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Shackled Leaves Of Love

Shackled Leaves Of Love

Sonya Carter


It tells the story of a beautiful 20-year-old girl named Keily Winata who has never seen the outside world since birth, growing up in a hut behind the dormitory of prospective nurses belonging to the late Maria. She never even knew who her father and mother were. She only knew that he was raised by 3 women and one man, who were Maria's confidants. One time God gave her life outside the cottage, living with Ethan Collins, a handsome 28-year-old man who works as an internist specialist and deputy president director of the Collins Company. To her surprise, since then she has been in love with the doctor and Samuel-his doctor older brother, where the two men have been fighting over. Apart from that, life in the real world is not as beautiful as she thought. Not only that, when her identity as Maria's daughter was exposed, Laura, Issac's eldest wife, Ethan and Samuel's father, always harmed her because Laura had a grudge against Maria, who turned out to be Issac's former concubine. Then she, who has never fallen in love due to Maria planting a leaf in her body, is touched by love for Ethan who is desperate to take her crown so as to thwart her engagement to Samuel which Laura and Santana have arranged. What happened next?

Chapter 1 Leaf Love

This is Maria's prospective nurse dormitory, a leading gynecologist in Southeast Asia. This dormitory was built in the hills, where there is a three-story building as a place for teaching and learning, a two-story clinic building, a building where all prospective nurses live, and a connecting gate located behind the clinic where several huts are built behind the gate. one of which is the owner's residence, flower garden, orchard, and family grave.

Turning to the biggest hut with an elegant touch of nature, all the prospective nurses gathered in the courtyard where they looked restless waiting for Maria to give birth in the hut.

The doctor was in her room which was quite luxurious and spacious, struggling to give birth to the baby in her womb, assisted by Doctor Alex, her fellow gynecologist, and Sinta, her assistant who is also the head of the hostel. Not only was Sinta there, but there were also Rika and Dena, two dormitory caretakers, holding Maria's hands firmly.

Maria caught her breath, then pushed hard again without making a sound.

"Yes, continue madam, push harder!" Sinta continued to encourage her boss, who gave birth without the company of her husband and family. “More powerful, madam! Go on, come on you can do it!”

Maria threw her body onto the surface of the mattress, her breath was labored, and sweat covered her body.

In another place, to be precise, in the auditorium of a luxury hotel in Singapore, Theodore Collins, CEO of Therema Company, is seen repeating the consent granted by the priest, in which his handshakes Brian Howard's, the father of Ilyana, the woman who sits next to him as the bride.

On the other side of the man is Issac, the cousin of the president of the Collins Company, acting as guardian of the marriage because their parents have died. Theodore and Issac were both only children, growing up with Issac's parents in Los Angeles. Issac's father, Juan Collins, is the only brother of Carlos Collins, Theodore's father.

Back at the wedding, it seemed Theodore was not happy at all because he was forced to do it for the sake of Elona's mother Ilyana's last wish. He and Ilyana have been close friends since childhood. Then there was another woman who was also a close friend of the two from childhood who was struggling to give birth to her baby.

'I'm sorry, Maria.' Whispered the man's heart after completing the consent granted smoothly, 'But forever my love for you. Ilyana knows that she sincerely loves me only for you.'

Unlike Laura, Issac's eldest wife, she looked at her husband who seemed relieved that Theodore had married another woman, meaning that he could get Maria's love back.

'Don't be happy yet, Issac,' whispered the woman's heart with a cynical look, 'You will never get that cursed woman Maria back either. The angel of death immediately picked her up, and took her to the eternal realm.'

Back at the hut, heavy rain accompanied by thunder and lightning decorated there making the prospective nurses take shelter in front of the hut door. Then from inside the hut came the sound of a baby crying very loudly indicating that the doctor had successfully delivered the baby. The baby was a girl, very beautiful with pearl white skin like the mother's skin.

"Congratulations, Madam." Sinta immediately congratulated her boss, who was holding the baby in her arms, "Your daughter has been born." She said as she put the baby into the woman's hand, "See Madam, dede is very beautiful like you."

Maria watched her baby, looking happy, but also heartbroken. The father of her baby married another woman. She had no choice when the man met her last time to ask her for sure who she loved. The man or his cousin.

She replied, "I don't love you, I only love Issac." This broke the man's heart and forced him to marry another woman. Even if at that time she said she loved the man, it was certain that there would be no marriage, because the man's future wife was her best friend and did not want to steal her lover. Even the best friend decided that if she admits that she loves the man, she will go abroad, not return to Jakarta forever.

Little did she know she was forced to do that. More than making her lover's cousin stop getting her love back, she was injured in a kung fu duel with his cousin's wife, Laura. Then she was pregnant with her lover's son. She realized that her life would soon end because of that deep wound, she didn't want the man to cry over her and then raised their child, whom Laura, who hated her so much, could get rid of at any time.

"Madam." Rika's voice could be heard rebuking Maria, "What name are you going to name dede?"

"That's right madam." Dena replied, "Come on, give Dede's name, so we can register her at the Bogor Discapil."

"You don't need to do that." Interjected the doctor, "This child does not need to know born from me." she added that he refused to make a birth certificate for her little daughter.

Sinta, doctor Alex, Rika, and Dena were surprised to hear this, looked at each other, then looked at their superiors together.

