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Lilian a girl born into wealth. She had all she wanted in life. Her parents loved her so much that they couldn’t afford to let her lack anything. Her Dad is a very busy businessman but he do make out time to create memories with his family while she had a stay home mum. Tragedy unfolds when her Dad was found dead without a trace of how he was killed. Lilian grew up with the aim of finding out more details about her father’s death. She traveled out of her hometown to study, while she was there she fell in love with Rohan but still pursuing her law course. She never knew her mother already had someone set for her to get married to based on the deal her mother made with the boy’s mum. Charles is the boy Lilian’s mother planned on introducing her to. Do you care to find out the deal and how fate brought two forces together? Come on grab your copy…

Chapter 1 Lily’s Pain

Lilian’s POV:

I woke up with this sharp pain, and I had to get ready for school.I reached for my phone, close to my alarm on the table, and dialed my mom’s number because she was the only one home with me.It kept on ringing and ringing, but there was no response from the other end, and I felt weak all over.So I decided to find my way to her to inform her about my pain because I could no longer bear it, but as I was about to leave the bed, I found out I couldn’t even raise my head.I tried screaming out, but I also could not. I tried moving without lifting my head, but the pain got worse and my eyes started spinning. The pain was extremely severe.All I could remember is that I fell off the bed, and that was all.Mrs. Dickson’s POV:I turned off the gas cooker and decided to watch a movie, then I noticed Lily was not down yet.I decided to go check up on her because she does not joke with school.When it is time for school, she wakes up before 5:00 a.m. and gets down before 5:50 a.m., but it is already 6:02 a.m.I got to her room and opened the door. Lily, I shouted. I found Lily on the floor unconscious and not moving.I quickly grabbed her phone and called an ambulance to come help.I used all the strength I had to carry her down the stairs because Lily is now much older.When we got down, I tried reviving her by sprinkling water on her; she opened her eyes, but she couldn’t speak. Fear gripped me because she is all I have.I picked up my phone and called my husband; he picked up immediately. I was surprised but didn’t show my emotions because my girl was in pain at the moment.I told him all that was happening, and he told me to keep him updated when we get to the hospital for easy accessibility.We ended the call, and two minutes later, the ambulance came with the help of three nurses. We were able to put her on a stretcher, and we left for the hospital.On our way, we did not experience traffic, and we got there on time.


Lilian’s POV:

I opened my eyes after my mom splashed water on me.Due to the pain, I shut them back, and now I could hear people making noise.I decided to open my eyes, and I found out I was hospitalized.A doctor in his 30s walked in and said, "Hi, My name is Doctor Kell. I just nodded and he realized I couldn’t speak after waiting for some seconds.He checked my pulse and all, He noticed I was still feeling pain and he gave me some pills to take after a nurse fed me cereal, which I found difficult to take. After I took the pills, I slept off them.

Mrs. Dickson’s POV:

I called my husband to inform him about the hospital we were in, and he assured me that he was on his way. I ran back to see how Lily was fairing; through the door, I could see she was fast asleep on the bed, so I left.I was going back to the waiting room, and a thought just occurred to me that I hadn’t called her teacher.I was about to dial her number when she started calling me.I picked her up, and after our greetings, I told her about Lily’s condition. She assured me that she could rest until she was okay and ready to resume school.I thanked her, and we ended the call. I got to the waiting room, and after some minutes, my husband came in, and we both walked to Lily’s ward.Lily, Lily, Lily I called out her name as I tapped her, but she didn’t respond. Then I increased the rate at which I was tapping her so she could wake up, and then she woke up.

Lily’s POV:

I opened my eyes, and behold, it was my Dad and mom.I was a bit surprised to see him because he comes once in a blue moon, and they could tell through my looks.I tried to speak and noticed I could now speak. I greeted my parents, and my mom hugged me in a way I was not expecting at all.After she was done pecking me and all, she asked me questions concerning my health, which I answered.My Dad also hugged me, and we stayed together all through the day, gisting and praising God.Then the doctor came in, and he told my parents that there was an emergency.That he wanted a patient to stay in my ward because all other wards were now filled up except mine because it was the only private ward in the hospital and the child’s parent wanted it also.So, my father agreed that we could share the ward due to the fact that I was now feeling better and I tend to get discharged sooner or later.The doctor thanked him and was about to leave when he realized he had not asked for my permission.He asked me, and we all laughed. Then I told him he could bring the patient into my ward.I really wish the patient was female because I will get bored when my parents leave.

Doctor Kell’s POV:

The ambulance carrying the patient was already close by. and he left. Miss Alyson turned to me and asked me if I wanted to say something earlier on.I thought about the fact that if I told her, she wouldn’t be comfortable at home any more. I think I should check the CCTV footage at home.

Mrs. Dickson’s POV:

I quickly grabbed her favorite gown and called the driver to get the car ready.I hurriedly reached out to her dinner packed in the kitchen, and I reached out to the yogurt in the fridge.I wanted to give her a double pendant I bought yesterday from the super market, but I forgot.And today, all this happened to her. I think I should give her something to cheer her up a little.My little princess would be so happy to see a present; she always loves it when I give her a new thing.I packaged all the items and ran out. On getting outside, I saw the driver already waiting for me in the car.Lily must be waiting for me too, because I've stayed away for so long now.

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