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Billionaire's December Despair

Billionaire's December Despair



"Summer," he called her name. She ran to Osiris and hugged him as she cried. "We broke up. He hurt me and cheated many times. This must be my karma for what I did to you." Tears streaming down her face, she asked for his forgiveness. "If I could turn back time, I would choose you. If I'm given the chance to love you again, I will make it right." Osiris and Summer walked through the rain-soaked gardens, their clothes clinging to their skin. Just as they reached the grand doors of the mansion, they swung open, revealing Osiris' wife standing in the doorway, Martha, in her pregnant state. --- When a chance encounter leads to an unusual pact, Summer becomes the unlikely tutor for Osiris in the art of domesticity. As they navigate the trials of chores and life's uncertainties, a unique bond blossoms. But destiny has more in store as their paths diverge, only to reunite in a twist of fate. Osiris, driven by a silent admiration, becomes the steadfast pillar in Summer's whirlwind rise to stardom. Amid the glitz and glamour of showbiz, a stolen kiss in the moonlit confines of a car reveals hidden desires, setting the stage for a passionate dance of emotions. In a tale of love and longing, Osiris yearns to bridge the gap between their worlds, all while concealing his true identity as a powerful CEO. Summer, caught in a web of emotions, grapples with secrets she's compelled to keep. The stage is set for a heart-wrenching encounter when past promises collide with present desires, challenging the very fabric of their connection.

Chapter 1 One

The road was busier than the entrepreneurs opening their various stores and establishments. However, no one was more preoccupied than , who had been rushing about since early morning on this crucial day.

He flagged down a taxi, boarded it, and disembarked, repeating the process. But suddenly, the course of his life, which had been the same for several days, took an unexpected turn.

A loud honk interrupted his stride across the road. Startled, he glanced up, causing his stack of resumes and application letters to go flying, along with the precious regular McCafe Hot Coffee he had been sipping, which jolted him awake as it spilled onto his pristine white long sleeves.

As he stooped to pick up the scattered papers, an elderly driver stepped down from the bus that had stopped him in his tracks. The old man observed Osiris, as if assessing the young man's physical appearance: tall, handsome, fair-skinned, and with a well-built physique. These were the only things Mr. Cesar noticed about him, wasting no time because he had something urgent to chase.

"Are you looking for a job?" he asked Osiris upon noticing the scattered resumes and application letters on the pavement. He stretched again that swollen side of his neck when he felt the after effects of the vase her wife hammered him earlier.

"Yes," Osiris replied, and then the sound of a car horn, loud and insistent, reached his ears, followed by another and another.

"Do you know how to drive this?" Mr. Cesar tapped his Bugatti.

"Yes, I do!" Osiris replied quickly, thrilled that a seemingly kind and wealthy man was offering him an opportunity. In contrast, the drivers behind them, blocked by the car, were not happy at all.

"Then you're hired." Cesar tossed the car key to Osiris. With a smile, Mr. Cesar invited the young man to get into the car, and they hurriedly drove away.

Osiris started the car, eager to get away from the relentless honking of the impatient drivers they had disrupted during their brief conversation. He was happy because this had been his previous job, but he had been let go due to workforce reductions. He had been one of the lucky ones chosen to be let go, and that luck had led him to meet Mr. Cesar.

"I'm driving a bit slow," Mr. Cesar remarked, gazing at Osiris as he maintained a moderate pace behind the wheel.

"What should I do, Sir?" Osiris inquired.

"Speed up," came the response.


After a brief moment of Osiris accelerating at a faster pace, something he was accustomed to because he often drove at the speed he preferred, Mr. Cesar seemed content.

"Good. You drive faster than my previous driver." Mr. Cesar nodded, but soon his brow furrowed, and he focused on the road and the vehicles ahead of them.

"Why isn't he driving for you?" Osiris asked, curiosity getting the best of him, although he regretted it almost immediately as he felt somewhat out of place conversing with someone of Mr. Cesar's stature.

"THERE! That's them!" Cesar exclaimed loudly, causing Osiris to jump and nearly slam on the brakes.

"Where, Sir?" Osiris asked anxiously, scanning the road for the reason behind Cesar's sudden outburst and mixed emotions.

