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The Alpha Witching Hour; A Forbidden Love

The Alpha Witching Hour; A Forbidden Love



Three months later, Gracie's life had become a fragile equilibrium, her secret a burden she bore in silence. Each night, she listened to the eerie sounds that seemed to come from the shadows, always wondering if the old woman would return to haunt her dreams. Meanwhile, in a faraway land, the Moon Goddess's decision reverberated through the alpha king's court. The council of elders struggled to comprehend the unexpected revelation – a witch chosen as the future Luna. Whispers of fear and disbelief echoed through the ranks of the werewolf pack. But in the midst of the confusion and uncertainty, the Moon Goddess's eyes, the priest, remained steadfast. He believed in the wisdom of their deity and her mysterious ways. As he watched the reactions of his people, he couldn't help but wonder how this unprecedented union between a werewolf and a witch would shape the destiny of their pack. Little did anyone know, the Moon Goddess had woven a tapestry of fate that transcended the boundaries of their kind, setting into motion a series of events that would challenge tradition, test the bonds of their pack, and ultimately reveal the power of love and unity in the face of fear and prejudice.

Chapter 1 Fate has it

The distant reverberations send a chill coursing down Gracie's spine. She whimpers as fresh, scalding tears stream from her eyes. She was aware she shouldn't have gazed upon that woman in the alley, never should she have. The memory remains agonizingly vivid, inflicting an excruciating ache that stifles her breath. So, with a trembling hand, she raises the hood of her jacket once more, concealing the scar on her neck beneath an added layer of clothing.

It's been three months since that fateful night. Grace found herself in an alley after hours, seeking employment as a seamstress. She had removed her hooded sweater, tied her hair into pigtails with a ribbon, and donned her jacket to fend off the cold.

She hadn't intended to make eye contact. A man's shouts had echoed, but she had dismissed them, believing herself safe. Yet, curiosity got the better of her. She glimpsed an elderly woman, bent over like a beaten dog, clad in ragged garments far from respectable. The old woman seemed eerie, almost like a witch. But then, what else would bring someone like that to this forsaken city?

Before she could restrain herself, Gracie moved forward. "Do you require assistance?" she inquired, the words escaping before she comprehended her actions. Her heart raced, as though it sought escape from her chest, and her hands shook violently. She was frightened. She hadn't intended to speak, and perhaps she shouldn't have, but she couldn't leave the woman to freeze to death, no matter how terrifying the circumstance.

Still, she bit her lip and gazed expectantly at the woman who stared back at her. She felt exposed beneath those piercing, icy blue eyes that uncomfortably resembled her own. There was no warmth there, no kindness, only ice and darkness that sent shivers down Gracie's spine.

The old woman gazed back at Gracie, producing a black leather pouch. She untied it and spilled its contents onto the ground, all the while speaking in an unfamiliar tongue. Gracie edged closer to inspect what the woman had conjured in the dirt. It was a dark, almost viscous liquid, exuding a nauseating scent of tar and gasoline. It was a peculiar aroma, and Gracie could even smell the burning rubber and hear the engine's roar in her ears. It drove her to scramble away as swiftly as possible.

She fled, her feet moving so rapidly that the ground became a blur. When she dared to glance back, the alley lay empty, with no trace of the woman. She hadn't confided in anyone, returning straight home, and she had never been the same since. That night was three months ago, and she had been hearing strange sounds since then. It felt like hallucinations, yet strangely real. Fear had clung to her ever since.

She hadn't shared her encounter with anyone, not even her older brothers, Jesse and Sam, as she knew they wouldn't believe her.


The courtroom of the king fell into a profound silence. The alpha king was already privy to the elders' desires but found himself unable to interject, leaving the fate of finding a mate for his son in the hands of the Moon Goddess.

"The Moon Goddess has maintained a disconcerting silence concerning our future Luna," one of the elders declared.

"Only the Moon Goddess knows the reason behind her reluctance to secure a mate for Zaya," responded the alpha king.

"Indeed, only the Moon Goddess possesses such knowledge," another elder concurred.

The noise and chants from outside heralded the arrival of the priest, also known as the Goddess's eyes. He was an omega, marked by his white hair and wrinkles that etched around his eyes and mouth. His robe was adorned with symbols and talismans, and a cap crowned his head. He bore a staff akin to the one that cradled the sacred stone. As the chants subsided, he began to speak.

"I extend greetings to all in the spirit of unity, bearing auspicious tidings. Today, the Moon Goddess has once again blessed us. She has discovered a mate for Zaya, a Luna who will guide the future of the Moon Pack. May the Moon Goddess illuminate her path as she did for our forefathers," the priest proclaimed, punctuating his words by tapping his staff upon the ground. "May she bestow prosperity upon our people," he continued. "For we shall accept her as she is," he added.

"Thank you, the Goddess's eyes. Where is she? It is prudent for us to extend an invitation and commence preparations expeditiously," the alpha king urged.

"The Moon Goddess will lead her to us when the time is right," the priest responded.

"When the time is right?" queried one of the elders. "We have waited for the Luna for an extended period. Now that we've identified a mate for Zaya, why can't this be the opportune moment?" another elder pressed.

"From which pack does she hail? Is she an omega or a beta? Who are her progenitors?" inquired the alpha king.

"She belongs to none of these categories, my alpha king. She hails from a distant land," the priest replied, sowing confusion among those present.

"None of these?" "From a distant land?" murmured the bewildered elders.

"She is neither an omega nor a beta, nor is she a werewolf," the priest revealed, further mystifying the assembly.

"This baffles me. Is she a deity, then?"

"Could you provide further clarification?"

"The Moon Goddess has paired Zaya with a mate who is destined to be our Luna, but she is not a werewolf; she is a witch."

"A witch?" echoed the incredulous voices within the king's court, their disbelief evident as they raised their voices. The notion was abominable, a union between werewolves and witches considered impossible.

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