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Unfortunate Extremely rich person Spouse: Who Is The Genuine Chief?

Unfortunate Extremely rich person Spouse: Who Is The Genuine Chief?



Everybody was stunned to the bones when the fresh insight about Bob Henry commitment penniless out. It was astonishing on the grounds that the fortunate young lady was supposed to be an unremarkable person, who experienced childhood in the open country and didn't have anything to her name. One night, she appeared at a meal, shocking everybody present. "Amazing, she's so lovely!" Every one of the men slobbered, and the ladies got so desirous. What they didn't know was that this purported cowgirl was really a beneficiary to a billion-dollar realm. It wasn't some time before her mysteries became known in a steady progression. The elites couldn't quit discussing her. "Heavenly smokes! Anyway, her dad is the most extravagant man on the planet?" "She's likewise that magnificent, yet strange architect who many individuals love! Who might have speculated?" In any case, individuals felt that Henry didn't cherish her. Be that as it may, they were in for another shock. Rupert put out an announcement, quieting every one of the downers. "I'm a lot of in adoration with my lovely fiancee. We will get hitched soon." Two inquiries were on everybody's brains: "For what reason did she conceal her character? What's more, for what reason was Henry in affection with her out of nowhere?"

Chapter 1 Part 1

A lady in a white Shirt and pants left the train station in Accra with a bag.

Her fragile face became marginally red as the sun hit her. She tucked wisps of wavy hair behind her ears. Under her curved eyebrows were a couple of brilliant and beautiful eyes, a thin nose, and cherry lips. She looked so gorgeous despite the fact that she had no make-up on.

"Hi! You are Beatrice Carl, correct? I'm the driver sent by the Cole-man family."

Beatrice gestured and followed the driver into the vehicle nonchalantly. She was at that point broken down.

On the way, the driver took looks at the lady, whose eyes were shut as she rested in the rearward sitting arrangement.

This lady was Kelvin James fiancee.

Kelvin Brown was the most qualified unhitched male in the city. At only 21 years of age, he was at that point the Chief of cole-man Gathering. He was far in front of his companions. He was an energetic, creative and straightforward individual, making numerous in the business world fear him.

His granddad, Cole-man Oscar, willingly volunteered to track down a spouse for him. Furthermore, he picked Beatrice , a young lady from the open country.

With his hands on the controlling wheel, the driver looked again at Beatrice guiltless face and clicked his tongue. He visualized that she would struggle with the Cole-man family.

As of now, Beatrice gradually woke up and checked out at the weird city with a quiet articulation.

The vehicle showed up at the Cole-man family's home soon. The driver conveyed Beatrice's gear for her.

Beatrice scarcely had one foot inside the house when a sharp looking lady showed up. She peered toward Beatrice from head to toe with a look of complete scorn.

"Bridget !"

"Indeed, Mrs. Cole-man"

When Bridget was made a motion, she started to splash the sanitizer all over Beatrice.

The sharp looking lady was Gladys Brown, Henry's mom. With her hands akimbo, she requested, "Her shoes and hair. Splash them, as well."

Beatrice's face and body were before long covered with beads of sanitizer. The impactful smell made her nose somewhat bothersome. She expressed briskly, "What's going on with you?"

Gladys went crazy right away.

"I heard that you're from the open country, yet I figured you would basically be polite. It seems you are equivalent to the rebellious and inconsiderate young ladies they breed around there. I'm doing this since I don't believe that you should bring any infection or microorganisms into this family. Do you believe that we should get contaminated with anything you are conveying?"

Beatrice wasn't one to take poo from anybody. She would have left in the event that she hadn't made an arrangement with her granddad.

"All things considered, you ought to shower some sanitizer in your mouth since it smells!"

With this, Beatrice pushed the worker to the side and strolled in.

"You... Gracious my..." Gladys pointed at Beatrice with a shudder hand. Bridget quickly support her.

In the lounge room, a young lady who looked about as old as Beatrice was perched on the couch. She had on planner garments and brilliant cosmetics. Her demeanor was more deigning than Gladys' as she took a gander at Beatrice She was Henry's cousin, Cathrine Cole-man.

"Are you Beatrice Carl , Kelvin's fiancee?" Catherine feigned exacerbation when she saw that Beatrice wasn't wearing fashioner garments. "Golly, Granddad has no taste. I can't completely accept that he picked somebody like you. At any rate, I heard you came here via train. You ought to have let us know you are excessively poor to manage the cost of a boarding pass. We would have gotten one for you. Pause, it appears there isn't an air terminal in the open country."

Beatrice took a gander at Catherine with one of her eyebrows raised.

She contemplated whether each individual from this family was so egotistical.

There was without a doubt no air terminal where she came from, yet her granddad had booked a whole rapid train to Accra only for her. These presumptuous individuals had no clue about that she went as lavishly as somebody who flew with every available amenity.

Plus, she might have flown here in a personal luxury plane in the event that she needed.

Beatrice could undoubtedly make it clear to these individuals, yet she didn't. She just went higher up.

Irritation blurred Catherine's face once she saw Beatrice climbing the steps. She wasn't utilized to anybody overlooking her, so she followed her.

"Where is my room?" Beatrice asked the servant behind.

"Here!" Catherine expressed, pointing at an entryway in the lobby before the servant could answer.

She pushed the entryway open and added condescendingly, "You have never remained in a room as large as this, have you? You ought to value it while living in here. I'm Kelvin's cousin, Catherine. You ought to grovel over me if you..."

Cathy had scarcely gotten done with talking when Beatrice strolled into the room and shut the entryway right in front of her. This made her angrier.

"Ok! How dare that poor person be so prideful? What was Granddad thinking?"

The house keeper watchfully drew nearer and inquired, "Miss, yet isn't this Mr. Earthy colored's room?"

catherine cast a hateful look at the entryway.

"Shush! Try not to say a word to her. Kelvin detests anybody being in his space or utilizing his things. At the point when he figures out that she's here, simply let him know that she decided to remain here."

Catherine's eyes flickered with trickery as she talked

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