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 Heartless love

Heartless love



๐‘ซ๐’‚๐’“๐’Œ ๐’“๐’๐’Ž๐’‚๐’๐’„๐’† ๐Ÿ–ค This story is about three couples.... "When love turned into hate.." ................... "Get ready" he told her who was looking at him like she would kill him.. "I will not be ready" she said looking at with angry.. He smirked and roughly held her jaw become of which she hissed in pain " Are you sure darling " he asked in hickey voice... She didn't said anything and give death glare to him.. "Get ready quietly, the auspicious time is coming. Don't force me otherwise I have no problem in changing your clothes anyway I am going to see you without clothes tonight he said "You just keep dreaming about this " she said while keeping herself strong infront of monster.. He clenched her jaw and pushed her against the wall and Pressed his lips with her... --------------------------------------------- "I love you " she said looking at him with full of love.. He took his steps back and said " i don't love you" She smiled sadly and said, "I don't care, my love is enough for both of us." "Don't screw my brain I've told you before I don't love you and stop chasing me I'm no good man for you.." "I don't care whether you are good or bad for me but my heart only loves you". Saying this she went towards him and without thinking anything she pressed her lips to his lips. -------------------------------------- "How can you love a girl like me Who's completely ruined I have nothing" she said and tears welled up in her eyes.. ", I don't care about your past, to me you are still pure right ".... he said and pulled her closer.. "Please accept my love , please accept me , " He said with pending voice and wiped her tears with his thumb.. I can't ; she said in meekly voice... "Why" ? She didn't said anything and lowered her lashes, because of which he lost his temper and roughly held her jaw and pressed his lips with her....

Chapter 1 Cast and first chapter

๐‘ด๐’‚๐’Š๐’ ๐’„๐’‰๐’‚๐’“๐’‚๐’„๐’•๐’†๐’“๐’”...

1. Shreyansh Singh Rajput ( 28 years old )

2. Yuvaan singh Rajput ,brother of Shreyansh ( 25 year old )

3. Vihaan Kapoor, friend of Shreyansh( 27 year old )

4. Aarya singhania ( girlfriend of Shreyansh) 24 years old

5. Aashvi vivek singhania ( 24 years old )

6. Trisha shrama ( employee in Shreyansh company)

Family of Shreyansh ๐Ÿ’•

Sulekha ( grandmother)

Abhinash ( father )

Soumya ( mother )

Yuvaan ( brother)

Prisha ( sister)

Aarya ( girlfriend)

Vihaan and kunal ( best friends)






A beautiful woman moaned in pain when the man pushed himself inside her with full force, tears started feeling from her beautiful eyes.

She pressed both her lips very hard so that no sound came out of her mouth because the man who was currently hovering over her ,and fucking her He doesn't like it at all when she makes any sound.when these two are having sex..

Only sex , painful sex , Where one gets pleasure and the other gets pain,Where one body becomes happy and the other body breaks due to pain...

She fisted bedsheet tightly in her hand and turned her face to window and let him satisfy himself...

But as time passed, he was fucking her harder and faster...

Due to which it was becoming difficult for her to bear the pain...

Her throat was also dry, her whole face was full of tears, her face looked absolutely miserable...

"P-le-ase, i ca-n't ta-ke it an-ymo-re " she hardly said because voice was not coming out from her mouth..

Hearing her words, the man stopped and looked at her angrily and slapped her hard."Bitch how dare you stop me. Do you know what I can do to your family if you don't follow any of my orders?Or have you forgotten what I did to your brother?" He said with a smirk ..

Listing him her breath increased her body started trembling, She was having trouble breathing but still she nodded and told him that she had agreed to everything he said but that he should not do anything to her family...

He smirked on his victory and again started fucking her with full of strength...





i missed you so much darling ; Shreyansh said hugged Aarya from back

She smiled and turned to him and picked on his lips " I miss you to "

Really? He asked And raised his brow

"Haa " yes she said and snaked her hands around his neck and placed her lips on him..

Soon both of them started kissing each other possessively, Shreyansh slide his one hand inside her loose shirt, feeing her milky and smooth skin he slide his tongue inside her mouth and she welcomed him happy,Both their tongues started fighting for saliva..

His hand was about to touch her cloth breast, But before that Arya broke the kiss and said " Let's cook some food and eat it first.."

He nuzzled his face in her neck and started rubbing her thigh with his one hand and asked " Are you hungry sweetheart "

She rolled her eye's in pleasure and said " yes "

"ok then let's fill your stomach first" he said and left her in his arms...

"Will you stay for a few days this time?" She asked to him...

"you want me to be with you" he asked

"Yes "

"Okay then as you said, i agreed, I have taken 15 days leave, 15 days you and I are alone. No one can disturb us And we should take advantage of this ..You know we can do a lot in these 15 days" he said with playful smirk...

Her cheeks heat up understanding the meaning of his words she hit him on shoulder and said " you honey man "

He laughed and made her sat on kitchen counter " what do you want to eat? He asked

"Sandwich" she replied..

"Okey" he said and started making sandwiches...


Trisha's eyes were fixed on a man sitting in the office whom she could see through the glass window, who was doing his work with full attention and with one hand he would occasionally move a pen and start thinking about something..

She was staring at him while observing his features..

Sharp jawline, dark grey eyes, veining hand, a little light pink lips, but soon her eye's widden when she saw That she's caught staring at him like that... because he was already looking at her with blank face..

She diverted her gaze and nervously started writing something in a page..

"What was the need for me to staring from him like this? What would he be thinking?" You are really a idiot Trisha " she thought and she looked up slightly towards the cabin and saw that the man was again busy in his work, seeing which she heaved a sigh of relief...

"Miss Trisha " ..

"Miss trisha "

"TRISHA" an Senior employee shouted her name

Hearing which she confusely look at him who was looking at her with little anger..

"Miss Trisha, where were you lost? I have been calling you for so long." He asked..

She quickly get up from her chair and rubbed her face with her both hands and said " Sorry sir but it won't happen again"

"Vihaan Sir has called you to his cabin" saying that he left...

"Cabin "

"But why "

But why did he just call me? Did he see me staring at him like that? Will he fire me now? No, he can't. Negative thoughts were coming in her mind

"Calm down Trisha, calm down " she chanted.. and took a deep breath and

She fixed her hair and started walking towards Vihaan's cabin...

"Calm down idiot " You are a big idiot, you dig a hole for yourself. What was the need for you to look at him? Maybe he has seen you staring at him, that is why he is calling you. Maybe he will scold you or even fire you." Fuck you BITCH; she thought....

Soon she reached Vihaan's cabin door but before knocking the cabin door she took a deep breath...

" come in "

She heard a deep voice Hearing which current run through her veins , she carefully open the door and went inside the cabin...

She stood in front of Vihaan, lowered her head and asked" you called me sir"

"First look at me " he said in strict voice..

Hearing which she shivered a little but gathered courage and look at him..

"Next time whenever you talk to me, look at me only. I don't like it at all. When I talk to someone or someone talks to me, their eyes are lowered." He said and stand up from chair...

"Shreyansh is on leave for the next 15 days so I will handle all his meetings. You know the schedule of his meetings so tell me his schedule." He asked and stand up infront of her...

"Okey sir " she said and told him about meetings....


Finally he satisfied himself now he is laying beside her ,where tears were still rolling down from her eyes...

" he ,killed him, he ,ll killed them ; only these word's were ringing in her ear..

"Once my sister's goal is accomplished, I will destroy this bitch and her entire family." He thought looking at the poor girl who was back facing him...

-------to be continued-------

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