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LOVE AFTER describes the marriage life of Tasha and Jay after 9 years and also the love life of Lilian Brown, the return of an unexpected enemy. Before reading this, made sure you already read the season 1 "LOVE BEFORE"

Chapter 1 Falling apart

Hello dear readers, its your favorite girl ELLE T.RAISSA. If you are too curious to go on a journey lane with Lilian Brown, then you can skip this chapter but for those who are reading my novel for the first time. I wish to inform you that LOVE AFTER is the second season, so before reading this book, how about you read LOVE BEFORE?

You wont regret reading my books, so much love. I Love you all my friends.

These are some titles of my completed novels.






Dont feel bored at home when there are a lot of contents to read, and please leave your comments as its what pushes me forward and also makes us close, I love being friends with my readers and wish to be your friend. Dont turn me down, kisses.


"Hey guys, what's this sound that is going viral now? My momma, the Diva dropped her latest song ...sing with me...

I use to think that, I will never fall in love..but then you...

Showed me, that you could be everything I want...

Tag me in your videos, your favorite girl Lili ... love you all Lilinations"

I posted the video before checking my messages.. still no message from Josh, is he ignoring me now? He snubs me and sometimes finds me annoying...I need to get things straight with him.

I received an incoming call.


It's my favorite person, Cycal my kid sister.

"Hi lollipop," I said happily but I heard her sob..is everything ok.

"Lili it's getting worst, Mom wants to leave Dad" she cried out and I was shocked

Mom wants to leave Jay, which has gotten over her.

It's the summer holidays and I was planning to go back home next week but I guess I will leave today, I mean right now.

"Don't cry, everything will be fine..just try and convince mom to stay"

I assured her and we discussed some more before I arranged my stuff, I wore a blue denim Jean and a jacket before arranging my hair into a ponytail.

I wore a face mask and people go crazy when they see me.

When I was all set I picked my car keys before driving away, Dad will be shocked to discover I now drive myself.

Josh wasn't picking up my calls so I dropped at his place before ringing the bell.

"Hi, Miss Brown," The maid said with a smile.

"Is Josh around?"

"Yes but he is a little busy now" She replied and I rolled my eyes, he must have asked them to tell me that.

"Is he in his room? I will go see him and leave immediately" I said and she nodded before I walked straight to Josh's room

He was with his phone and an earpiece placed in his ears.

I can't believe he had his phone before he couldn't pick up my calls.

"Josh" I hissed angrily and he stared at me in confusion.

"I have had enough don't you think so? Why could you not pick up my calls?"

"I was studying"

"I see you studying now" I scoffed and he just ignored me before walking to his desk and focusing on his laptop, does he realize am angry?

"Do you hate me?"I suddenly asked and he just shook his head.

"Am busy Lili" He said and I felt like crying.

"Since when do you call me Lili?" I asked heartbroken.

"Since you are so busy, I came to let you know am going back to New York..my family is breaking and I want to be with them, " I said feeling sad. .this was a sad moment for me.

"Ok," He said without glancing at me.

"My plane will take off at 10 am, I thought you cared and loved me...if you come to tell me goodbye before I take off then I will be happy, but if you don't show up..never show up in my life again," Lili said and Josh stared at her in shock.

She is Lili, people loved her and cherished her time...but this guy right here decided to toy with her feelings.

She walked out of the apartment before driving herself to the airport...

It was still 8 am and the thing she prayed was for Josh to show up, she suddenly regretted what she said when it was 10 am and he was not there.

"Excuse me miss, when will the next plane take off?" She asked trying to cancel her flight and hoping for Josh to come he is maybe stuck in traffic, but there was no traffic.

"In two hours," The attendant said and Lili booked another flight for noon.

It was noon and the flight will soon take off.

She stood up and stared at the park but there was no Josh.

"This is it, am going to stand strong," Lili said and wiped off the tears from her eyes before walking to the plane

"To hell with love" She cursed out irritated.


"Tasha, what are you doing? You can't leave" Jay said with a pleading tone, they just argued and Tasha was desperate to leave

Cycal stood by the door watching her mom park her stuff.

"Jay, I am not leaving you, I just want a break from us," Tasha said and Jay pushed the vase down breaking it into tiny pieces.

"You can't take a break on us, am not your boyfriend neither am I your fiance...I am your husband" He said and cooled down quickly..he did not want to lose Tasha.

Since she started her music career and became the famous Diva, things have not been going well with their relationship..and it's all thanks to her music producer Sam.

He feels the guy doesn't have good intentions for Tasha, and she has become good friends with the Sam guy and trusts him a lot... even when he asks her to dress seductively on stage she accepts, Jay's opinion does not Longer matter to her.

"That's the problem, stop controlling my life so much, let me do things I want" Tasha scolded back.

"You love singing and I get that, am ready to support your decision of being a singer...but you have to sign in with another company, I don't like that Sam guy" Jay tried explaining to her.

"Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean they are bad," She said with a high tone.

"Mom please stop," Cycal said walking towards her dad.

"Tasha please don't leave" Jay pleaded.

"Please babe, let's sit and talk" Jay added and Tasha sat on the bed frustrated.

She had to leave for Paris for a concert, she will be leaving with Sam after her concert here in New York that will take place in a week.

But Jay doesn't want her to leave, he feels insecure.

"Jay you have to trust me," Tasha said now using a low tone.

"I do, I trust you a lot babe," he said and sat beside her before kissing her cheeks.

"Then why don't you want me to leave, this is me fulfilling my dreams"

"Tasha you want to leave for the whole summer with Sam, think about it.. you are not a single lady, you are married with two kids so how can you just leave for a 3 months program....and I don't trust Sam, I know what am saying..am a guy as well," Jay said trying not to anger her.

"Mom listen to Dad, you can't leave me alone all summer all because of music," Cycal said getting angry.

"It's my dream baby," Tasha said to Cycal who had cried her eyes out.

"Your dream? Is dad and I not also dreaming? I don't care anymore..you can leave" Cycal said and ran out.

"Cycal..." Jay called out but she was gone.

"She will be fine if you stay," Jay said and Tasha just shook her head.

Sam told her how important the concert it, she had given him her word to be there.

"Jay try and understand me please," Tasha said and Jay nodded.

He hugged her tightly for a long while.

"I will think about it," He said and Tasha smiled before pecking his lips.

"What was that?" He pouted angrily before pulling her in for a deep kiss.

The kiss was so wild, Jay unzipped her gown and was ready to devour her when she broke the kiss.

"I will go take a shower and also sleep with Cycal, I need to leave early tomorrow," She said and Jay felt bad...this I how it has been, she was always pushing him away.

He just walked out of the room to the wine bar, he doesn't want to ask her anything more as he is scared that one day she might leave for real.

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