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Mirva Celestira


Two thieves go to Diagon Alley Cemetery to fulfil an antique dealer's request. They stole a valuable necklace. However, they don't realise that the owner has been observing their movements. Lucius Damien is a police inspector investigating an ancient pendant rumoured to be missing from a museum exhibition. The disappearance of the Vampire Pendant was triggered by a thief who entered the exhibition hall the night before the exhibition. With the help of an archaeologist, the truth begins to emerge one by one. A woman was suspected to be the victim of a Trannsylvanian 'Mixed Creature' who had apparently trapped her on the night she was to rest. The Vampire Hunters accused her of being part of a dark cult and burned her at the stake. The Lady's resurrection was signalled by the loss of the pendant she had clutched for thousands of centuries. "The Vampire Pendant is how I found you, Lucius Damien."


(Reincarnation, what is it?)

A handsome man is walking in a lavender savanna. He doesn't remember the last time he died.

(I did die. But I died to save my beloved.)

Stretching his arms, he tries to enjoy the warmth of the weather, closing his eyes. Those eyes are wide open when a man, who had become an inspector in the police force, realizes that he has an important task that day.

(It took me 20 years not to shoot someone...)

The handsome man then makes his way to the bathroom.

He turns on the shower and starts revealing the muscles he has formed through his training over the years.

(Becoming a police inspector has been my childhood dream.)

The sound of rushing water washes away every psychological burden he carries. His mind keeps thinking that today he might crack a case involving important people.

His eyes scan the wall, and he exhales with hope. Droplets of water dampen his brownish-copper hair. His white skin was as smooth as porcelain.


He closes his eyes and runs his wet hair through his body, hoping the water will provide answers for him.

(I'm not a religious person. I don't believe in reincarnation because I always use my logic to find answers.)

The man takes his towel and wraps it around his lower body. He takes a hairdryer and dries his wet hair.

(I don't know why I always have recurring patterns in my dreams.)

The sound of the hairdryer breaks the morning silence. After putting on his uniform, he walks towards the parking lot.

"Good morning, Mr. Damien. I hope you have a great day." greets one of his neighbors.

"Ah, good morning, ma'am. I wish you a pleasant morning too."

(I am not married. And I don't know how to spoil a wife. But today, I'm sure I'll solve that big case.)

He arrives at the office on time. Reporters are crowding in front of the office lobby.

"Excuse me, sir. Can we know the progress of the case you are currently handling?" asks reporter A.

"So far, I'm still investigating. Just wait for the results," says the man kindly.

He enters his investigation office and closes the door quietly. Another man realizes that the person he was waiting for is now behind him, "You've come, I see? Read this," he says, handing over the latest news report.

The newly arrived man then reaches for the morning newspaper shown by the plump man. His eyes search for more accurate information. Moving along with the news flow, which has become his hope in handling the major case he is dealing with.

"I heard there was a thief who broke into the grand Diagon Alley museum. And you know the same report was found at the Diagon Alley Cemetery too," says the chubby man, now standing up.

"And you're giving this as my 'morning coffee,' Grissham?" says the man named Lucius.

"Ah, maybe your coffee dosage is low, so you think I'm a cruel boss. But this time, I want you to dive into those two points."

Lucius is startled by his boss's sarcastic joke. Yes, a Grissham is not the partner he wants, as their behaviors are opposites. He tends to be calm and careful when seeking information.

"What's the matter?" asks Grissham Bell. Lucius just shakes his head softly. He can hardly believe that he was served the 'morning coffee' by Mr. Bell, who is a senior commander.

"Don't forget, you're my subordinate here. Orders are still orders, Mr. Damien," Grissham says without hesitation.

Lucius looks cornered by his boss's arrogant attitude, but he still tries to work professionally. "So, do you want me to start from the museum or the cemetery?"

"Do you believe in the Transylvanian myths, Mr. Damien?"

Lucius raises his eyebrows. He then asks his boss, "What do you mean? Is this another 'morning joke'?"

"Mr. Damien, we have a big case. The Mayor has repeatedly contacted me to ensure that the item he will auction remains in the museum." Grissham Bell cuts in firmly.

"Yes, Mr. Bell, I understand, but what does it have to do with Diagon Alley Cemetery? Is there a murder case involving a financial motive there? Because I won't believe any myths unless there's strong evidence that the perpetrator has special abilities to deceive us, unless... he's a crazy, mentally ill person."

"Oh... it seems I need to find someone more competent if you can't solve these two cases, Mr. Damien!" says Mr. Grissham Bell while sighing softly. He looks at the Diagon Alley media crew with hopeful eyes.

Lucius tries to carefully read the morning news again. He finds something interesting when the news discusses the theft of a pendant.

(Vampire Pendant?)

-Morning News-

"The Mayor said that an artifact went missing from the museum, which was scheduled to be auctioned last night. The motive of the thief is yet unknown, but the police will continue investigating the pendant's theft.

That's all the news we can report."

(I'm thinking hard about how to solve everything quickly.)

"So... what's the sequence of events, Mr. Bell?" Lucius asks.

Mr. Bell looks at him with hope, "I'm sure you know what I expect from this case. Especially since our client is the Mayor himself. I can't afford to waste my time for our golden opportunity to catch the perpetrator."

(I gaze at my arrogant boss. I know he's not genuinely interested in opportunities.)

"I need an investigation team then," Lucius offers spontaneously. Mr. Bell is surprised by Lucien's boldness in negotiating.

"How many people do you need, Mr. Damien?"

"Not many, Mr. Bell. I just want you to be a little patient because investigating this case and gathering information will take time and a lengthy process," Lucius says curtly.

"Will three people be enough?" asks Mr. Bell. Lucius thinks it's better because he doesn't like working with many staff except those he trusts.

"I think that will be more than enough, Mr. Bell. So, should I start from the cemetery? Are there any witnesses?"

Mr. Bell wants to say that the first perpetrator has already been caught. "I wanted to invite you, Mr. Damien."

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