that she didn't realize her grandmother's condition the night before she died, the signs were there but she was a child she couldn't have noticed. They were planning her favorite songs and they danced almost the entire night , she was happy, she was dancing, she was smiling so gratefully, how could she have noticed that she was not feeling well.

After her grandmother's death she had to go and live with her mother who had remarried and become a mother, but she soon turned into a widow as her husband died. Her mother also faced challenges along the way. She was denied access to Lola by her new in laws because they didn't want their son to raise man's child. They were always abusing her verbally calling her all sorts of names until she decided to move out with her husband who soon died after the move. Even so the hate continued, she managed to heal and find companion who made her life miserable.

When Lola relocated to her mother's house she had a younger brother and a new stepfather.

Whenever the stepfather got drunk he would take out knives and threaten her mother with it. Ever since these incidents Lola has always hated her stepfather, her mother continued to live with him despite everything that happened and she never understood why.

Life continued as usual and Lola enrolled in another school where she met someone whom she has always admired her entire life, her friend Amy who now is living a luxurious nightlife and had forgotten about her. She always made friends with another girl who came from a rich family whom she always envied .

In school Lola would always lie about her home background as she was ashamed of it, and as she lived far she always thought that she would get away with her life but it eventually caught up to her when she was in middle school.

Lola was always comparing herself to other kids at school because the majority of them came from really well off families, so she felt like she was the one that was supposed to be lucky.

Fast forward Lola has now entered the early stages of puberty and was enrolling in a new high school, where she was constantly bullied for her good grades and good looks.

Girls from her school were always jealous of her and always threatened to burn or scrape her face because they believed that she was taking their boyfriends where infact she was always rejecting them.

She then had a really huge crush on this other boy who led a choir in her school and like any other teenager she believed that she was madly in love.

From always stalking him to embarrassing herself infront of people, she never gave up. Until the boy started to exploit her of money , she gave in, she gave in until she couldn't give in anymore and realized that the boy was a bum and decided to let go.

Lola was always getting into fights in school because of boys whom she actually never like. The girls always made sure to sabotage her whenever she went and because she was a quiet person she always had to take all the abuse in because she believed that it would end.

She then made a friend whom she trusted until she betrayed her and started to spread rumors that she was getting well with the boys and that the school year with her being pregnant but those words she used to curse Lola seemed to have turned back on her as she was the one who ended up getting pregnant and being ridiculed by the whole school.

Lola became the teachers favorite within a blink of an eye because of her good marks and good manners. As a girl whose full of love Lola continued to make a new friend whom later betrayed her by first boyfriend whom she never liked. Even though she did not really like her boyfriend Lola felt betrayed because she trusted her friend and she betrayed her trust by telling Lola's boyfriend that Lola didn't like him and proceeded to kiss him.

After that incident Lola cut ties with the girl and made a new friend, seems like she never learns her lesson.

But this one was different, this is the only friend that never betrayed her. Lola and Anna met in their classroom and have since became bestfriends.

Within this timeframe Lola met a guy whom she liked, the guy was older than her and she was in the 9th grade, he was in college ,yes I know what you are all thinking definitely a pedo.

As a teenager her body was always Changing and she was experiencing some feelings that were unusual to her and one day she did something that would forever remain in her head , taking her virginity with a barbie doll. Yes, she did. She dismembered the poor barbie's leg and put it inside her.

And on her 14th birthday she slept with a guy for the first time, yes it's the guy we're all thinking about. As per usual the guy was always using her for her body and as you all have noticed that she is delusional, she truly believed that she loved him . She had experienced a guy for the first time and the guy turned out to be a loser and as per usual the guy's flavor was slowly rubbing off of her and this is where the all her problems starting to emerge including her past experiences.

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