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Sold To A Mafia Don

Sold To A Mafia Don

Authoress Merit.N.


😈SOLD TO A... MAFIA DON 👿 (A wife for the devil..)👹 GENRE;Dark Romance THEME;A Mafia or a Lover?? TAGS;Dramas,Couples, Hatreds,Betrayal,Mafia,Revenge,Erotica, Suspense,Love Triangles,Secrets,Action,Crimes,Murders, Jealousy. SETTING;Las Vegas. Written by; Merit.N. COPY AND BURN IN HELL ⁉️ ∞∞∞∞∞∞ PROLOGUE ∞∞∞∞∞∞ "How dare you...how dare you touch what is mine.."Thunder yelled slapping the young guy three consecutive times on the cheek bursting his lips on the process. "She..she was never yours,she is my girlfriend and I love her"the guy shouted spitting out blood. Thunders men made to go to him but thunder raised his hand, making them to halt on their steps. "Your life isn't precious right??"Thunder smirked going closer to him. "No... please,spare him"smile cried. "No one touches what is mine and go Scott free"the cold voice of thunder echoed in the room as he continued going closer to the guy. "Please..am sorry,just let him go and I'll go with you quietly" "Never, you'll have to pass through me before taking her with you"The guy shouted again. "Lewis... please stay calm,thunder I'll go with you but don't.." "Smile...am not letting you go with this monster,do you have any idea what you're going to go through in his hands??you don't even love him neither do he...it's your worthless mother that sold you out to him"Lewis shouted,his voice expressing how angry he was while thunder chuckled and smirked. "Such nerves..."He smiled dryly and pulled out his gun. "I dare you to make a move"thunder said pointing the gun at him...and lewis step closer... "No...no... don't pull the trigger!!"Smile cried. "Let him pull the trigger if he has the heart"Lewis snapped ready to fight back thunder. Thunder pulled the trigger shooting him three times on the chest... "Arrrrgh..."Lewis cried,tears slipped down his eyes... "Lewis.."Smile cried falling with her knee. "You don't dare,I f**king paid her bride price years before your f**king existence you motherf**ker"thunder spat shooting him again on the chest and lewis leg left the ground making him fall heavily on the floor. He coughed and smiled bitterly holding his bleeding chest. "Sorry.. smile,I.. couldn't save you..but one thing is sure..I...i...love.. you"Lewis said to her and smiled before closing his eyes drifting to eternal sleep... "Noooooo"smile cried rushing towards thunder. She grabbed him by the collar crying bitterly.. "You killed him,I told you I was ready to go with you but no...you choose to end him why??"She cried and thunder kept staring blankly at her,his face was expressionless. He then snapped his finger.. Three of his men came immediately and dragged smile away from him. "I hate you,I hate you thunder... I swear"she cried as they dragged her to the car, pushing her inside... thunder looked at lewis corpses before leaving the house,his guard opened the car for him and he entered and "zoom"they drove out of sight. <><><><><><><> All Smile Lutherford wanted in her life was to go to College and become a certified Medical doctor..she's a girl of nineteen years, Very beautiful and s£xy. If beauty was a person...then know you've seen the beauty cos she is herself. She gats the curves that makes men drool and fight to be with her. A s£xy body,shape, beautiful round eyes,well pointed nose and pinkish lips all these added to her beauty. Her dream of becoming a doctor shattered the day she found out that her own mom sold her to the devil. She tried running away from him little did she know that it was going to be her worst nightmare. Watching as the devil killed the man she loves,the only one after her heart. She regretted running away from home that day..had it been she didn't run away,her boyfriend would have been alive but he's no more...and she hated her mom for selling her out... She sold her out to the devil itself...a handsome devil.THUNDER He's 39years of age but you'll mistake him as as a sweet sixteen...his f**king handsome and very young for his age. And talking about the handsome devil...who is he?? The dreaded mafia Don in Las Vegas.... When you hear thunder what comes to your mind??? Just as his name,he is f**king heartless...he derives joy in killing people. His hobby is killing and he loves doing it so much,he isn't surrounded by danger but he screams "DANGER".the word danger is his middle name. Wherever thunder steps his foot on,a blood is gonna shed...he has already sold his heart and soul to the devil.. There was a secret behind his behavior... What Secret could it be?? What made him turn this cold and heartless?? Lewis isn't what he claims to be... Then who is he?? Wanna find out who he is?? Wanna know if smile is going to accept him?? Do you think that smile is going to escape from the devil's web?? What happens when lewis comes back?? Ah too much suspense right?? Don't miss out



TO A...


