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Descendants Of The Lycan

Descendants Of The Lycan

Cosmic Rose


Over the last few years Marceline Landry had discovered she had superhuman abilities but with her birth parents dead and no family members to confide in, Marceline faced years in silence and fear of what she was and what she was capable off.    One blood moon night while doing research in a library, Marceline time travels to sometime in the 16th century in England, where she exists as the daughter of the former alpha of a powerful tribe. This leads Marceline to discover that in her life in present day, she is a descendant of werewolves and she was forced into the past by witches who are trying to wipe all werewolves out of existence. How will Marceline save the werewolves and return to her life in present day with such limited powers?

Chapter 1 History test


On most days we pray for the nice things in life, a house on a hill, three kids, a flashy car or a fat check coming in every month but right now, all I could pray for was to not fail this history test. I knew it was coming, I had read but somehow here I was, sitting with a blank sheet and five minutes to go on the teacher's timer. I fiddled with the hem of my sweat shirt before catching the teacher's gaze half way across the hall.

"Three minutes to go!" Mr Sanjay's voice rang across the room - I started to panic. "1872. France and Germany. Redfeild." I whispered as I quickly wrote down the answers I wasn't sure of on my sheet. "Times up." his voice rang again followed by the school bell and I sighed taking my glasses off, I was most definitely failing this class. "Miss Landry, wait behind" Mr Sanjay requested after I submitted my paper. I took a seat in the front row and waited for the class to get empty while looking at my blank phone screen. I had always loved having green eyes, it went well with my black wavy hair. "Eh hem" I raised my head to find Mr Sanjay towering over me, "I don't think I need to grade your test to know you failed Marceline" he started and I instantly knew where he was going, I had heard this lecture before. "Are you really trying to fail in your senior year? I don't want to have to bring your parents into this...." "No no, please don't!" I started to beg as I took to my feet. "I'm giving you one more chance" he replied and I breath a sigh of relief. "Retake this test on Monday after school. You know you can't graduate if you fail this so please Marcey, get it together."

"What took you so long?" My brother- Milo, asked as I reached the school parking lot that was already empty, "History" I shrugged. "Why are we stopping at KFC?" Milo asked squinting his eyes, "I'm getting food aren't you hungry?" I replied pulling the Bentley our mother had gotten me for my sixteenth birthday into the parking lot. I pulled out a hundred dollar bill from my back pocket and gave it to him, "you know what I want" I smiled and he got out of the car still looking suspicious and that made me laugh. Milo and I looked nothing alike, he had dark brown hair and bright hazel eyes while I had emerald green eyes and thick black hair. That was probably because we weren't blood related but it didn't matter, I love my brother.

My birth parents died in an accident when I was ten. After that I spent three months in an orphanage before the Landry's decided to adopt me. I was lucky with them and I knew it, most kids spent years in an orphanage and never got adopted only to be thrown out on the streets and forced to live a life they had no idea about but after only three months I had gotten a perfect and loving family. Milo was only two years old when they brought me home, I loved him from the moment I laid my eyes on him and I have ever since. The Landry's are well off and polite, the last eight years had been heaven on earth.

Vanessa and Gabriel Landry - my parents, were the owners of a telecommunication company called Hetti. Although my mother spent most of her time out of the office and more with my brother and I her job as the CFO did suffer so in the recent years we saw them less than we usually did and as a friendless loner - I spent all my time with Milo.

While waiting in the car, my gaze met my rear view mirror and I saw a woman dressed in baby blue trying to cross the street with a red baby stroller, a man suddenly pulled her by the arm and the stroller rolled into the street right before the view of an incoming truck and I heard her scream but in the next second I held the baby in my arms on the sidewalk of the street. The stroller had been completely destroyed and the woman was screaming before she saw me laying on the sidewalk with her baby. "It's alright, she's fine" I coaxed as she reached me in tears, "how?" she stuttered and I waited till she calmed down before I put the baby in her arms. The truck driver had stepped out, he was a huge man with a big beard and bold head, he was also surprised to see the baby was unharmed, "I didn't even see you touch the street" he gasped, his country side accent on full display and I smiled awkwardly. "I run track in school.... I'm really fast" I lied with the brightest smile on my face. "I owe you my life" the lady spoke reaching for my hand and I gave it to her, "it's okay ma'am, anyone would do the same." "No, they wouldn't." She replied in a quiet voice. "Marcey!" Milo called from across the road where the car was parked, "Stay there, I'll be a minute" I responded and he nodded putting the takeouts into the car through the window. "I have to go now, please take care" I smiled to the woman again before turning around "Marcey? Is that your name?" She asked and I nodded "short for Marceline" I replied before jugging to my car. "Are you okay?" Milo asked with concern and I nodded, "I'm fine. You know how it is, another day in New Orleans" I spoke before driving out of the compound and he chuckled.

We got home and Milo ran up to front door to hug our dad, our house was in one of the most secluded areas in town, the gated compound held the mansion I had made home and all my memories. "Hey bud" dad held Milo in his arms. Milo was a petite ten year old and dad was a much taller adult so he had no trouble carrying him. "My sweet princess" he called to me and I hurried over. "How was your day?" He asked as we entered the house, Milo and I looked at each other before answering simultaneously "Eventful."

Follow me on Instagram @cosmic.ro

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