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Frank andy


Ethan Westwood is a powerful wolf from the alpha bloodline, who has trouble finding his mate and has to go against his parent about taking another she-wolf as his mate. Mia Dalton is a weak human who lives under her abusive stepfather after her adoptive mother died. In the course of escaping from her stepfather, she meets Ethan deep inside the forest. Ethan discovers that Mia is his mate but was put in a huge dilemma because the werewolf clan forbid them from having a human mate. Despite the disapproval of the elders, Ethan accepts Mia as his mate not fearing what the consequences might be. The werewolves fear that the forbidden relationship between Ethan and Mia might bring destruction that was foretold by the seer to the clan but Ethan refused to adhere to their plea. Will the relationship between them bring the destruction to the clan or will it save the clan from the destruction?

Chapter 1 ETHAN'S POV


Adrenaline pumps in my veins as I jump on a wolf and slash his back with my claws. He howls

and tries to push me off him but I sink my teeth in the skin of his neck until he can no longer

breathe. I leave the dead wolf and attack the others that are trying to make their way into our


"They are going towards the pack." Aaron, the beta's son yelled to me through the mind link.

"Stay here, I'll take care of it." I ran after the four wolves going toward the pack house.

Increasing my speed, I catch up with them and jump on the black wolf at the back. We roll on

the ground, trying to gain dominance which he lost. I slash his chest with my claws before

chasing after the others that are still running toward the pack. I overtake them and stop in front

of them.

They come to a stop, taking a fighting stance. My eyes look back and forth between the three of

them, waiting for them to make a move. The black wolf in the middle which is the biggest among

them but smaller compared to my 6ft white wolf charge at me. With a fast reflex, I dodge his

attack, making him fall to the ground. I jump on him, sinking my teeth in his skin as the other two

attack me from behind.

One of them bites down on my leg, causing me to kick him off me with all my strength. The wolf

under me is still struggling to get out of my hold but I waste no time in slashing a deep cut in his

stomach with my claws. I pushed the last one away before pouncing on him to bite down on his

neck. The other one I kicked, take off into the forest and I decided to postpone his death to

another day.

"How is it going over there?" I ask Aaron through the mind link.

"They are all dead, you?"

"All sorted." My wolf gaze at the three wolves covered in blood.

There is discomfort in my heart that I am killing my pack members. But for some reason, they

turn into bloodthirsty monsters threatening the lives of the werewolf clan. Killing them is the only

way to keep the other pack members safe, so I have to stop feeling guilty about it.

"I think that's all of them," he said.

"Retreat," I announced to all our warriors through the mind link at the same time which I can do

because of the alpha blood running through me.

We meet up and speed through the forest going toward the pack house as the sun slowly sets,

giving the sky a golden glow. We arrive at the pack house and shift back to our human forms.

My porcelain skin is covered in mud and blood, and my dark raven hair is filled with dirt and

grasses. Someone hand me a short which I put on before walking into the alpha's house.

"How did it go?" My father asks upon seeing me. He has his back turned to me on the

cream-colored couch he was sitting on.

"All the wolves have been taken care of," I answered, remaining in my spot behind him.

"Good." He rises from his seat to turn to me with his forest green eyes boring into mine which is

the same color as his. "Get cleaned up and join us for dinner, your mother and I have something

important to discuss with you."

With a slight bow, I respond before making my way up the stairs. I walk through the dark hallway

and stop in front of my room which is located at the end of the hall. I step inside and went

straight to the bathroom to wash off all the blood and dirt on my body.

When I finish cleaning up and getting dressed, I descend the stairs to join my parent in the

dining room. My father is sitting at the head of the table with a poker face, making me wonder

what he wants to talk to me about. I guess what it might be but I hope it's not it because I don't

want to go through that episode again.

I take my seat on my dad's left just in time for my mom to emerge from the kitchen with her dark

raven hair tied in a bun and her porcelain skin glowing under the lights. I am a carbon copy of

my mom except that I inherit my dad's eyes and cold personality. Two of our workers follow

behind her with two dishes each in their hands. They place it on the dining table as my mom

takes her seat on my dad's right.

After they serve us the food, my mother dismiss them to give us some privacy. I wait for my dad

to take the first bite before I dig in. I am halfway through with my dinner when my father clears

his throat to get our attention.

"Ethan," he called, making me out down my cutlery and giving me my full attention. "How is it

going about finding your mate?"

'My guess was right.' I thought in my head.

"I still haven't found her."

At the age of 18, most werewolf have their first shift and find their mates. But mine is different in

the sense that I had my first shift when I was sixteen and I have been looking for my mate ever

since. I am thirty-two years of age and most pack members believe that my mate is already


Believing in that rumor, my parents try to push me to take another she-wolf and mark her as my

mate but I refuse every time which ends up in a heated argument between me and my parent.

The fact that I'm their only child did not help my situation as their attention is solely on me.

The burden of being the future alpha has been on my shoulder since I was ten. My father

started training me in combat and self-defense at an early age when other children of my age

were busy having fun and enjoying life. I never got to enjoy my childhood which is the one

reason I become cold-blooded. Though my father is not complaining because that is what he


He sighs and leans into his seat. "The moonlight festival is approaching and your mother is

planning to let you take over as the alpha. You need to rule this pack with your Luna by your


"I will find her before the moonlight festival," I reply and pick up my fork.

"You have been saying that for a long time now and still, she's nowhere to be found. Why not

just take our advice and marry someone else instead of wasting your time waiting for her?" My

mom interfered with her deep blue eyes full of concern.

I dropped my fork out of frustration. "Mom, we've talked about this. I'm not taking another

she-wolf as my mate. My mate is still out there and I'm going to find her."

"What if she's already dead like they say?" Dad narrowed his eyes at me.

I pause for a moment, thinking of the possibility that my mate could be dead. Raising my head

to glance at my dad, I said, "I will only believe she's dead until I see her dead body with my


My dad bangs his hand on the table and stands up. "I'm tired of your nonsense. I won't sit back

and let my generation die with you," he yelled. "I'm going to talk to Micheal tomorrow, you are

going to marry his daughter and mark her as your mate."

"I will do no such thing." I stand up to match his stares.

Amelia is the beta's daughter who also hasn't found her mate. She's only twenty-six years old

which is four years younger than I am. Though Amelia is a beautiful girl and we have messed

around a few times but I don't want to mark her as my mate. What happens when my mate

shows up later when I'm already mated to her? The drama is not going to be interesting to

watch especially for me.

"You have no choice. I'm your alpha and you will do as I say." He marches out, leaving me and

my mother in the dining room as we listen to his echoing footsteps on the stairs until they

completely fade away.

Running my fingers through my hair, I pace the dining room before I stop to look at my mom.

"Why is he being so difficult? What will he do when my mate shows up after I'm mated to


"I have no idea but we can't keep waiting for her." She stands up and pushes her chair back.

"Listen to your father, that's the only advice I can give you." She follow in the same direction my

dad left in.

With anger coursing through my system, I storm out of the house, running into the forest. As I

increase my speed, I shift into my wolf form weaving my way past the trees. After running for

almost 10 minutes, I stopped at a clearing as all the anger in me subside.

I gaze up at the moon illuminating the bright sky and howl out of frustration. As I put my head

down and turn around to go back to the pack a sweet smell of vanilla hit my nose bud, making

me stop in my track. All my senses heightened as I follow the direction of the scent before it

register in my brain.



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