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The Masters bride

The Masters bride

Ritz suzzy


Synopsis After several nightmares, finding out that she belongs to a man she doesn't know, he was more like a god if not a god to define it well,god of death with silver hair n red eyes n amazingly handsome than she could ever imagine,his perfect jawline, muscular built body,his height,his lips,his eyes although his face was expressionless, Hildegard couldn't stop herself from drowling at him,he was perfect but emitted a very dark n powerful aura that could make anyone fall to their feets n here he was in front of her offering to take her to her kingdom as prophesied, what would now become of her if she follows him......

Chapter 1 The dream 2

Hilde aw re u?gosh, I've been looking for you for quite a long tym now,where have u been shouted tatica,her best n only friend.hi,tactic,as u can see am okay,u?

Am fine but wats up bby gal,why is ur face lyj dis, looking up at tatic Hildegard dragged her to a corner of the class, tactia not expecting dis sudden movement, almost fell down

Hey hilde,do u want me to fall ?'shouted tactica'.stop being unreasonable and shut your damn mouth sweetie,am serious.bla bla bla bla bla"said tactica mimicking Hildegard"so says the annoying queen, rolling her eyes, Hildegard laughed at her,but come to think of it,aw I wish da red eyed man of urs can actually come n take u now cuz ur annoying skills is A1. Smiling at her if he comes n take me my love, you for sure would be the first to miss me

Hmph'frowned tactica swrz,who is dashing you all dis hopes huh! Looks like u really do need to get a tight grip on yourself,

Thinking for some minutes,hilde was like, don't worry sweetheart,we would find out about that but for now I really do need ur helo,like all my nights have been filled with nothing else but fear,as I speak to u now, I'm really scared of sleeping alone dis nyt, but at d xm time,I really do need to find out y d man is always saying that am his wife as prophesy had said long back but in dis our current time,who believes in prophesies, shouting out her frustration,she fell to the ground, looking lyk a loser and the worst part of it is that my parents don't seem to know wats happening n y and I feel like a caged n defeated someone,"sobbed Hildegard "

Tactica not knowing what to say or Wich move to make just consoled her friend n told her dat she would sleep over tonight,dat she wants to found out something

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