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ETERNAL  (United Kingdom)

ETERNAL (United Kingdom)



A human girl who suddenly becomes a queen in another world. She is the woman prophesied to be the companion of the king, known as the Alpha, who has currently relinquished some of his powers for the sake of his people. This sacrifice has caused the king's physical form to fade away, until his partner arrives in this world to restore his strength. This prophecy has been upheld and believed by the entire population of Eternal. The Eternal race consists of immortal beings from various mythological origins. This realm was established by the venerable werewolf elder, aided by the eternal dragon of the gods. However, as time progressed, they all had to brace themselves for unforeseen calamities. The avarice of the demon king and his partner led to the sacrifice of the king known as Alpha Piter. Yet, it wasn't only the king who vanished into the unknown; his loyal pack of werewolves also disappeared, following in the footsteps of their ruler. To this day, the surviving members find refuge in secrecy, biding their time for the opportune moment when they can once again breathe the fresh air of their own land.

Chapter 1 another realm

How does it feel to be happy without thinking about existing problems? I believe it's impossible to experience that, as there are more than a thousand forms of happiness that bring along problems. Whether it's jealousy, dislike, or even hatred and resentment.

Like me, who ventured alone to seek and find happiness, only to encounter a heap of problems. Strangely, this feels both fascinating and a little crazy.

She is a hardworking woman who is always expected to be capable of everything, learning from a young age that growing up and dealing with loneliness is not easy. Catharina Marksee, a woman born into a simple and harmonious family, before a tragic event robbed her of her joyful story. Since the age of twelve, the smile faded within her, leading her to live in solitude, at least until a certain incident where she was drawn into a sudden hole that appeared on the highway just after she returned from work.

A human girl who suddenly becomes a queen in another world. She is the woman prophesied to be the companion of the king, the Alpha, who has currently sacrificed part of his power for his people. His physical form has disappeared, waiting for his partner to come to this world to restore his strength. This prophecy is still believed by the entire population of Eternal.

The Eternal people are a race of immortal creatures, consisting of various mythological beings. This realm was built by the great elder werewolf, assisted by the immortal dragon belonging to the god. However, time has brought them to face unexpected calamities. The greed of the demon king and his partner led to the sacrifice of the king known as Alpha Piter. Yet, it wasn't just the king who vanished, but also the werewolf forces, following the king's footsteps. Until now, the survivors can only hide, waiting for the right time to breathe the fresh air in their own land once again.

"Where is this?" she whispered, looking around.

Tall grass swayed, dense and lush trees, along with beautiful mountains and the clear river water that made this place feel like paradise. Thousands, even millions of fireflies adorned the darkness of the forest at night, not to mention the chilly wind that pierced the bones, sending shivers down her spine.

"Welcome, Your Majesty," a voice whispered into her ear, its source unknown. There was no form or shadow, only the hissing sound as if reluctant to reveal itself.

Afraid? Of course, who wouldn't be afraid in a situation and condition like this, especially when she's all alone here, not knowing what led her to enter this enchanting and otherworldly realm.

Catharina spun around, her gaze sweeping over every corner of the forest within her sight. An unfamiliar yet heightened sense of awareness caused her to ease her guard.

"HELLO, IS ANYONE HERE?" she shouted, but there was no response whatsoever.

"What place is this, actually? How did I end up here all by myself?" she wondered silently about the strange occurrence she had just experienced moments ago.

Her instinct guided her tall steps toward an ancient castle building that still appeared magnificent, as if it were inhabited. Carvings of dragons and wolves adorned the castle gate.

"Amazing," she murmured, her eyes marveling at the structure.

As she took steps closer, about to shout, the castle gate suddenly swung open with the clanging sound of metal, causing her to halt abruptly. Few things could be more frightening than this, though, for someone else it might be frightening, for Catharina, losing someone she cherished was far more daunting.

"Let's see what's inside this castle, what has led me to this world."

With determined steps, she entered the beautifully sculpted castle, akin to a palace from the era of kingdoms.

As her footsteps echoed in and she opened the main door, a burst of synchronized light illuminated the castle, as if welcoming her warmly.

