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Falling for the Cheerleader

Falling for the Cheerleader



From my bedroom window, he looked like a Greek god, Up close nothing more than an angel from hell Kieran was the guy next door. But not the dreamy sweet type in romance coms and happily Ever after novels. He was the type you had chilling nightmares about. Powerful, hot, brutal and the king of Royal crest academy. Girls at school fawned over him and the guys wanted to be him. Well, me.. ? Aaliyah Waters I’m the queen of Royal crest academy. The king’s monarch and the Queen’s regnant were the two powers in Royal Crest Academy I used to think he was none of my business and our empires could co-exist peacefully. I thought I could just ignore his existence. How naive of me It takes just a single encounter and I’m yanked down so hard from my throne that climbing back seems impossible. But I’m still the queen and only the queen can take out anyone. Pawns, Bishop, Knights and even the KING himself. Oh and I’m not holding back this time Because now, I hate him, Kieran Castles !!

Chapter 1  The Peasants and the royals of royal crest academy

Chapter one

The Peasants and the royals of royal crest academy

I unfastened my seat belt, giving a quick kiss to Kirk and grinned at him before he could push me off. My grin widens as he scowled at me. My little brother was growing up and had reached the stage where he didn’t want to be hugged, kissed, or carried. Our little cuddle days were officially long gone. I don’t want him to grow up, so he can keep being my cuddly little bear. He’d give me one of his cute angry scowls if I told him that though. Kirk was seven years old and had just started school. So my new routine had to include getting him to and from school safely, not that I was complaining about the extra chore or anything like that. I love spending time with Kirk. He was adorable and said the sweetest things.

Before, Mom would give me a ride to school every day. Or my best friend, Chloe, would pick me up. I had finally gotten my new pink Audi this summer. After much begging and emotionally blackmailing mom, of course. Dad had been mad at mom for giving in to me. It lasted for just a few minutes. He could never be mad at mom for too long.

Since Kirk was now going to school and my parents business was expanding and growing bigger and bigger every day, it made their time for extra stuff like dropping Kirk and I off at school smaller. I had finally managed to persuade my parents—I mean mom, to get me a car so at least that burden would be off them.

My parents are rich alright. They are one of the richest folks in town in-fact. We live in a rich neighborhood and have all of the finest things a rich household could have, but my parents didn’t like to get us extra luxury items. They grew up poor and So my dad did not like us to ‘waste money on unnecessary stuff’ as he’d say. Dad wanted us to appreciate stuff and not take anything for granted.

But then how was getting me a car a luxury item? It was a necessity. Transportation.

Mom spoilt us any chance she got though and I love her extra for it.

I turned into my high school, Royal Crest Academy, the most prestigious Academy in royal hills. It was built for the elites among elites and my family was definitely in that category so I got in easily. You had to have wealth and perfect grades to get in.

I was early as usual, I sat in the car and fixed my makeup making sure I was looking as perfect and pristine as possible before getting down. Our school uniform was a white shirt with a red and black checkered tie, a blue black blazer with a red and black checkered skirt with thigh high socks. Plus we had to wear black shoes. The guys wore dark red trousers with white shirts and the checkered tie.

My black designer shoes were looking shiny and sleek in the morning sun. I’d saved all summer to buy them, because again, no wasting of money. But I couldn’t afford to wear anything below what was in season so I saved and got myself a few pairs before school. I was Aaliyah Waters after all, captain of the cheer squad, Queen of Royal crest academy. No, I am literally the queen of royal crest academy. I actually won miss Royal for all my years in this school, I had the most TikTok and instagram followers in school, I’m a big time name and all. Every girl hated me or wanted to be, I’m the trend setter. I’m literally ‘that’ girl.

I just couldn’t be caught lacking. Anyways, basically I was what people would call the queen bee. The girl everyone wanted to be.

“Liya! Nice ride !”

I turn around to see who had just called me and smiled.

Not everyone called me by nick name. I was used to miss Waters or Aaliyah. My best friend and co- cheer captain, Chloe was waving and walking towards me. My smile widened turning into a grin as I waved at her too.

“Thank you. I managed to convince mom to get it for me.” I say with an eye roll.

“Wow. I can only imagine how you managed” she laughs

“You can say that again, it was quite hectic and stressful. I spent days doing a whole presentation on it.” I chuckle and she shakes her head in amusement.

