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I stood with my gaze fixated on my sword. all I could see were my own reflection, my face was a mess. "chètuì!!!!" feng xin, my noble bodyguard screamed. apparently he was trying to buy time for my escape. who were these men on my wedding day? I pulled my sword back into its sheath and removed the giant red robe and scurried into the mountains running without looking back. for sure I was lost, but that wasn't all, if my father were to know, he'd think I bailed out on my marriage for sure. although from a distance j could still hear the chaos of war but for the sake of feng xin's sacrifice, I needed to survive first. I took on leap and my feet got caught in a tied tree and I fell uncontrollably down the steep, my wedding attire was now mixed with fresh mud. soon, I lost consciousness.

Chapter 1 ___

I stood with my gaze fixated on my sword. all I could see were my own reflection, my face was a mess.

"chètuì!!!!" feng xin, my noble bodyguard screamed.

apparently he was trying to buy time for my escape. who were these men on my wedding day? I pulled my sword back into its sheath and removed the giant red robe and scurried into the mountains running without looking back. for sure I was lost, but that wasn't all, if my father were to know, he'd think I bailed out on my marriage for sure.

although from a distance j could still hear the chaos of war but for the sake of feng xin's sacrifice, I needed to survive first. I took on leap and my feet got caught in a tied tree and I fell uncontrollably down the steep, my wedding attire was now mixed with fresh mud. soon, I lost consciousness.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around my surroundings. I was in a house, my clothes were changed. I gasped and jumped on my feet. my sword was laid beside me. I grabbed it and hurried outside. an old woman was making fire, it was already dark and I could barely see her.

"who are you?" I asked, my throat was sore and I could feel my limbs aching. the old woman sluggishly turned to me still maintaining her seating position.

"yun'er will soon be back__ he saved you." she said and turned back to face the fire.

at least, I was in safe hands but not for long. I need to leave this place as soon as possible to avoid causing more troubles. I walked back into the room and removed the outer robe. I inspected my sword and ran out through the backdoor. Li tao's men would find me easily if I took refuge here.

I kept running in the wilderness thinking about how life would be for me now. how my brothers would react to this abomination. my mother would literally kill herself if news got to her. as I ran, I began to hear footsteps. someone was following me. I increased my pace but I couldn't catch my breath.

my survival instinct kicked and I hid behind a tree holding my sword for an attack. I felt something hard on my neck and I gasped to attack. it was a boy of about my age pointing a tree branch towards my neck.

"at least, say a little thank you. you actually think it was easy carrying you from the mountain?" he dropped the branch and crossed him arm to his chest.

I was disgusted at first, being a princess, I never got any reason to thank just a commoner but as situation seemed, I was no longer a princess.

I bowed fist to palm "xie xie!"

I turned and continued my journey into the vast forest. I could tell he wasn't satisfied with my gratitude so I stopped and turned to face him.

"what's your next agenda?!" he asked.

that was a pretty good question but even I had no idea on my next action. he walked past me and continued to go. I was at first astonished but I followed behind.

"it's okay not to see me off, I can handle myself__ besides, your grandmother is all alone in the forest." I tried to caution.

"clearly, it doesn't seem to me like you can handle yourself so I'll take that as being overconfident." he said still maintaining his walking position. "and secondly, she's not my grandmother, she's the one who nursed you back to health."

that makes sense. we walked for about an hour and my feet gave away. I fell down and groaned. he stopped and turned to look at me. he sat down and crossed his legs. he pulled my feet to himself to closely examine them. I wasn't feeling too comfortable with that so I made to pull them back.

"I'm fine!" I said and fell back to get some sleep. I tried to shut my eyes but visuals of earlier today kept replaying in my mind. by now, Li tao's men would be searching for me and if eventually I'm caught, this young man would definitely die.

"why did you run away from home?" he said and I sat back up. I held a stern look before sighing.

"why do you care?" I said.

"I've been a wanderer since childhood. my village believed that my energy core killed my parents and could become a bad omen later in the future, so the village head sealed my energy core and banished me from ever returning." he said and fell back with both palm behind his head.

pitiful, he was even in more emotional pain than I was.

"my father betrothed me to a dangerous man and I ran away on my wedding day." he hurriedly sat up with his eyes wide open and I stared at him defensively.

"I knew it." he said and chuckled. he laid back down with a sigh. i tried to sleep but I was feeling insecure with him around. he was unpredictable. I grabbed my sword and silently scurried away.


xiao yun was soon awoken by a loud cry from within the bushes. he sat up and looked around, she was gone. he stood up and yawned. he sluggishly fought his way through the thick bushes and came into an opening. a few men were trying to tie her up. he walked out of his cover scratching the back of his hair while still yawning.

"let her go. she's married!" or was she?

he stopped walking and the men surrounded him leaving he and the girl in the middle.

he bent down to examine her. she was still breathing. the mean leaped to attack but were suspended in the air. he carried her and walked slowly away from them.

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