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Billionaire's Last Love

Billionaire's Last Love



Life wasn't unfair to Gracie a beautiful collage student who lost her family in a car accident, leaving her older sister's daughter. she has no choice but to take responsibility for her niece who grew up believing she her mother and all thanks to her best friend (Lucy) and her mom (Mrs Cole) who took her took care of her . Kelvin Harrison the cold CEO/billionaire who didn't care about life, he only cared about his younger sister (Rose), Ever since their parents died in a plane crash, he promised himself to protect Rose with his last breath, he lost his fiancee due to a car accident and sworn never to love again. What do u think is going to happen when Gracie and Kelvin crosses each other part?? Will Gracie be able to break down his walls?? What if Gracie's Parents death and Kelvin's fiancee is a coincidence?? Will they work together to find out the truth??

Chapter 1 Flash back

"Flash Back"

Lennon's Living room, "Darling we'll be back" Mrs Lennon said, "Mum can't I tag along, I promise to complete my homework when we're back" with a puppy eye, Mrs Lennon looked touching and said "I'm sorry darling, u have exam next week, you have to focus on your studies, Next time you will tag along I promise to bring alot of goodies on our way" *Smiling* I cheered up "Alright mum, Big sis win the biggest teddy for baby Daisy" Alice smiled "Anything for you and baby Daisy" *Everywhere gets burly* Few hours later *phone ringing* Gracie picks the call "Hello" the other line "Hello, do you know the owner of their phone" *Removes phone from her ear and looks at the caller* Saved with 'Big Sis Alice', " Yes, she's my sister" the other line "The family got into a serious accident unfortunately no one made it please head to the city hospital to identify them" *Background got burly* Rushes to the hospital and saw their lifeless bodies, Doctor " I guess your a family, Good news the baby survived"

"Mummy, mummy, mummy wake up, your having nightmares again" *Snobbing* I open my eyes and found my baby crying "Stop crying baby, Look am okay if only a nightmare" *Hugs her* looks at me phone "Baby let's get you ready for school" Stood up and prepared her for school.

Hi, I'm Gracie a college student and a mom, I lost my parents and big sister in a car accident at a young age fortunately daisy survived, I took the responsibilities of be her mom at age of 17, she's 3 turning 4 next month I stuggled to provide her need all thanks to my Best-friend 'Lucy' and her mom 'Mrs Cole' who took us in and took care of us, I'm Currently in my last year in college, looking for a suitable job to provide some of my needs and also move out with Daisy

Daisy runs to Mrs Cole "Grandma" *Hugs her* Mrs Cole smiles "Oh my grand baby, are you ready for school" Daisy nods "Where's Godmother??" Mrs Cole turns around "She's are the restaurant, when your back from school you'll meet her at the restaurant" Daisy smiled "Alright Grandma" *Waves at her* "Byee Grandma" Mrs Cole waves back.

At the school gate "Daisy baby what did I warn you about??" Daisy said "1. Don't talk to strangers, 2. Be Good to classmate and obedient to your teachers, 3. Don't let anyone bully you" I smiled "Good girl, come give mummy a kiss" *Pecks her cheeks* Daisy smiled "Bye mummy" *waves at me* I waved back.

Head back to the restaurant "Hey babe, I heard u panicked this morning don't tell me it's the same nightmare" I turned sad "You got it right, I can't forget about them, I think it's a sign" Lucy turns "What sign??" I smiled "I don't know yet" Then Mrs Cole came in "Can you girls drop the conversation and focus on your work, we'll talk about it later" I went to take orders "Hello Sir what can I get you??" He looked up " I want a cup of coffee and a sandwich" *jots it down* "I'll be back with your order in the next 5 mins, How do you want your coffee??" *staring at me* "Black coffee no sugar" I nodded and heads back to the kitchen. " isn't he good looking" "Who" I asked " The guy you just took his order" I smiled "yeah I guess" " I think it's time for you to go on blind dates" "No way" *disgusted face* "Why" lucy asked "I'm a mom remember" rolls her eyes "Oh please you don't have a husband nor boyfriend so I see no reason why u shouldn't go on a blind date" after few mins I took his order and went to his table "Here's your order Sir, Enjoy" turns and went to back to the kitchen

"Daisy's School"

She saw a petty lady taking to a man after few mins she walked away immediately something fell out, she picked it up and ran to the lady "Petty aunty, your necklace fell out" hands her the necklace, Rose turns around took it "Thank you baby girl, what's your name sunshine??" Daisy smiled and said "Daisy Lennon" Rose touched her hair "Beautiful name for a beautiful girl, Thank you again Daisy I've to go but here's my card if you need anything call the number in this card okay" hands her a business card " Thank you petty lady" she waves at her and ran back to her classroom.

After school Daisy waited for her mom but there's no sign of her, a kid and his dad walked up to her "Daisy isn't your mom coming?" She looked sad "I don't think so Luke" Luke looked at his uncle "We can give you a ride home" " No thank you, I don't enter a stranger car" daisy said " Daisy this my uncle Bryan, uncle Bryan this my classmate and friend Daisy" Uncle Bryan smiled "you don't have to be scared daisy, luke and I will take you home safe and sound I promise" Daisy thought for awhile and nodded, they all went into the car daisy pointed to the direction to her house.

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