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Saved By A Dark Billionaire

Saved By A Dark Billionaire



"If you keep biting your lip like that I won't be able to contain myself." I could feel the warmth of his breath fan over my lips, making me hungry to feel them against me. I bit my lip again as my way of permitting him. He gave me a sexy smirk before he crashed his lips against mine. His hands gripped my hips, lifting me and placing me on the kitchen island. I parted my legs allowing his torso between them as he grabbed my bottom while parting my lips with his tongue. I let him explore my mouth with a soft moan. His hands left my rear, traveling up my thighs, pushing my dress up along the way. He ran his finger over my dampening slit, through my underwear. "You're so wet for me already." He smirked against my lip before biting it lightly. I moaned again at the pleasure his touches and words were bringing me. "I want to know what you taste like, Rose." **** Olive came home one day to find her only long-term boyfriend balls deep inside her roommate. With her heart crushed, her fighting spirit from hell, and her best friend at her side, she sets out to prove a point. She can be with anyone if she wants to be. She finds the hottest guy at the nightclub and has her one-night stand with a stranger. Only it becomes more than just a one-night stand as she runs into him again next weekend while out with Lucas' best friend, Leo. Of course, she wasn't aware of the relationship between Leo and Lucas. Lucas is determined to make her his, but so is Leo. How will these best friends handle fighting for the same girl? Read on to discover how Olive deals with these two new men along with her college studies and family drama. Did I forget to mention these guys are rich beyond reason? Warning:there are plenty of hot and steamy scenes in this book

Chapter 1 No.1

"Fuck, don't stop.." I moaned as he continued his deep thrusts inside me. I gripped the bed sheets beside me, finding my release over his enormous shaft. His mouth continued to suck at my breast as he forced me to ride out the ecstasy he caused. A few thrusts later and he followed closely behind, spurting his seed deep inside me.

His long blonde hair, that was once gelled back, was now dangling over his face. He stood up, sliding out of me, while simultaneously pushing his hair back. He shaved the sides of his head so short, leaving just the top long.

He had this intimidating aura about him, with a firm jaw and serious brown eyes. The tattoos all over his arms and the side of his neck did little to appease it. The man was fucking hot, so I couldn't understand why he agreed to do this with me.

I'd never been one to have a one-night stand. I stayed a virgin throughout high school, barely losing my virginity 6 months ago to my long-term boyfriend Julius. The same boyfriend who I walked in on, slamming into my friend and roommate, Clover. The sound of their skin smacking against each other still echoes in my mind, with Clover's loud groans as a melodic accompaniment. She sounded like a stupid car alarm. What hurt was that she saw me and smiled at me as Julius came inside her. When he opened his eyes and found me just standing there, he froze.

He chased after me, out of the apartment, swearing it meant nothing. That he was stupid, and that only I mattered. He begged for me to stay and forgive him, but I'm not one to forgive unfaithfulness. I ran off crying to my best friend, Hailey. She has a penthouse in Manhattan that her family uses for vacations. She offered for me to stay with her there.

She was the one that dragged me out to the nightclub where this sex-god caught my eye tonight. Through, nothing but sheer luck and liquid courage did I find myself here in his room. Now that the act is over, what the hell do I do?

Remember, I've never done this before. What are the rules exactly? I don't figure you cuddle after. As he went to the bathroom to wash up, I began collecting my clothes. I felt the need to bolt before he returned, not waiting for him to kick me out. I know what this is, and I don't need him thinking that I thought it was anything more. We both got what we needed, and now it's time for me to leave. I was pulling my shirt down when he emerged from the bathroom.

"Leaving already?" He leaned against the doorframe, arms and legs crossed.

His eyes stared at me with such intensity that I swear I'd melt onto his floor if he didn't stop. We'd just fucked for about two hours and my legs felt like jello. I'd never felt so alive before. He knew exactly what he was doing, making me have multiple orgasms that I'd never felt so intensely before. With Julius, it was always quick, and half the time I would never find my release. Lucas was different. He was skilled and knew just the right spots to touch.

"Yeah, I have an early class tomorrow morning. I really need to get back so I can actually get some sleep before then." I lied.

I don't know what the hell I'm doing.

"Sleep here, and I'll take you in the morning." He offered, but I shook my head no.

"No, it's fine. I'll get an Uber. Thanks for…this." I said awkwardly, reaching for the door. He grabbed my hand before I could turn the knob, pulling me back towards him. I crashed into his chiseled abs and powerful muscles.

"I don't get to know the name of the woman I just made scream my name for the last couple of hours?" He held my chin as he spoke, making me look into his eyes.

"Why do you need to know? That wasn't part of the game, Lucas." I smiled teasingly at him.

I chose him not just because he was the most handsome man I'd ever laid my eyes on, but because I figured I would never run into him again in this large city. I didn't want to know his name, and I didn't want him to know mine. This was a distraction. It was my revenge, to show Julius that he didn't mean shit to me anymore. I had made a game out of tonight, leading us here. He broke the rules telling me his name so that he could hear me yell it, and yell it I did.

"I told you mine." His lips grazed my jawline.

I had to fight off the effect he was having on my body. I'd never reacted in such a way to someone before. It was exhilarating.

"That was your choice. You broke the rules, but I like to follow them." I winked at him as I stepped back out of his reach.

He narrowed his eyes on me for just a second before he stood straight, reminding me of his 6'2 height. He was lean, not body builder type, but toned muscles like a fighter. His thick eyebrows furrowed just the slightest as he crossed his arms again.

"Fine then, I'll call you Rose."

"Rose?" I cocked my head to the side in confusion.

"For your rosy red hair." He explained.

"Real original." I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Goodbye, Lucas."

I rushed out of his apartment before he could grab me again. My heart was racing with the memories of tonight. I'd never met someone as enticing as Lucas before. I still can't believe that he chose me out of all the girls that surrounded him at the bar. It definitely gave my self confidence a boost in the right direction.

I barely learned how to tame my curly red hair freshman year of college. The frizz was insane in highschool, earning me nicknames like brillo head, or flaming bush. The bullying was relentless, it didn't help that I had a full set of braces with bands that gave me a damn lisp. High school was rough, but I survived. I thrived in my studies, even though I lacked in my social skills. I made it into my dream school, and am just a year away from graduating with my degree in engineering.

Hailey found me during my first year of college. We bonded instantly, and she popped me out of my bubble. She gave me a makeover like no other, and showed me how to interact with others without being this awkward girl. Hailey was like my fairy godmother, or I guess god-sister. I dialed her number as I made my way to the elevator.

"Oh my God, Olive! How was he?" She screamed her excitement into the phone after the first ring, like she'd been waiting for my call.

"Hailey! He was uh-mazing." I told her, stepping into the elevator. "Come get me. I'll send you my location. I'll tell you everything in the car."

"I'm on my way. You better not spare a single detail!" I heard the jingle of her keys.

Is it bad that a small part of me hopes I run into him again?

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