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Alpha Damon

Alpha Damon



Scars.... Some are worn outside and read like a book, others are hidden on the inside, unseen but shape every fabric of our being. Alpha Damon has his shares of scars. He wears them like badges of honor, having earned them protecting the ones he loves, even if they were the end of him. Skipper carries hers on the inside, a collection of secret shame... Alpha Line company is the most prosperous companies all over many countries and anybody would dream to work there. But after Skipper's very unpleasant encounter with the mostly talked about gorgeous CEO of Alpha Line on the very last interview she tried to give a shot on, she decided to fly back to her hometown when it didn't go so well and clear her head. But when she encountered Damon Matteo himself in the most shocking event where he not only murdered a werewolf in her presence but also transformed into a wolf himself in the middle of the woods, her life soon took a drastic change. Damon is buying her dream cabin back in her home town and he is willing to pay her her choice of digits if she could keep his secret and be by his side at all times. Skipper is still trying to move from everything, and in between all of this, she found herself succumbing to his every wish. Including being his destined mate.

Chapter 1 Prologue


"No!!" I yelled on top of my voice. "No please, don't kill me. Please!"

I never thought that.... I would beg for my life the way I did now. I always thought that...my life was worthless and that I would die with a smile on my face when that day comes.

When I was old enough to understand that death was something inevitable, I had always hoped that it would rain the day that I left the earth forever. I thought that if it rained the day I died, then all of the not so pleasant things I'd leave behind would be washed away along with the memory of myself.

But I couldn't feel that peace right now even though this was part my wish to die. The rain was falling heavily and my whole body was drenched in water. But why wasn't I happy? I'd always imagined that I'd close my eyes and just listen to the sound of water hitting my body and sliding down my face. I never thought about the fears and every other thing. I never thought of how much I'd miss him.

Just two hours ago I'd been planning a surprise for him. He was always the one surprising me with all the good things I could never imagine. With gifts and so much more. I only wanted to do one thing today. But I went out of my way. He had warned me but I crossed the line, and now I can only imagine how angry he's going to be.

My hands are soar from the ropes tightly binding my wrists together, yanked behind the wooden chair I was tied against. The ropes are tied around my legs too and they just hurt so much.

My black blazer had been torn away, leaving my white button up on. The water had poured on my body for far too long that my white dress now seemed transparent and sticked to my body, putting my breasts in full display. But that was my least concern.

My only concern was getting out of here alive. And away from the masked man who just stepped into the room with a huge knife in his hand.

I'd been blindfolded the whole time but the instance I heard him approach, the blindfold was yanked away.

"Please.... Please I didn't do anything...." I begged hopelessly.

In a full speed, he reaches me and grabs my hair, yanking my face up to him. I can't see his face due to the mask he had on, but the eye hole was wide enough for me to see his eyes clearly. I could almost swear that I've seen those set of eyes before.

"Please...... " I cried.

"Yeah, you didn't do anything wrong, Luna but you're a bait. You hear that? You're a fucking bait!!!"

"No! Please please... I'm sorry..... Please let me go!"

"Shut the fuck up whore!! Where's your Alpha now? Where's your fucking Alpha right now?!!"

"Right here....." A foreign voice speaks from behind my captor and he abruptly lets go of me and turned around.

I could barely see clearly due to the rain but there was no way I could miss that.

There he stood in the distance, a wild beastly man taking a fighting stance as he faced us. His eyes are glowing red and there's this.....anger in his eyes. His eyes are laced on my captor first before they shifted to me. And just then I saw it. I saw the guilt and pain in them. But my heart broke for him. Because he knew exactly what he was walking into. He shouldn't be here. He's going to die.

I started to shake my head in disapproval but he quickly looks away.

"You do not go after my woman, Ashtray." he growled so hard, I felt the ground vibrate underneath my bare legs.

Ashtray laughs heartily, dipped his hand into his pocket and slowly retrieved the only thing that could kill my Alpha. My eyes goes wide and I started to shake my head violently at him.

"Damon no! "

Someone from the back yanks a celotape over my mouth, muffling my screams. Damon sneers from the far end, the color of his eyes deepening faster as he lowered himself to the ground.

Out of nowhere, Ashtray's men jumped on him in their wolf forms. Damon moves out of the way quickly and snaps each of the two wolves neck without even as much as trying. Then he takes out his gun and shot the rest of his men who were coming at him. It always amused me how he's able to do that in split seconds.

Damon slowly picks himself from the floor and stands straight, wriggling his right arm to straighten his rumpled suit. I saw the sickening smile that crossed his lips as he watched Ashtray from the distance.

"You wanna try now?" Damon speaks confidently.

I shook my head disapprovingly. He should get out of here. I needed to tell him what was behind Ashtray but I couldn't.

Ashtray lifts his arms and spread them apart, inviting Damon over. No. This cannot happen. I started to writ violently on my seat, hoping to get Damon's attention but to no avail. Damon tosses his gun away and picks up a long fighting knife from the distance.

Damon lounges for Ashtray with his knife but he quickly dodged it and spedfast through the rain to the other side. Damon follows. For a long moment I couldn't see them, I could only hear their voices and the sound of metals. Then they came into view again and I saw Ashtray hit the ground. Damon tries to slit his throat but he speeds off before the knife could reach him.

Damon lounges for him again but without his knowledge, Ashtray had found a perfect stance and turned around. He speeds back to Damon and injects him with this venom that would automatically kill him, forcing Damon into a stop.

I wanted to scream out his name but I couldn't. I cried hard but it comes off muffled. Tears instantly dropped down my eyes.

Ashtray starts advancing towards me but soon stopped before he could reach me. His eyes grows wide and glassy like he'd seen a ghost behind me. I watched closely to see the thin line that had formed around his neck and the blood that trickled down.

He holds his neck, causing more blood to ooze out. Then he fell to the ground. Dead.

Damon stands behind him, his wolf eyes slowly dimming as he watched me, one hand holding the side of his stomach that he'd been injected with the venom. His eyes are apologetic but I wanted him to know that he shouldn't be.

"I'm sorry..." He managed to say before he dropped to the floor, having reduced from his wolf size to his human size.

"No!!!" I muffle screamed.

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