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The lycans sin

The lycans sin



WARNING: MATURED CONTENT. Follow the journey and escalades of mother and daughter, who must fight to gain their stand in life… ***** Blood,she killed them…. My whole family murdered,and I watched all of them die, she turned into a monster and killed them, tearing them limb by limb…. She's my daughter, what the hell is she? _____ Raelynn Black's mother had her when she was just seventeen, from the one night stand she had, with an unknown man. All Raelynn ever wanted all her life, was to meet people like her, and know her father, whose werewolf gene she inherited. Her whole life gets twisted, when she's awarded a scholarship to study at the prestigious Loma academy, she goes there in hopes for a peaceful school life, but will she ever get that, when she realizes the one thing she's been searching for her whole life resides there. WEREWOLVES. Raelynn gets her life mixed up with seniors, the most popular clique in school, she realized one of the seniors is her mate, but Remington wants to reject her, claiming he has a girlfriend. They both make a deal with each other, Remington will give her the peaceful school life she ever wanted, free from bullies who are hell bent on making her life miserable, while in turn Raelynn rejects him as her mate. But what happens when the mate bond proves to be stronger than any other mere bond for them werewolves, as Remington begins to find himself drawn to her, as he can't stay away from Raelynn even for a minute, he begins to see her behind his girlfriend's back wanting to taint her pure soul. How will Raelynn's life turn out, when she's torn into believing if her supposed mate loves her as he claims when he's still with his girlfriend? And that her father who's she's trying to find is within her reach??




"Please save my baby, don't do this please, no oo" a bloodied woman screamed holding a baby all covered in blood, the baby crying non stop.

"Please…." The woman screamed out again stretching forth her hands covered in blood.


"Nooo" Raelynn yelled in her sleep, her eyes immediately sprang open as she got up quickly, panting hard.

"I'm fine, I'm fine,it's just another nightmare" Raelynn breathlessly reassured herself, packing her hair in a ponytail.

She was having them again, nonstop dreams of people in blood begging for help with hollow eyes.

She's been having traumatic dreams ever since she was five and that was after her family was murdered right in front of her, her grandfather, pregnant aunt and uncle, they were all covered in blood, they just started coming and that scene has not stopped haunting her till now.

"Darling everything alright?" Her mother Riley asked to open the door to her room, she definitely heard her scream,that's why she rushed over.

"Yea, I'm fine" Raelynn breathlessly replied as Riley sat beside her.

"Another nightmare?" Riley queried, ever since that night, Raelynn had been having nightmares, she literally had sleeping problems for the first six years and now she's getting older, she's just trying to be strong.

All Raelynn is aware of are the lies that were told to her by her mother,as she claimed they were killed by a wild animal, as Riley concluded that Raelynn was special.

She could have allowed whatever happened that night to pass by,but when Raelynn started experiencing strange signs, she was sure Raelynn was something.

She had great hearing abilities, strength,and a great vision at night and the most interesting one of all was that she kinda healed faster than a normal human.

So after a series of research it was concluded that Raelynn might be a werewolf, it kind of scared a the living hell out of her, but she just had to accept that fact and keep Raelynn close.

Riley couldn't believe it at first but with all the signs, she had to believe it all.

Settling down was a very hard thing for both the mother and the daughter.

Riley had to make sure Raelynn stayed hidden and stayed out of trouble,and also lived like a normal human.

Words later got to her that werewolves were sighted in Oklahoma city,so she moved in just a week ago,at least to get something like a positive result or rather a solution.

"No mom, I was just flattered that's all, the scholarship remember, I got the scholarship into Loma prestigious school for the elites, I mean that's the best place to improve my art work" Raelynn lied hoping her mother would buy that, before they moved to Oklahoma she took the scholarship examinations and luckily passed the exam.

She received the email last night and didn't want to disturb her, thank goodness she didn't spill it last night, because she's using that as leverage now.

"My goodness, I am so happy for you, we should celebrate," Riley joyously said, hugging Raelynn tight.

"We'll do just that, but I have to run along now, I still have an interview with them,I have to freshen up" Raelynn gave her mother a peck before dashing into the bathroom.

Riley watched her daughter's silhouette disappear,she exhaled deeply, she stood up to make Raelynn 's bed.

She clearly knew she had a nightmare yet again, Raelynn has really been trying these days to prove she's strong, she's definitely still having sleep problems.

Riley never had the courage to tell Raelynn the truth of what happened eleven years ago, when her family was murdered.

All Raelynn knows is that she woke up covered in blood and has no slightest idea what happened.

Ever since that day, she could not stand the sight of blood, she literally passes out each time she sees blood, especially a large amount of it.

Riley has been doing a lot of research for the past few years about Raelynn 's nature, the only clue she was able to get was right here in Oklahoma city.

All Riley could think of as the cause was nature or it came from her father who can accidentally be a werewolf.

Who up till today, she hasn't heard a word from, she tried searching but all results were futile, so she's long given up on ever finding him.

Her next agenda now was to make Raelynn belong here, she's new in Oklahoma and hasn't even made a single friend, well Raelynn is kind of an indoors person.

She just loves being on her own and hates interfering in other people's lives or matters.

Now she's going to a school solely made fir the elite children, Riley can do nothing but Raelynn she can blend in and live a normal life.


"Not now mother I'll be late for my interview" Raelynn yelled from her home, getting dressed as fast as she can, she's meant to be at the school by nine and it's fucking past eight.

"You need to have breakfast!!" Riley informed yelling as well as she set up the table.

"Am so sorry mom, but i'm already late, don't forget I have to grab a bus, I promise to have breakfast immediately after the interview" Raelynn promised alighting from the stairs.

"But baby…"

"Mom, how do I look?" Raelynn asked as Riley studied her, dressed in a tank top with trousers and as always hair tied up.

"Beautiful my dear, I've told you countless times baby, no one can compete with your beauty" Riley complimented earning Raelynn a wide grin who rushed to hug her mother.

"I love you mom" Raelynn whimpered as Riley patted her hair softly.

"Ok I gotta run along " Raelynn whispered, breaking free from the hug.

"I've told you Lynn stop tying your hair up" Riley scolded, this has always being a habit of Raelynn , she has really long dark brown hair that she's attempted to cut short in the past, but Riley always stopped her, so Raelynn resorted to tying it up in a ponytail or a messy bun.

"Bye, I'll see you"

"Don't get into trouble"

"You know I would never," Raelynn assured leaving the house quickly.

Riley walked to the table to have breakfast, since she had somewhere to be.

She has to secure a good job, the little money she has is already running out.

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