Cesar confirmed what he was referring to with a tremor in his voice, "That black car with the license plate PAQ-3435."

"Did he steal your car, Sir?" Osiris asked, starting to overtake the vehicles blocking their way to get a better view of what Cesar was pursuing.

"Not just the car, my wife too," Cesar stated without hesitation, his gaze never leaving his fleeing spouse and her lover, who was also their driver.

"Motherfucker," Osiris muttered, unable to contain his shock and anger upon learning this.

"Yeah, damn motherfucker indeed," Cesar concurred, "Looks like they even took my attaché case."

Those two had some nerve, Osiris thought to himself.

"What about your kids, Sir? Are they safe?" Osiris finally managed to ask. Why is he even asking him? Is this his way to ease himself from anxiousness? He shook his head and tsk-tsked again.

"They took them too..." Cesar replied, surprising his conversational partner, "...their child."

Osiris could only shake his head, again, in disbelief and remained silent. He is so unlucky, he thought to himself, again.

"My wife got pregnant by our chauffeur," Cesar revealed, allowing Osiris to pass other vehicles trying to get ahead of them.

"Wow! So why are we still chasing them, Sir?" Osiris asked, his nervous heart pounding faster.

Cesar pulled out a gun.

"O-kay...?" Osiris stammered, shifting his gaze between the fleeing cars and the pointed gun in Cesar's hand.

"Do you know how to shoot?" the boss inquired, caressing the gleaming gun, which appeared brand new.

"Yes, Sir," Osiris responded quickly, even faster than the Bugatti he was driving. Nervousness coursed through him. Oh, what the fuck is going on? His words at the back of his head is driving the hell out of him.

"Good." His boss remained composed. "In 2 kilometers, we'll reach the mountain trail, and that's when you'll use your gun."

Mountain trail... use my gun, huh? Are we going to execute some action scenes from a Tom Cruise or James Bond movie here? He swept all those thoughts.

"Yes, Sir." Osiris knew that at this moment, Cesar wanted to seek revenge against his unfaithful wife through violence.

Once more, Mr. Cesar spoke, determined in his plan to deal with the two betrayers, "Don't be afraid, my boy! I've got your back. I'll reward you handsomely, with an early bonus of up to a million dollars, if you satisfy me with your performance."

Osiris swallowed hard. He had no idea what he had gotten himself into. He hoped he wouldn't come to harm, but at this point, there was little he could do. He desperately needed the money to redeem the title to his family's mortgaged house and land. It was the only inheritance left by his deceased parents, and if he lost it, it would feel like losing half his life.

But just as the lives of his parents had been lost, there were other lives teetering on the brink of loss at this moment.

"It's karma time! Bitches! Who-hoo!" Mr. Cesar yelled, a far cry from the composed and affluent man Osiris had met earlier. It was as if he had transformed into someone else entirely.

Gunshots rang out, led by Cesar. Osiris, on the other hand, struggled to decide what to prioritize-should he steer the car, return fire on Cesar's command, or dodge the bullets coming their way?

"Sir, they have guns too!" Osiris exclaimed, his hands trembling as if his pounding heart had relocated to his wrists.

"Yeah, you're right." Cesar holstered his gun once more. "I wish I hadn't taught my wife how to shoot. Turns out she's using it against me too. But okay, they've really pissed me off. Just focus on driving and avoiding the bullets. I've got this shit."

Cesar now held a large rifle while Osiris clutched the steering wheel of the Bugatti. Once Cesar was sure of his target, he unleashed a series of shots at the pursuing vehicle, resulting in an explosion. The flaming wreckage tumbled down the side of the cliff, near the ocean below, at the base of the mountain road, carrying Cesar's unfaithful wife and the child of their former family driver.

Osiris watched the car roll down, flames and smoke billowing around it, a tragic end to a tangled web of deceit and revenge.

"Thank goodness we're not married," Mr. Cesar breathed a sigh of relief. He took a deep breath and said, "Let's go home."

The two remained silent throughout the journey back to Mr. Cesar's supposed residence. The only sounds were the soothing voice guide from Google Maps, providing directions to ensure Osiris didn't get lost in this unfamiliar territory.