"I'm sorry, my child." Maria's voice was heard so softly while stroking her baby's beautiful face, "This is the best for you so that one day you don't experience the same harm as a mother can."

The four people felt pain hearing the words of their boss, who was not only beautiful in appearance and a leading gynecologist by profession, but also a soft-hearted woman full of sincere, firm affection, a pity that her love was so complicated that it harmed themselves.

Maria smiled, then went back to talking to her little daughter,

"Starting today your name is Keily Winata, my child. Winata is the name of his late father and mother."

"Keily Winata, madam?" asked Rika mentioning the baby's name, “Why not Keily Kennely? She is your daughter who is the only daughter of Mr. Winata Kennelly, a prominent billionaire in Los Angeles."

“Rika, it's very dangerous if she takes the last name Kennely,” Maria insisted, “So let her take the last name Winata, her grandfather's name.”

Rika sighed.

Maria then took something from under her pillow, then looked at a leaf made from a thin strand of Winata Kennely's hair which has supernatural abilities. The woman's eyes were thrown to the past,

Maria shook her head as she saw Winata, who was seriously injured due to a duel with Sungkar, Laura's confidant who also had supernatural abilities, her hand tightly gripping her father's hand.

Then the father with the other hand touched his left chest, not long in his hand there was a leaf made from a thin strand of his hair, given to Maria.

“Maria, one day your child will be born, stick this on her left breast, then she won't know the name of love. Won't fall in love. Not a cruel father, all for the sake of your daughter not to experience what you are experiencing right now."

The woman's tears were in her eyes, and her hands clasped the things her father gave her. Not long after, her father spits out a thick red liquid from his mouth, then fell limply in her arms and left for the eternal realm.

"Father!!!" she screamed hugging her father with tears in her eyes, “No! Father don't leave Maria! Father!"

Maria sighed, then pressed the fragment to Keily's left chest, soon the fragment entered her daughter's body, sealing the child from falling in love, not knowing love either. After that, she put the baby in Sinta's arms,

"Sinta, from now on you, Rika, and Dena will be Keily's foster mothers." she said looking at the three women who were very loyal to her, "Don't let her leave the dormitory area, so you just bring in teachers to teach her like teaching students at school in general."

Hearing this, the three women's tears started to well up, feeling that this was their boss's final message.

"Then regarding this dormitory, I ask you to continue to manage it but no longer send nurses to Cakra Hospital. You seal off this area as tightly as possible to make it a restricted area for the Collins family. Then regarding Keily's identity, don't let anyone know, especially the Collins family. Understand?"

"Understood, madam," Sinta replied feeling her heart hurt very much because soon the separation would be forever.

"Then," came Maria's voice again, "Regarding the pieces of love shackles in Keily's body, if one day God wills, they will disappear by themselves because God gave the true love that makes her happy."

Sinta, Rika, and Dena hearing this, had tears in their eyes.

After that, Maria breathed her last, and her departure was accompanied by the sorrowful cries of all the dormitory residents, and heavy rain accompanied by repeated thunder.


It's a very sad afternoon to witness Maria's body being buried in the Kennely family burial ground that Winata built after finding the woman who ran away from Los Angeles for the dream of becoming a gynecologist in Indonesia and building a dormitory for prospective nurses to provide medical education for future work in all hospitals in Indonesia, not being the president of the man's Kens Company.

Then came Issac accompanied by Herbert his assistant. The news about Maria's death was known to the billionaire master from Laura, his wife. The wife knew from her spy that Maria was still alive after being with her. Upon learning that, Laura sent Sungkar to kill Keily's mother and destroy the dormitory but were intercepted by Winata and her aides.

When Winata died, Sungkar decided to withdraw Laura's people because he could not bear to see Maria, who was pregnant, crying over her father's body. He also asked Laura not to try to kill Maria again, because Sungkar guaranteed that the woman would soon die from injuries resulting from the duel with the mistress.

Baba, who accompanied the great master, approached Sinta as a substitute for Maria at the hostel.

"Madam." The faithful man reprimanded Sinta who was looking at the grave, which continued to be filled with earth, "There is Mr. Issac Collins." he said as she looked at him.

"Baba!" Rika's voice was heard from Sinta's side, “Why did you bring Mr. Collins here? You already know the late mistress Maria's order, that this area is off limits to the Collins family?” Baba scolded him for daring to bring the billionaire here.

“Rika,” came Sinta's voice, “Watch your behavior. We are still holding madam's funeral." Rebuked by this woman who is brave and frank.

Rika was about to reply but her eyes saw Theodore and Ilyana walking towards them. She became furious, immediately confronting the newlyweds.

"What are you here for, Mrs. Theodore?" she asked in a sharp voice, “Are you still not satisfied? You are already married to Mrs. Ilyana, breaking Mrs. Maria's heart!”

"Rika!" Sinta's rebuke was heard, when the woman and Dena approached Rika, "Watch your behavior. Remember that the madam's funeral procession is still going on."

“Kakak might be able to hold back, but I can't.” Rika looked at Sinta who she called older sister, "This man," pointed out Theodore who sighed sincerely accepting his presence and his wife who was not liked around here, "He is too!" then pointed at Issac who approached them, "It is not appropriate to be in the funeral procession for Mrs. Maria!"

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