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My Nightmare Billionaire

My Nightmare Billionaire

Jaona Rihan


(This Book is rated 18+ with sex scenes) In this captivating story lies Chloe, a compassionate psychologist, and Alex Peterson, a formidable billionaire. Their union was forged for disparate reasons – Alex was cajoled into the union by his friend, Joe, who is also a freind to Chloe. Chloe on the other end willingly embraced the idea of the union, driven by her desire to heal his tormented soul. Chloe's own life had always been filled with pain and struggles as she was raised in an orphanage. Her life experiences had driven her to have so much belief in saving lives as she often said that"saving a single life is worth every sacrifice." Beneath Alex's veneer of arrogance and cold-heartedness, she sensed a hidden depth of meekness and empathy waiting to be revealed. Determined to unravel the mystery of her husband and liberate him from the clutches of drugs, alcohol an mental illness, Chloe embarked on a journey, a journey that led her to various corners of life. Yet, as Alex continued to subject her to heartache and torment, the question loomed: could she ever succeed?

Chapter 1 1.

"We'll certainly feel your absence, Dr. Chloe," Receptionist Anna conveyed, handing me several documents. I accepted them with a faint smile. I'll genuinely miss this place as well.

"Feel free to reach out whenever you like, Ann; I'd always avail myself."

"Thank you, Chloe." She placed my transfer letter neatly on the desk.

"Wishing you the very best on your new path."

I nodded, and as my eyes fell upon my name within the documents, a slight grin crept across my face.

At times, it feels peculiar to witness my name inscribed without any accompanying surname. Yet, it's beyond my control. The identity of my family remains a mystery to me. I remain uncertain about their existence or whereabouts. All I recall is an assertion from someone at the orphanage many years ago, asserting that I had been there from the very day I came into this world.

My entire childhood and adolescence were spent yearning for the warmth of a family's love. I observed many of my fellow orphans finding new homes through adoption, and I couldn't help but envy them. It appeared as though no one ever spared me a second thought for adoption. However, that sentiment has since lost its grip on me. Having lived a solitary existence for the entirety of my twenty-four years, I've learned that love isn't solely about anticipation, but more about offering it willingly.

"Dr. Chloe, are you all right? You appeared lost in thought," Anna inquired.

I chuckled nervously in response to Anna's question and embraced her, offering assurance of my well-being. After saying farewell to everyone, I embarked on my journey to the airport.

Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life, commencing in the very place where my story began. After a six-year absence, I am returning to the homeland of my upbringing."

I can vividly recall the momentous day when I celebrated my eighteenth birthday, poised to bid farewell to the orphanage that had been my home. Fortuitously, I received a scholarship to attend a prestigious overseas medical college. Upon successfully completing my studies, I secured an internship in the field of psychiatry. In due course, a few years later, I proudly earned the distinguished title of 'Dr. Chloe.'


Upon reaching my destination, a deep sigh escaped my lips, laden with anticipation. The winds of change were blowing in my life. A fresh country, an unfamiliar city, a novel hospital, strangers yet to become acquaintances, and a completely new existence awaited. My earnest hope rested on this journey, that it would script new chapters in my life.

"Barbie doll," a familiar voice rang out, and my face lit up with an enormous smile.

I tilted my head slightly, raising my eyebrows in surprise as I approached the figure standing before me. My backpack snugly settled on my right shoulder, and my suitcase trailed behind.

"Hey," I whispered, enfolding him in a warm embrace.

"Welcome back to the grandeur of New York City," he murmured in response.

"How are you, Joe?" I inquired, disregarding the perpetual smirk gracing his countenance.

Evidently, he harbored some undisclosed intentions.

"Well, considering your imminent inclusion in the hospital where I am employed, I'd venture to say I'm quite well," he replied with a mischievous tone. I couldn't help but shake my head at his playful demeanor.

Joe and I are longstanding friends, we met few years ago at a medical conference. Since that serendipitous meeting, our friendship has grown strong.

He's a renowned surgeon, but at times, he can display rather immature behavior.

"Darling, despite this scorching weather, I made the effort to collect you from the airport. Please, let's not linger here as if you were a statue. Come along, let's go."

I nodded and promptly settled into his car.

As I pondered, nervously nibbling on my lip, I grappled with the persistent question that had been troubling me for quite some time.

Glancing to the side, I observed him, and there, I discovered a broad grin illuminating his face. I couldn't help but wonder why he appeared so elated by my presence.

"Joe," I inquired cautiously, "What's the reason behind your eagerness for me to join you here?"

He met my gaze, then responded, "You'll soon find out."

"Indeed, it appears he's not inclined to disclose the true underlying motive," Chloe remarked.

She fixed her gaze upon Joe, her curiosity piqued. "Joe, why do I think I am here because you need my assistance for something. If I am, just let it out already"

Joe's composure remained outwardly tranquil, yet a subtle gravity underscored his words.

With a steadfast commitment, Chloe assured him, "Rest assured, Joe, I've already committed myself to this journey. There's no turning bak You can confide in me; I promise to beof help to the bestr of ability.

His gaze averted from Chloe, fixating on the windshield ahead.

" Do you know Alex Peterson?"

I had a sudden urge to laugh at his question.

" Come on, who doesn't know him?" I replied and that's when the corner of his mouth broke into his signature smirk.

" Well, he's going to be your next patient."

He announced with a casual shrug. I blinked twice to register his words.

Alex Peterson? The billionaire Alex Peterson?

" Relax, okay? He's also a human."

" Do you know him?" I asked him, surprised.

He chuckled.

"Yes, Barbie doll. I know him. He is my best friend."

" You never told me about this," I whispered.

"You never asked."

" B-But why me? He can hire any best Psychiatrist then why me?"

How am I going to treat him? He's such a big personality. I had never seen him, but the stories I'd heard about him were enough for me to have my heart filled with pure respect. He worked hard to build a huge empire in the business world at such a small age. I can imagine the number of sleepless nights he might have spent for achieving all the success. But why does he need a psychiatrist?

" Because you are the best I can ever find for him."

I flushed.

" Can I ask you something?"

" Sure, doll."

" Why does he need a psychiatrist?"

His face became hard at my question and a second later, I regretted asking him that.

" He doesn't, but I need you for him."

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion.


He exhaled a deep blow of air and his hold on the steering wheel tightened a bit.

"I will give you his medical files tomorrow."

" Okay."

" We are here. Go and take proper rest, you might be tired from the journey. If you need anything, just drop me a message, okay? Otherwise, we'll meet tomorrow. Take care."

He said before placing a kiss on my temple.

" My life is strange, isn't it?" I asked myself once when I reached the balcony. Grabbing the seat on the couch, my eyes wandered over the sky. The sun was settling down and the slow breeze was passing through my skin.

I don't know why it feels like Joe was hiding something from me. Like there was some other reason besides treating Alex Peterson.

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