Once they arrived, Osiris couldn't help but feel a sense of vertigo as he gazed up at Cesar's towering mansion. It was the first time he had ever seen such a colossal house in real life. They walked together for a few minutes, and what puzzled Osiris was the absence of any other household staff or security personnel at Mr. Cesar's home.

"It's hard to trust. You might be wondering why I don't have any attendants, right? My own wife and the only trusted servant I had betrayed me," Cesar said as he led the way.

Osiris couldn't blame his employer, knowing the details of what had transpired, based on Cesar's revelations earlier. He had never expected this kind of welcome when he took on this new job.

Cesar's question about Osiris' commitment hung in the air, leaving Osiris with a sense of unease. He gave a reserved nod, signifying his determination to see this job through.

The next inquiry, however, caught Osiris off guard. Cesar asked, "Do you know how to cook?" It was clear that Osiris was taken aback by the question. His hesitation didn't escape Cesar's notice, prompting him to press further, "Well, do you?"

The weight of potential unemployment bore down on Osiris, and he responded hurriedly, "I do, Sir!" Fear of losing this newfound opportunity gnawed at him.

"Good. Go to the supermarket and buy what you need. Just call me when the food's ready. I'll be resting in my room," Cesar instructed before leaving Osiris to face the impending culinary challenge.

Osiris sat behind the wheel, his thoughts a whirlwind of doubt and uncertainty. How on earth was he going to prepare a meal for someone as discerning and wealthy as Cesar? He could barely fry an egg properly most times, let alone craft a meal worthy of this new employer.

It was as if history were replaying itself.

As Osiris navigated the car down the road, he couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. The scenario mirrored the earlier incident when a woman had suddenly darted across the road, causing Osiris to slam on the brakes, his heart pounding in his chest as he narrowly avoided a collision.

"Hey, are you even paying attention to where you're going?" the young woman scolded as soon as Osiris stepped out of the car.

Is she also looking for a job? Osiris wondered to himself. Without beating around the bush, he asked the young woman, "Do you know how to cook?"

"Yes!" the young woman replied abruptly. "Wait, are you crazy?"

Osiris had anticipated the girl's reaction, given the seemingly random question he had just thrown at her. "No, but I need your help. Can you come with me? Where are you heading?"

"That's none of your business!" the girl retorted, her irritation still evident on her face.

"I'll pay you for the entire day; please, help me," Osiris pleaded desperately. He was determined not to let this job slip away, especially when it was right within his grasp.

"You're not a bad person, are you?" the young woman asked, sensing the urgency in Osiris' plea.

Osiris reassured her with a sincere "No."

"You seem trustworthy enough, okay," the girl finally conceded, her initial reluctance giving way to understanding.

Osiris explained his predicament to her, and she chuckled, finding his problem rather simple. They introduced themselves, quickly developing a sense of trust. It was amazing how quickly they seemed to connect.

Summer asked Osiris about his employer's dietary preferences-whether he was vegan, vegetarian, or something else entirely. Osiris couldn't provide a clear answer, so they decided to prepare both a vegetable dish and a meat dish to cover all bases.

"Why do we have to shop at this mall?" Summer questioned, well aware of the higher prices compared to typical markets.

"From the looks of it, boss Cesar doesn't seem like someone who eats stuff bought from the local market or an ordinary grocery store," Osiris confidently asserted.

"That's what you said," Summer retorted as they made their way to the supermarket.

They began to pick out items, with Osiris grabbing things and Summer returning them to their proper places.

"You know, Dallas... you should just push the cart and let me handle this. You're just getting in the way," Summer suggested, growing slightly annoyed by Osiris' actions.

"Sorry," he replied, "and sorry, it's Osiris, not Dallas."

"Okay," Summer replied without glancing at Osiris, focusing on selecting the best vegetables.

"Summer," Osiris called out.

"Yes, what?" Summer turned to face him, holding a bunch of carrots lightly.

"I just showed you the right way to say people's names," Osiris teased, giving her a smirk that caused her to roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Whatever, Dallas... Osiris... meh!" Summer exclaimed, tossing the carrots playfully at Osiris' face.

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