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The Casanova Ceo wants me

The Casanova Ceo wants me

M.E. Rodavlas


A simple and introverted countrywoman and a handsome playboy and owner of a large and famous company, crossed their paths Although her origins were insignificant and lowly, marigold did not expect to be noticed by Chardon Atanante. But because she knows he's a playboy and almost every day that he changes his girlfriend, marigold no longer hopes and assumes. Even though she is still attracted to him, she just ignores her feelings and just shrugs it off. But, what if the domineering CEO forces himself on marigold and treats her like she belongs to him, can marigold do anything? Will she reject him? "Everything in this company are mine, including you. So sign up thia contract to Make you legally mine—chardon💕

Chapter 1 1 - Departure

Antique Province

Early in the morning, I already packed my clothes and things along with some important documents, while my mom was standing at the door and sobbing. Her eyes are red from crying since last night.

I sighed and approached her, then I wiped her tears with my clothes. oops... I'm going leave (Don't make the shirt dirty)

C-can you just not leave?" She said while still sniffing. I can't help chuckling at her. My mom is really cute, she inherited this from me.

"I'm doing this for the both of us. And also, you know this is my dream, you understand me, right?" I said while stroking her hair.

I'm Marigold Magbanua 22 years old, turning twenty three this year. I am a BS graduate and an introvert and nerdy type. I don't like to socialize and I'm wary of people who seem untrustworthy, those who looks like cheaters and bluffer.

I have been wearing glasses since I was seven years old because of astigmatism. My mom said I inherited it from my father's side.

In order to achieve my dream of a good life for both my mom and me, I have to leave her and venture to Manila.

Our life has been difficult since my father left us when I was only four years old. Before he left, we lived in abundance.

I was still very young that time, but as far as I remember, my father was going back and forth to Manila and in antique. My mom said that my dad's family has a business in Manila and dad will inherit it someday.

Dad used to always bring some delicious food from where he grew up.

I also remember that we moved to a big house with a big yard where I always played with my dolls.

But one day, my dad didn't come home. My mom patiently waited for him in the big house. But he didn't even call us and it was almost the end of the month.

The house was lease-to-own, and since dad is away we have nothing to pay for it.

Since we could not afford the monthly lease, my mom can't do anything but to return the house key, and that very day we packed and left.

I don't want to leave. I wanted to wait for dad in that place, that's why mom picked me up while I was bawled of crying. As we walked away, I'm still looking at the big yard with teary eyes.

When we returned to where we used to live, some of our neighbors started to mocked us.

Our relative who lives nearby even comes to laugh at us. They always say that dad has another family in Manila and he doesn't want us anymore.

Because of this, I always heard mom crying at night. My mom is a kind and good person. She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment. Not long after, my mom developed depression.

I don't want to hold a grudge against my dad, but he is the one to blame for everything. If he hadn't left us, my mother wouldn't developed depression and people wouldn't mocked us.

Since then, at a young age I promised myself that when I grow up I will work hard and we will leave this place. I will prove to those people that we don't need that person to live a good life.

"If you've made up your mind, just think I didn't said anything." Mom said while stooping obviously making me feel guilty.

I coaxed my mom for about an hour before I finally got her to agree. I gave him a lot of reminder before leaving.

While the ship was sailing, I was looking at the town where I grew up. Although, I know I may be home sick and sad, I have to bear it. And the next time I leave this place; my mom will be with me.

It was almost a day's journey when the ship docked in Manila. I felt dizzy and felt nauseous because I forgot to buy bonamine at the antique store before leaving.

I bought medicine and hung out at the convenience store first and rested until my

dizziness went away.

When my dizziness's gone, I left immediately and looked for a cheap hotel. With a large backpack on my back and only a small handbag, I can move easily.

After checking in, I immediately took a shower and went to sleep. I didn't even feel hungry. Besides being tired, I hardly slept on the ship.

It's already dawn when I woke up. Maybe I slept for nine hours. I ask breakfast to the room service.

Then I started looking for work on my cellphone. I didn't even have to browse because, I found a top job posting website right away.

I read the information written there: 'C.A Inc. the largest and prominent company in the capital and was located in Makati city. They're owned many branches around the country, and can earns million in a day. Their CEO is a grumpy old man.'

I couldn't help laughing when I read the last sentence. They probably don't want to scare people who will apply to them, do they?

The good news is, according to what I read, the position I want is still vacant! I feel like I hit the jackpot.

I can't help getting excited. I immediately sent my resume to them.

Since I'm in a good mood today, I decided to walk around outside first and study the area while humming.

I also want to look for a cheap rental house. Because if I continue to stay in the hotel before I get a job, I will definitely run out of money and probably end up sleeping on the street. So hopefully before that happens, I started a Job.

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