"I've never seen anything so awe-inspiring, it feels incredibly beautiful and truly spectacular."

The paintings on the walls and ceiling of the castle were exquisitely crafted, and the glass windows, nearly reaching the ceiling, added a touch of wonder to the building. She truly wished to meet everyone within the castle, yet since she passed through the gate and up until this point, not a single soul had come within her gaze. Silent and alone.

"Lord, why am I here? What is your purpose for me, a lone orphan, in this situation?" she cried out, her voice carrying a hint of desperation. Her words filled every corner of the room, yet still, there was no answer to be heard.

"Once again, I feel like a mad person, enduring such situations continuously," she muttered in frustration.

The castle was vast and splendid, with glistening marble floors and red carpets adorning each staircase. This added a sense of opulence and elegance befitting a ruler. It was inconceivable that such a grand castle would be devoid of occupants, yet everything within was immaculately arranged and organized.

I don't understand the purpose behind all of this that I'm experiencing; it's so sudden and a little crazy. Just last night, I was walking home from the office where I work, and suddenly, a large hole appeared out of nowhere in front of me, leading me to end up in this world.

"Look, isn't the queen so beautiful?" a strange voice whispered, as if engaged in gossip.

"Quiet, you ugly raccoon! I know that too, with sharp eyes unafraid and a strong aura, just like a leader. It seems she's the one we've been waiting for," a hopeful voice from an unseen figure interjected.

"Guide the queen to the book of spells," commanded a stern and authoritative voice, the owner of which remained unknown.

Her steps were uncertain, puzzled about where to go in this vast structure. She feared that someone might come and accuse her of wrongdoing, like a thief perhaps?!

"Welcome, Your Majesty!" the voice exclaimed, now sounding like more than one person.

"Who's there?"

"Reveal yourself, don't be a coward!" she retorted, her body turning to survey every corner of the room, a cautious stance she always took in dangerous situations.

"Go to the top floor of this castle and recite the spell from the book on the small round table there. Chant the incantation to see the unseen, and then you shall see us, Your Majesty."

Without further delay, she hurried her steps towards the top floor of the castle, her breath catching as Catharina arrived in front of a door adorned with a bold and daring dragon carving.


As she opened the door, the room instantly filled with light. Right in front of her, on the small round table, lay an impressively thick and unique book. Her eyes widened in amazement.

"Even the cover is intricately carved and sealed by a series of tree roots. How am I supposed to open it?" she wondered to herself.

Her slender fingers brushed over the cover of the spell book. As she attempted to blow away the dust on the cover, the intertwining tree roots that had sealed the book suddenly moved, unlocking the book. Truly miraculous!

"Alright, let's see what's inside this book," she said.

Her hand opened the first page of the book, revealing an illustration of a crowned dragon and a woman whose face strangely resembled hers. This couldn't be possible!

"Beauty mantra," she muttered, reading the words on the page. Suddenly, the adjacent page of the book transformed into a mirror, reflecting an elegant and beautiful figure wearing a crown. Strangely, this transformation occurred as she looked into the book's mirror.

Startled, she felt as if she had a twin when she stepped towards the glass window on her right. Her reflection changed, just as in the mirror. How peculiar.

"Okay, focus. It's not the time to explore further. Find the mantra to see the unseen, and everything will be answered."

Right in the middle of the book, she found the mantra she was looking for. The mantra read, "THE CIRCLE OF THOUGHTS APPEARS IN HER COUNTENANCE. THINK FORWARD FOR THE TRIUMPH OF THE TRAPPED ONE IN THE REAL ILLUSION, REVEAL ALL."

As she recited the mantra successfully, everything started to become visible to her.

"Nothing is happening," she wondered, scanning the entire room.

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew, and the book abruptly closed, refusing to open again. Her task completed, she returned to her original position in the room, which was now bustling with activity.

As she descended the last step of the staircase, the atmosphere became lively. A variety of mythological creatures from her world's past were now present and real before her eyes. Then her gaze sharpened toward a throne that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, for there was no throne when she first entered the room.

"Hello, everyone," she greeted awkwardly.