(A wife for the devil..)👹

GENRE;Dark Romance

THEME;A Mafia or a Lover??

TAGS;Dramas,Couples, Hatreds,Betrayal,Mafia,Revenge,Erotica, Suspense,Love Triangles,Secrets,Action,Crimes,Murders, Jealousy.

SETTING;Las Vegas.

Written by; Merit.N.





"How dare you...how dare you touch what is mine.."Thunder yelled slapping the young guy three consecutive times on the cheek bursting his lips on the process.

"She..she was never yours,she is my girlfriend and I love her"the guy shouted spitting out blood.

Thunders men made to go to him but thunder raised his hand, making them to halt on their steps.

"Your life isn't precious right??"Thunder smirked going closer to him.

"No... please,spare him"smile cried.

"No one touches what is mine and go Scott free"the cold voice of thunder echoed in the room as he continued going closer to the guy.

"Please..am sorry,just let him go and I'll go with you quietly"

"Never, you'll have to pass through me before taking her with you"The guy shouted again.

"Lewis... please stay calm,thunder I'll go with you but don't.."

"Smile...am not letting you go with this monster,do you have any idea what you're going to go through in his hands??you don't even love him neither do he...it's your worthless mother that sold you out to him"Lewis shouted,his voice expressing how angry he was while thunder chuckled and smirked.

"Such nerves..."He smiled dryly and pulled out his gun.

"I dare you to make a move"thunder said pointing the gun at him...and lewis step closer...

"No...no... don't pull the trigger!!"Smile cried.

"Let him pull the trigger if he has the heart"Lewis snapped ready to fight back thunder.

Thunder pulled the trigger shooting him three times on the chest...

"Arrrrgh..."Lewis cried,tears slipped down his eyes...

"Lewis.."Smile cried falling with her knee.

"You don't dare,I f**king paid her bride price years before your f**king existence you motherf**ker"thunder spat shooting him again on the chest and lewis leg left the ground making him fall heavily on the floor.

He coughed and smiled bitterly holding his bleeding chest.

"Sorry.. smile,I.. couldn't save you..but one thing is sure..I...i...love.. you"Lewis said to her and smiled before closing his eyes drifting to eternal sleep...

"Noooooo"smile cried rushing towards thunder.

She grabbed him by the collar crying bitterly..

"You killed him,I told you I was ready to go with you but no...you choose to end him why??"She cried and thunder kept staring blankly at her,his face was expressionless.

He then snapped his finger..

Three of his men came immediately and dragged smile away from him.

"I hate you,I hate you thunder... I swear"she cried as they dragged her to the car, pushing her inside... thunder looked at lewis corpses before leaving the house,his guard opened the car for him and he entered and "zoom"they drove out of sight.


All Smile Lutherford wanted in her life was to go to College and become a certified Medical doctor..she's a girl of nineteen years, Very beautiful and s£xy.

If beauty was a person...then know you've seen the beauty cos she is herself.

She gats the curves that makes men drool and fight to be with her.

A s£xy body,shape, beautiful round eyes,well pointed nose and pinkish lips all these added to her beauty.

Her dream of becoming a doctor shattered the day she found out that her own mom sold her to the devil.

She tried running away from him little did she know that it was going to be her worst nightmare.

Watching as the devil killed the man she loves,the only one after her heart.

She regretted running away from home that day..had it been she didn't run away,her boyfriend would have been alive but he's no more...and she hated her mom for selling her out...

She sold her out to the devil itself...a handsome devil.THUNDER

He's 39years of age but you'll mistake him as as a sweet sixteen...his f**king handsome and very young for his age.

And talking about the handsome devil...who is he??

The dreaded mafia Don in Las Vegas....

When you hear thunder what comes to your mind???

Just as his name,he is f**king heartless...he derives joy in killing people.

His hobby is killing and he loves doing it so much,he isn't surrounded by danger but he screams "DANGER".the word danger is his middle name.

Wherever thunder steps his foot on,a blood is gonna shed...he has already sold his heart and soul to the devil..

There was a secret behind his behavior...

What Secret could it be??

What made him turn this cold and heartless??

