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Bianca, a young and impoverished girl, finds herself working tirelessly for a health tea company in a bid to improve her circumstances. Despite her challenging background, Bianca's determination and work ethic shine through as she pours her heart into her job, dreaming of a better future. One fateful day, Bianca is assigned to handle a new client, a wealthy and influential billionaire named Luca. The two cross paths at the company, and an instant connection sparks between them. Luca, who is also recovering from a painful heartbreak, is captivated by Bianca's genuine nature and unwavering commitment to her work. As Bianca and Luca interact more frequently, their connection deepens, and they find solace in each other's company. Their shared experiences of heartbreak create a bond, allowing them to understand and support one another during their healing processes. Meanwhile, Bianca's hard work and dedication catch the attention of her superiors, who recognize her talent and commitment. She is promoted to a higher position within the company, increasing her responsibilities and opportunities for growth. Amidst their growing professional success, Bianca and Luca navigate their budding romance cautiously. They are both aware of the wounds left by their previous relationships, and they approach their newfound love with caution. However, as they spend more time together and open up about their pasts, they realize that their connection is strong and worth exploring further. Together, Bianca and Luca embark on a journey of healing and personal growth. Their shared experiences of heartbreak serve as a foundation for their relationship, enabling them to support and understand each other on a deeper level. As they navigate the challenges of their pasts and the pressures of their present lives, they find strength in each other's love and support. In the end, Bianca's perseverance pays off as she not only finds love but also achieves professional success. Through their shared experiences and unwavering commitment to one another, Bianca and Luca prove that true love and personal growth can emerge from the ashes of heartbreak, creating a brighter and more fulfilling future together.


Bianca Sofia sat in the bustling boiler room, surrounded by telemarketers passionately pitching the Panda tea product to potential customers. Her day had been filled with countless rejections and annoyed responses. She had managed to irritate women in Milton, angry men in Vancouver, and even disturbed the peaceful slumber of dreamers in Texas . However, there was a silver lining amidst the chaos. At least Mr. Giovanni had given her a chance to introduce the product before hanging up on her.

As the door swung open, Bianca's friend and fellow telemarketer, Carlo Matteo, entered the room with popcorn in hand. Her young son, Junior, clutched a popsicle, happy to join in on the action.

"Back from your lunch break, I see," Bianca turned her chair to face Carlo's table next to hers.

"Lunch break isn't enough. When do you finish your shift today?" Carol asked, offering Bianca some popcorn.

"In a minute. I just ticked off the last victim of our terrible torture," Bianca grinned, causing Carol to nod proudly. The night shift may not be easy, but at least the number of calls is lower.

"Those Pandamites better get used to us," Carol cheered, waving her hands in the air. Her son requested water, and she directed him towards the dispenser at a distance. Junior happily trotted away, resembling a lost camel in the Sahara.

"I better inform Aldo that I'm leaving," Bianca said, standing up. She quickly packed her belongings into her work bag and kissed Carol on the cheek.

"Dinner is on me tonight," Carol offered. With that, Bianca hurried out of the boiler room, shutting down her computer. The next person on the morning shift could easily turn it on. She ascended the winding steps to her boss's office, the Vice President of Good Health Tea, Aldo Marco. Over the years, they had developed a friendly relationship, and Aldo had grown fond of Bianca ever since he hired her as an intern.

Relief washed over Bianca as she spotted Aldo's wooden door. She knocked twice, and it swung open, allowing her to enter with confidence.

"Miss Alice," Aldo greeted, motioning towards the chair in front of him. Bianca sat down, realizing that Aldo had something to discuss if he wanted her to stay.

I'm still here Bianca said. Aldo, a fish enthusiast in his late forties, had become more than just a boss; he was a friend.

"You know I always make time for you," Aldo replied, putting his pen down and leaning against his leather chair. "Are you heading home now?"

"Yeah, I'm off for today, but I won't be back until eight tonight."

"Wrong twice," Aldo said, capturing Bianca's full attention.

"I'm sending you to Boston on a business assignment," Aldo announced, confident in his decision.

"Boston? I've never done assignments outside of Chicago . And isn't Aurora responsible for that? My job is making calls," Bianca said, even though by was already aware of her role. Nevertheless, Aldo shook his head and got up from his seat, while Bianca remained seated, exhausted from the previous night's work.

"The company initially chose Aurora, but I'm choosing you now," Aldo explained.

Bianca stared at Aldo, surprised by his trust in her to handle such an important assignment for a significant investor.

"What is the assignment?" Bianca asked, crossing her arms.

Aldo smirked and approached his desk, tapping his fingers before speaking.

"This is a crucial assignment, Bianca. We've been in touch with numerous investors, and our company shares are growing rapidly. However, this particular investor is the real deal," Aldo emphasized, clapping his hands together to emphasize his point.

"Why can't Aurora handle it then?" Bianca shrugged.

"Aurora again?" Aldo closed his eyes momentarily, as if counting, before reopening them. "All she cares about is fashion and what dress to buy next. If I send her to our newest investor, she'll just misbehave."

Bianca couldn't help but wonder why Aldo believed she wouldn't care about fashion. She looked down at her unattractive brown blazer suit, flat pants, and comfortable flat shoes. Her red wig was haphazardly styled in a loose bun, and her rimmed glasses were far from fashionable. She had never been concerned with fashion and had no desire to be.

"Do you remember what happened the last time Aurora went to Canada to meet with an investor?" Aldo interjected, and Bianca tore her gaze away from her lackluster outfit.

"I remember," Bianca replied.

"That's right. We don't want a repeat of that. Aurora was sent on an important assignment, but she ended up sleeping with the CEO," Aldo shook his head, trying to rid himself of the memory. "The company had to pay a significant sum of money to cover up the scandal."

"Why is Aurora still working here then? An incident like that should have resulted in severe consequences," Bianca questioned.

Aldo clenched his fist, hitting his palm. "You know damn well why. Her uncle is the President of Good Health Tea."

Bianca had been oblivious to that fact, but now she understood why Aurora felt entitled to make derogatory comments when she visited the boiler room. Bianca refused to engage with her, knowing she had likely been added to Aurora's blacklist.

Bianca gazed at Corby, determination welling up within her. "I'll do it."

"That's my girl. I knew you'd be up for the challenge," Aldo said, finally retaking his seat. "Our newest investor is Luca Salvatore Enzo. He's an Italian man with vast wealth, currently one of the richest men in Austin . He owns a nationwide production company."

"What's the name of his company?" Bianca inquired.

" MS Enterprise. It stands for Mesky. That's the name of his empire. Mesky produces various goods, including cars, equipment, and even firearms," Aldo smirked, particularly at the mention of guns. "There are rumors that his father was an Italian mobster, but we don't know how true that is."

Bianca shifted in her seat. "Why would someone who deals in guns and weapons be interested in investing in a healthy tea company?"

"Exactly. That's why Good Health Tea is the best fit for him. We need to seize this opportunity," Aldo explained.

Bianca nodded, organizing her bag on her shoulder. "When do I leave for Boston?"

"Tomorrow morning," Aldo handed her a paper. "This contains your flight details, accommodation information, and scheduled appointments and meetings. If any changes arise, I'll contact you. While you're there, I'm confident you'll handle yourself well."

Bianca snatched the paper and hastily tucked it into her bag before standing up.

"Thank you, Aldo."

"Don't mention it. Now, get some rest, so you don't miss your flight tomorrow morning," he urged, ushering her out of his office. As Selena descended the stairs, a newfound determination ignited within her. Going to Florida could be a amazing.

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