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Ciel Beline


I fell madly in love with a man I was forced to marry, but I didn't expect his heart to be as cruel as it was. "You don't have to be around him," my husband's trusted man told me after seeing me crying after a dance where I was humiliated, "help me, Alyssa... and let me love you as you deserve." He told me, and it took me by surprise. I didn't know what was going on, but the Goddess seemed to be merciful to my soul finally.

Chapter 1 Prologue


Since the beginning, the Capell family has been loyal and devoted to the Leblanc family. Even though some believe this is due to the loyalty of a wolf and the fact that the patriarch of our family is always responsible for caring for the pack and preserving the will of our Alpha, it goes far beyond what is seen on the surface.

When you grow up in a family like the Capell, you learn early on that you cannot allow yourself to live the same way as the rest of the world, and when you're a rare descendant like me, a she-wolf, it becomes... a burden.

I was only eight years old when my stepfather told me that he had arranged a marriage between me and the heir of our pack with the Alpha's approval. Of course, the hierarchy among wolves had never been determined by blood. Still, after the first Alpha of the Leblanc family rose to power, those who showed the ability to challenge their positions were tragically involved in fatal accidents. With that said, I knew all too well that I would become the mate of Asher Leblanc, the eldest and beloved son of our current Alpha; a boy with light eyes, dark hair, and a face so handsome it could even make the moon goddess envious.

Asher Leblanc was a natural prince with impeccable manners, ruthless during hunts, merciless towards enemies, and protective of his pack-his brilliance outshone everyone in his family-such that no living soul could question his right to the Alpha position. And, of course, I became one of those unfortunate individuals.

Before I knew it, my entire life revolved around Asher, and my decisions were based on how they could affect him. I turned that man who would one day be my husband into the center of my universe and the only reason to keep living.

I didn't have many opportunities to be close to Asher, and on the few occasions I encountered him-usually in public-he would smile and kiss my hand like a fairy tale prince. And like a foolish, naïve girl, I handed over my heart to the man I would be forced to marry long before a ring was placed on my finger.

Then, on my seventeenth birthday, my she-wolf awakened-and with Asher ready to ascend as the Alpha, our parents didn't hesitate to arrange the long-awaited wedding. As I entered the temple dressed in silk and ivory, I could never have imagined how my honeymoon would be stained with my blood.

"Shut up," was the first thing Asher said to me before pushing me onto the bed and restraining me with chains of sacred silver that hurt the wolves. "You were given to me as a gift, and you must be obedient while I enjoy my night."

He growled, and placing a silver gag in my mouth, he tore my dress... and used me.

I felt my mouth burn from the silver. I felt the blood between my legs, and my wrists, after hours of contact with the chains of holy silver, were raw and bleeding-nothing compared to the state of my own heart. I had fallen in love with a monster, and now, I was married to him.

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Book1 (Chapter 1~188, completed): “Please...come back to me, be my Luna again, Charlotte,” Hayden said. I sneered. “You don't even qualify to be my Omega. What makes you think I would want to be your Luna?” “Then let me be your slave,” the shameless mate who had rejected me begged. ------------------- I had been claimed and married to my mate, Hayden for three years, but everything changed when his brother died. He began to ignore me and get closer to his brother’s widow, Sofia. Everyone could see how much he favored Sofia over his own mate, me. I turned a blind eye and endured it all because he was my destined mate and I loved him so much. But Sofia framed me for causing her miscarriage and everyone blamed me for it, not to mention my mate. My mate forced me to kneel and apologize to that bitch who had tried many times to drive wedges between me and my mate, with the help of his sister, Milla. Hayden didn't even want to listen to my explanations. He gave me a choice - apologize or divorce. I would never apologize for something I didn't do and thus I chose divorce. No one knew I was actually the next-Alpha-in-line of one of the most powerful packs. After the divorce, I went back to my pack and take over my birthright - becoming a powerful Alpha and showing Hayden that he was nothing to me and my life was better off without him! ******************************* Book2( From chapter 189~287, completed): As the Alpha princess, I enjoy all the glory and wealth, but my heart only yearns for freedom and love. Much to my luck, I found my fated mate, Alpha Shawn Evander when I was nineteen. He is one the most eligible bachelors currently, but my parents, especially Dad is so against our mateship, he keeps urging me to break up with Shawn. Why should I break up with my fated mate? I love him too much and decided to make a bold choice - to marry him during my twentieth birthday party secretly. So, it should be a happy day, right? Nope. Imagine my shock when I saw my bestie and Shawn together, betraying me during what was supposed to be our wedding day! In the end, I didn’t get married to him and went to a bar to drown my sorrow when I stumbled across an Alpha who needed a mate to break his curse, and we decided to have a contract marriage between us. But when I went home and sobered up, I realized who that Alpha was - Alpha Maximillian Vestvertine, also known as the most ruthless and arrogant Alpha of all. However, I never ezxpect that this coldest Alpha would be so eagar to have me....

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