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Battle line

☄️☄️🍀🍀🍀💤💤💤💤💤 In a royal palace, the kingdom of Marsha there is a great and mighty war which caused great tribulations and loss to the kingdom mentioned above. Two brothers from the same father but different mothers come together in conflict, competing with each other, this great war makes the king kick the bucket he gave his beloved servant a diamond 💎 and go to a far place and keep the diamond and he told the servant that whoever found the diamond between the crown princes should inherit the throne of Masha. The servant did as he was instructed, and on his way back he was killed by a wild animal. After the war the kingdom reunited back every property was restored, the building was rebuilt and everything was going fine. The Kingmaker sent for the crown princes to tell them is time for one of them to rule the kingdom and they consult the oracle the message was about the diamond and it goes like this the first person to bring the 💎 is good to go. The names of the crown princes are Prince Uma and Prince Katanga.

Chapter 1 Marshall kingdom


"""This kingdom is blessed with different natural resources, it also blessed with good soil every seed

germinated with rapid growth and bring out good crops and the kingdom is also blessed with Good season ❄️ that is, their weather ☁️, their rainy season, snow ,

dry and other season are all normal God really favor the kingdom, even people from another empire come for tourism or they should stay permanently, this kingdom is blessed.

The only problem this kingdom is facing is the king problem they don't have stable king there is always war and after every war, there is possibility the war take

the king life so they had been suffering from the problem and is also affecting the growth and the development of the kingdom.

Recently, a fight occurred between the king and his banned brother which caused great war in the kingdom, he came to revenge and inherit the throne, but

unfortunately they both stabbed each other with sword and they die instantly and this war make Marshal

kingdom to lose soldiers, valuable properties and beautiful building and also caused a great loss to the

palace, even the residents of the kingdom some lose their lives, and some ran for their lives.

king Nausa only marry two wives but they are pregnant during the war, they have not put to bed, but they was saved during the war by the palace surveillance.

Few month later, the kingdom resolved back to good state, people that ran for their lives come back to the kingdom because of the news they heard that the

kingdom is going fine so they have to come and this time, more people move inside the kingdom and stay permanently because of the benefits they will derived from the kingdom, rapid growth and good weather ☁️.

"""""" okay let me make you understand something about the incident that happened in the past, the reason the war start and why did prince hama want to revenge and what caused him banned from the kingdom.

°°°° Flashback°°°°

In the past, prince hama and prince Nausa are eligible princes 🤴 who can be crowned, but Queen Tania and her son prince Nausa planned a trap

for prince hama who is the second eligible prince that make him suffers and banned from the kingdom , there

are some act that the eligible princes must not do or commit, but prince hama fall into the trap.

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