Lewis isn't what he claims to be...

Then who is he??

Wanna find out who he is??

Wanna know if smile is going to accept him??

Do you think that smile is going to escape from the devil's web??

What happens when lewis comes back??

Ah too much suspense right??

Then why don't you join me in this ride😋

It's gonna be 🔥

Don't miss out...

Brought to you by merit ✍️







TO A....


(A bride for the devil..)👹

THEME;A Mafia or a Lover??

Episode 1&2🌺

Written by; Merit.N.












20years old thunder sat on his kings golden chair,his legs crossed and a weed in between his lips,a bottle of vodka sitted comfortably on the table beside him.

Strike his right hand man/underboss stood beside him,while Lion his left hand man was trying to pour a drink for him from the bottle of vodka which was on the table.

A woman in her early thirties knelt in his front,she was heavily pregnant.

Lion cocked the bottle open and pour a small quantity of the drink in the glass cup and handed it to thunder.

He took the drink and sipped slowly from it,he looked at the lady kneeling in his front and snapped his finger... urging her to speak.

"Please...all I ask from you is the money then once I give birth you'll...."

"What are my going to do with a little baby"came the cold voice of thunder cutting her off abruptly.

The lady gulped and shooked nervously, thunder puffed out smoke from his mouth before speaking again.

"How much do you need"he asked and emptied the cup of drink in his mouth.

He stretched the cup to lion and he poured him another drink.

"500 million$"the lady replied

"I don't joke with MONEY, and I hope you know who I am... don't try to act smart, I'll give you the money on one condition..."

"Any condition sir,king"she replied nervously.

"Once she turns nineteen, am taking her as my wife and she is not ever gonna return to you"thunder said coldly and puffed out more smokes from his mouth,some puffing out through his nostrils.

"That's what I was meaning to say,I don't want her"the lady laughed and thunder glared at her shutting her up immediately.

Thunder brought out a tab and pressed some buttons...

Few minutes later Zach came in with a box(Zach is the families capos).

He placed it in front of thunder and gently opened the box...MONEY.

The lady kneeling down smiled when she saw the box containing the money.

"This is 500 million$ don't try to act smart cos you gonna pay with your life"he warned and the lady smiled again...

"Nineteen years... then you gonna have her"she smiled and thunder threw the box of money to her.

"I AM THUNDER...I SHOW NO MERCY, KILLING IS MY HOBBY AND DANGER IS MY MIDDLE NAME"Thunder said to the lady when she meant to leave...she smiled and bowed before leaving...



A middle aged woman sat in the sitting room with four hefty men, probably her visitors.... looking at the faces of the men alone can make you loose your breath,they are dangerously handsome.

The one who looked like their leader had a weed in between his lips as he discussed with the lady.

After few minutes the door opened and a girl of nineteen years steped in.

She stopped on her tracks when she saw the faces... especially that of the devil "THUNDER".

Looking at his face alone sent cold shivers down her spine.

"It's she the one??"that was thunder asking

"Yes...she is"Mrs Lutherford,smiles mother answered.

"Then what are we waiting for??let's go"He said coldly while smile stood staring at them in total confusion.

"What in heavens name is thunder,the mafia don doing in their house??"

"And what do he mean by is she the one??"

"Then let's go..tf!! What's all this about"All these questions rang in her head at a time.

"Smile,Your husband is here to take you"Mrs lutterford said jolting smile out of her thoughts.

"Huh??"She caressed her brows.

"Go get your things...you ingrate"Mrs lutterford shouted and smile flinched in fear.

Ever since she was born,only hatred was what she got from her mom.she hated her like she was some kind of wasted garbage,whereas she's her daughter.

"Ye...yes ma"she stuttered and ran upstairs.

Mrs lutterford knowing who smile is went after her..she entered the room and met her crying.

"And what the hell do you think you're doing??"She snarled angrily and smile sniffed.

"Mom, what did I ever do that incurred your hatred??"She asked in tears and Mrs lutterford glared at her,her eyes emanating hatred.

"Mom...f**king answer my question??why are you selling me out to a ruthless mafia??why??"She screamed and a thunderous slap landed on her cheek.

"How dare you question me??I birthed you and I have every right to make any decision about your useless life and talking about the guy outside!!he is your husband and you better get your useless life out of my house and life"her mom shouted and more tears slipped her eyes.


