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Commercial Novel Invader

Commercial Novel Invader

Ater Kirmizi


Met Ater who found himself inside a Novel which he doesn't remember much. Ater was gifted the ability to enter Novels and the first Novel he entered was a Kids Novel he cleared in 3 day. Ater later finds out he was not the only one who got inside the Novel. Raheem who found himself inside a game with the ability to have a game experience in real life. Follow the tale of the two friends on there way to kill a regressor. (I am not really an English native so there might be some spellings and grammer errors.)

Chapter 1 BLACK

"Tsk, what the hell is this, why did that bastard Fritz destroy the World"

A 17 year old boy was sitting on the edge of single person bed at the edge of his small organized room. His dark blue eyes were staring at his cellphone.

" Whats this, living a happy life after killing everyone, those crazy girls in his herem can't even feel sad after there families were killed,"

He screached his dark blue hair and touched his earring with a short silver cross on his left ear, as he put his cellphone away and he went inside a blanket to go to sleep, but before he could go to sleep.


A piano sound came from his cell phone.

"Who is it calling at this time, its five minutes before midnight."

The boy took his cellphone but to his shock it was not a phone call but a message of a picture. When he openned the picture there was a frown on his face.

"Tsk, I know my name means black,"

Ater shock his head as he returned his phone back, those types of messages weren't something new to him. Ater just turned off the lights and went to sleep.Ater didn't notice that he had left his cellphone on, reviewing a picture which was dull black all round. When the time on his cellphone reached 0000hrs,

a black hole which come out from his phone which was in a black spiral form, started to cover his small room slowly.

When the whole room was covered black, the black spiral started coming to his

phone and when the black hole was gone his cellphone had changed a little bit and it still showed the same time.


[GIVING INVENTORY 1 cubic metre]

Blue holographic messages ware shown above Ater's head.


"Ater Heart what a strange guy, he is almost like me," Ater raised his back and sat on the bed and countinued, "But why can't I remember his face."

As Ater woke up, he first saw changes around his apartment room and the slight change in his cell phone.

"What the hell is this, my apartment seems a little bigger and whats with the black cover of my phone, it should be silver."

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