“I miss you so much. How have you been? How is Kirk?” She asks with a cute pout.

“I’m okay. And Kirk is still adorable but a little rascal most days.” I say, pouting at her as we greet each other with a cheek kiss and walk into school, catching up.

--- Don’t judge the cheek kisses. It’s part of the sophisticated manners we were thought. Everyone on our side of town was like that. Growing up, It becomes normal to you once you see elders do it. I only knew people didn’t do that when I started going to school and saw that our middle class teachers didn’t greet each other like that and it was apparently a rich people thing.---

Chloe had left Royal hills, our town, to stay with her grandma in japan during the vacation so we didn’t spend the vacation together and missed each other a lot. My vacation had been really boring without her cheerful self around, making me laugh and going on shopping sprees. She was literally everyone’s dream best friend.

People part way for us as we walk in the hallway. They wave and smile trying to make small talk, whilst others just steal glances laced with envy. I would look at me with envy too if I were them. I’ve been them before but then I decided to fight for this position and now I’m reaping the benefits. Chloe says hi back to a few of them and thanks them for their compliments. She’s a lot nicer than me. Maybe it’s because she’s so nice and a bit distracted at the moment, thanking Glenda Valentine, a classmate and fellow team member, for telling her she loves her necklace that she doesn’t see it coming.

We turn into the corner and someone runs into us. Slamming into Chloe first, and spilling their coffee on my shoes at the same time.

My freaking new designer shoes!

Gasps sound around as the girl starts apologizing. I’ve not seen her before. She must be very unpopular or a new girl. I’m assuming it’s the latter as she’s not wearing the school uniform and running in the halls. So uncouth and unladylike. I hate those kind of the people the most.

She quickly apologizes, talking over her words and not making sense as she drops down to clean my shoes. I hold my hands for her to halt as I step back from her. I’m still taken aback.

“It’s always the weird outcasts. Deal with her.” I roll my eyes and tell Chloe before hurrying off to the washroom to see if the shoes my hard earned savings had bought wasn’t ruined.

I said before that Chloe was nicer than me, but what I didn’t mention was she was a whole lot meaner than me. People don’t compliment her because they like her, they do it because they fear her and want to be in our good graces.

People think I boss Chloe around because she is the one always handing punishments out per my order. Even you might be judging me now. Considering I said she’s my best friend and I just ordered her around like she’s beneath me or something.

But they’re wrong and so are you. Chloe is my best friend. I truly care and love her but she’s not truly like me. I wasn’t always this merciless. In fact to be honest I’m still not really merciless. If I stayed there I might cave in and let her go, understanding that it was an honest mistake plus she was new too, but I had a reputation to keep up And had to set an example for the others. Chloe was used to this she was stronger than me in this matters so I pretend I’m giving her orders whilst in reality, I’m running away from having to play my queen bee roll. She knew this and understood me that’s why we were good together and a good match.

I enter the bathroom and find it empty. Thankfully.

People might have rushed out to go catch the drama live. Drama concerning the elites of the school always spread like wildfire and Chloe and I were the elite of elites so it was understandable. I took off the shoes and wet a paper napkin to take out the stains, releasing a breath with relief when I realize it didn’t damage the shoe. I open the door and someone nearly runs into me but I’m quick to step back. What is going on today? First the new girl now another person. I turn to scowl at the culprit but it’s just the new girl again. Chloe must have punished her already because this time she’s crying. She runs into an empty stall, slamming the door shut. It catches onto her skirt, the tearing sound is loud in the silent bathroom. I try not to break into laughter. That must be really frustrating. I almost feel bad for her. Keyword is almost. She yells and releases a string of curses. Most are directed at Chloe. I scoff and turn to leave.

What a loser. You deserve it if you can’t stand up for yourself. The nice only get walked on here. There’s no space for heroes and good. Only survival of the fittest and villains. If she can’t adapt, then the school is not for her.

What use is cursing in the washroom when you’d only get heard and punished more?

What a Coward. I scoff and roll my eyes, making a mental note to deal with this behavior later.

If she had something to say she should have said it to our faces. Trash talking behind our back was not tolerated. That’s how governments get overthrown. Through whispers and rumors and then finally a leader emerges, someone brave and stupid enough to challenge the government in power. And I can’t have those kind of things happening

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