"Don't call me mom again,I f**king hate you,I hate you so much that I wanted to get rid of you,but when I gave it a second thought I found out that you're going to be useful, you made me f**king rich and is only right you go with him cos he paid for your soul"

"And I don't care if you die or live,I just don't wanna see your face ever again,I tolerated you for the past nineteen years but not any more,just get lost and never show your face ever again"She shouted and smile shook terribly,her tears falling uncontrollably.


"Don't push smile,JUST GET LOST"she screamed again and smile flinched.

She knew staying there another second is going to bring nothing but disaster.

She quickly went to her closet and started packing up her clothes.

"Am waiting downstairs, don't take long"Mrs lutterford said and sniffed before walking out.

"Was she crying??"Smile asked cleaning her tears.

"Lewis!!!"She called and smiled.

"Am coming to meet you"She added and hurriedly packed her clothes.


"What the heck is taking her long to come out"Lion snarled angrily.


"I AM THUNDER,I SHOW NO MERCY, KILLING IS MY HOBBY AND DANGER IS MY MIDDLE NAME "Thunder repeated his statement nineteen years ago and Mrs lutterford freaked out in fear.

"I'll go get her"she said nervously and scurried off to the stairs.


"Where did she go to??"Mrs lutterford gritted as she searched the whole room but there was no sign of smile.

"Smile!!!you're a gonna! you'll definitely pay for this,f**k"she said roughing her hair.

"Pray he finds you cos I can't f**king pay with my life"

"Where!!where!!!where!!where could she f**king be??"She asked and furrowed her brows immediately.

"Such a f**l"she smiled.


"She did what??"Strike asked grabbing her roughly by the neck while don(thunder)sat down staring at the lady dangerously.

If looks could kill,I bet she'll be six feet under,how can he possibly give her 500 million$ only for her to spew gibberish??

"Where the hell is she??"He asked tightening his grip on her neck.

"I....gawd!!, you're f**king choking me"She shouted and that raised the sleeping Devil inside don.

He sprang up from the couch and went to her, hitting her on the head with the edge of the gun.

Her head cracked and blood escaped from it.

"I don't joke with my money!!"He snarled and hit her again with the gun.

"Where is she??"

"I..know of one place,one place she can be"she replied as more blood escaped from the cracked head.

"Then speak up before I lose my breath.."He commanded.

"She's with.., she's with lewis"She replied weakly.

"And who the hell is lewis??"He asked

"Her boyfriend"

Immediately he heard that,his blood boiled and his anger awakened.

"Who dares touches what thunder has paid for??"He gritted.

"The address??"

"He lives in,in.....

"If I don't find her,am gonna fed you to the vultures.. you can't escape from me"with that,he left the house with his men and that was how the search began which led to killing lewis..


The car stopped in front of a gigantic gate and it slowly opened.

The car drove in and when it drove few meters more, another gate slide opened.

The car roughly packed in the lot as one of the guards rushed and opened the door for don.

He stepped down like the king he was and stood in front of the car door inspecting the environment and workers.

Another guard dragged smile out as she kept struggling to break free from his hold.

"Take her to the slave quarter"don commanded

"Never, you f**king said am your wife so am not staying in the slave quarter,I wasn't sold as a slave but as a wife you Moron"smile shouted and Micky(chief guard)slapped her hard.

"I give the orders here"Don snarled.

Immediately a girl came out from the house,she went directly to don and pecked him on the lips while don grabbed her a**,he squeezed it and the girl let out a moan.

"She's the f**king ingrate not wanted by the whore of a mother??"Sheila asked.

"Yes.."Don replied and kissed her again while smile kept staring at them.

"You f**king brought me here as a wife and..."

"Micky!! should I blow off your skull??take her away"Sheila said and Micky glared inwardly at her but carried out the instruction.

"Welcome to hell,no going back"Thunder said expressionless and that got Sheila chuckling.

"Let me go, thunder, this is not right...I hate you, you'll f**king pay for this"She shouted as Micky dragged her to the slaves quarter.

"I can't wait to have all of you inside me"Sheila said and thunder smiled dangerously.

"Always rough, that's what I want"He said

"You gat me,am the baddest bitch"Sheila replied and don grabbed her ass squeezing it again.

"Ah.. don,let's get to it already"She moaned and don led the way why she trailed from behind.

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