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Tangled fates

Tangled fates



This book reflects the intertwined destinies of Ethan, Sara, and the Choi family, as they navigate love, ambition, and the quest for revenge. It promises a captivating and dramatic storyline that will keep readers hooked.

Chapter 1 One

Ethan Choi , a 24 year old arrogant party lover is the sole heir to multi business tycoon Mr. Jim Choi of the Choi enterprises. Being an only child Ethan got away with everything he did, over pampered and spoilt made him irresponsible and lazy, he had no interest in the family business or any other kind of business.

For some reason his parents had no issue with that, they wanted him to come around and take interest on his own accord they believed he would. Moreover, Jack(Ethan’s cousin) was helping with the business.

Left to Ethan he just would remain this way for ever but little did he know that the universe had other things planned.


Ethan phone rings………

“Hello Mom”

“You need to come to the hospital right now” she said sobbing

“Why Mom, what’s wrong” he asked

“I……it’s your father, he slumped and fell unconscious” now sobbing more she says “I don’t know if he will make it”

“Stop crying Mom I will be there shortly”


Ethan arrives the hospital minutes later but his cousin Jack stops him from entering the hospital, they get into an argument which leads to a fight and they were both asked to leave the hospital premises.

Hours later Mr. Choi gains consciousness and asks the whereabouts of his son and nephew hesitatingly his wife tells him about their fight and how the two had to leave the hospital. He was disappointed.


As Sara walked home tired from work she felt an unusual pain in her stomach, the same pain she felt all day but decided to overlook because she had work to do, the pain grew worse with every step she took

“Maybe it’s something I ate” she thought.

Known to always neglect her health she kept walking but this time the pain came stronger that she could not walk anymore she immediately stopped a cab and went to the hospital.

“Abdominal pain, fever, did you have anything to eat today?” The doctor asked trying to figure a diagnosis for Sara

“No, doctor I didn’t have the time to” she answered

“From the look of things it seems you have an infection in your intestine”

“Is it something very serious” she inquired

“No, no all you need do now is have enough rest, always stay hydrated and I will also prescribe some antibiotics to help ok”

“Alright doc”

“Is there anyone at home to look after you”

“Sure” Sara muttered. It wasn’t true Sara lived with her Mom who was an addict.

“Alright I strongly advised you rest well” the doctor advised

As Sara walked to the bus station all she could think of were the doctor’s advice to rest.

“How am I supposed to rest” she thought to herself . Since Sara was 18 she has had to cater for herself and her mom. She lost her dad to a car accident and her mom took to drinking and doing drugs ever since then life had not been the same for her she had to drop out of school because they couldn’t afford it, she started doing all sort of jobs to put food on the table. She had hopes and dreams but they were shattered. She prayed that one day she would go back to school,She worked all this jobs so she could save up to go back to school her dream was to become a flight attendant, she spent her spare time learning all it takes to excel hoping that one day her dreams will come true.


Car horns loudly……

“Get out of the way, you idiot” shouted the driver at Sara who had been lost in thoughts

“Sorry, but you should also pay attention to the road because obviously you are on the wrong lane” said Sara

“Whatever, you should be more careful or you might not be this lucky next time fool” answered the driver

“You need to pay attention when driving and also learn some manners!”

“Who do you think you are to lecture me about manners?” the driver was now very upset and irritated by the young lady standing before him

“Someone who knows how to follow the rules and treat people with respect”

“ Just get out of my way!” he said blaring his horn at her

“I hope you realize how dangerous your reckless driving is. Be more responsible next time!” Sara yelled as she walked away.

“What a nuisance” she thought to herself “Who the hell does he think he is”.


On arriving home Sara met the house in a mess, the whole place was torn upside down but she didn’t fret it had become a usual sight coming back to meet the whole place that way. Sara mother’s had a habit of tearing the whole place down when she had too much to drink. As Sara walked in she walked directly to the room and laid on the bed in no time she fell asleep.


“What took you so long” Ben, a friend of Ethan asked him as he walked into the pub

“Well I almost ran a girl over on my way here” Ethan replied

“Shit hope she’s okay” Ben asked worriedly

“I guess from the way she was talking back at me she is fine”

“Ooh! Did someone meet his match today” Ben winked

“Eww! She’s not even my type” said Ethan

“ Hmm, ok if you say so”. “You mentioned a fight with Jack what happened?”

“Typical Jackass, always trying to prove he is better than me” Ethan hissed “please I came here to get drink not to talk about annoying things ok”

“Let’s get drunk then” Ben snorted.


“Was it necessary to get into a fight with him” asked Margaret (Jack’s mother)

“ Yes mom, I had to stop him from going into he hospital to see his dad” said Jack rubbing his hurting chin

“Well that’s smart but don’t you know that would also tarnish your reputation before Jim?”

“Don’t worry mom I’ll fix it. Jim trusts me and he would believe whatever I say unlike his good for nothing son” Jack smirked

“Alright son, go freshen up I’ll fix you something to eat”

“Thanks mom, you are the best”.

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