All eyes turned towards Catharina with a radiant glow, and in unison, they lowered their heads in respect, shouting.

"Hail the Eternal Queen!" they proclaimed together.

Catharina was taken aback by the reverence displayed by these creatures before her, not to mention being addressed as a queen.

"Oh my, what now? Since when did I become their queen?" she pondered, her shocked expression endearing to some of the beings present.

"Your Majesty, approach the throne," a centaur, a half-human half-horse creature, said gallantly.

Catarina stepped closer to the throne, gazing around at all the mythological beings. Wait, since when did she become a queen? This seemed impossible – to transform from an office worker into a queen in an instant. She wanted to refuse, but she was afraid that it might worsen the situation.



As her body settled on the throne, thick mist and strong winds swirled around her. Two minutes later, a blinding light emanated from her body, forcing her to shut her eyes.

"Look, it's indeed the queen," they whispered in awe, looking at Catharina with admiration, even though she was still hesitant to open her eyes.

"Greetings, Your Majesty."

"Long live the Eternal Kingdom."

Cheers of enthusiasm filled Catharina's ears, prompting her to finally open her eyes. She was astonished by what she saw. The office attire she had worn had transformed into an elegant brown gown with white ribbon accents at the waist and sleeves. Not to mention the sparkling golden crown adorned with beautiful gemstones atop her head.

"Is this real?" she thought.

"I... I am truly the queen!" she exclaimed inwardly. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, where all the mythological creatures had gathered, looking at her with hopeful eyes.

I am truly taken aback by this. I can see wondrous things with my own eyes. The magnificent room is filled with mythological beings, from Centaurs – half-human, half-horse figures – to warrior-like figures with the same combination. There's even a Minotaur group to my right, humanoid figures with the head, shoulders, arms, and legs of a bull. Legend has it that the Minotaur was a punishment inflicted by the sea god Poseidon upon King Minos of Crete, as he failed to honor Poseidon's wishes. Poseidon cursed Minos' wife, Pasiphae, to fall in love with a bull, resulting in the birth of the Minotaur – truly a tragic tale!

Then, to the left, there was a group of Sphinxes, mythological creatures with the bodies of lions, women's heads, eagle wings, and serpent tails. These beings were believed to be guardians of the gate, often depicted atop tombs. They were known for posing riddles to those who passed by them, and now I was truly encountering them in their highest position.

In the front, a group of majestic Griffins stood, arranging themselves with utmost respect. These creatures symbolized strength and wisdom, featuring the front part of an eagle and wings, while the rear part was that of a lion. Seeing them made me yearn to ride one, to experience the sensation of flying like a bird.

Behind the group of Griffins, there was a cluster of Pegasus, led by a white Pegasus, a stunning creature with wings that were undeniably beautiful. Its magnificent and robust physique was truly captivating, a remarkable blend that seemed straight out of a fairy tale.

Moving on, there were Nordic mythological creatures, like Fenrir, the giant wolf whose size was comparable to that of a full-grown elephant. Elves, known for their timeless beauty and eternal youth, exuded an envious charm. Dwarves, with their long beards, were said to be skilled weapon-makers.

My gaze turned towards the ceiling, where a formation of Phoenixes stood in perfect order, their sharp gazes fixed upwards. These fiery eagle-like birds were enthralling to behold, often symbolizing eternal life, rebirth, and life after death. Quite impressive, right?

Around the staircase, there were creatures known as Kirin, resembling deer but covered in scales with long whiskers. Their long fur adorned their head, legs, and tail, and they had a single horn. There was also the Nue, a creature with the head of a monkey, the body of a tiger, and the venomous tail of a serpent – a harbinger of ill fortune.

The Nue could afflict someone with a disease with just a single gaze, sending shivers down my spine at the mere thought. However, I hadn't sensed any danger from this creature so far, perhaps because I was their queen, hehehe.

Alright, let's move on. In the very back, there was a Satyr, a creature with a human body but goat ears and horns. Additionally, there were Harpies, mythological creatures with women's heads and bird wings.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," the white Pegasus said, approaching me and bowing like a knight.

"What's the matter?"

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