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Fated: Lotus the Sovereign

Fated: Lotus the Sovereign



Duke Hagen Martus, cursed with the power of ice. Freed after the last 5 years of being locked up by his father for an important mission. He never thought that he would meet Elena Matius, the second daughter of Talamus who was also locked up and kept her identity hidden from everyone. The two grew closer after helping each other. Their relationship grew closer, and Duke even confessed his feelings for Elena. When the two of them want to have a more serious relationship, a big secret emerges surprising both of them. The secret about Elena is the one who killed the empress Mira, the mother of the Duke exactly 5 years ago. How exciting is the story of the two of them, keep watching their story only on Letterlux!

Chapter 1 Part 1

Lykantor Kingdom

Inside the dark and cold room, the damp floor and the room lit by torches, there was a Duke sitting pensively gazing at the night sky from the window slit.

Duke Hagen Martus, the sole heir and crown prince of Lykantor Kingdom.

Because of the power that Duke possessed he was exiled by his father, Hagen.

Everyone believed that the power the Duke possessed was a dark and mysterious curse, where his power could harm those around him.

That was why the Moon Goddes did not pair Duke with his dead at the age of three for the sake of mutual safety.

Duke glanced over as the large, old door opened.

There were several guards standing not far from Duke.

"Sorry Alpha, King Hagen asked us to pick you up," the guard told Duke respectfully.

Duke who heard that, slowly changed his position to face them, a flat gaze at a glance at the open old door.

The fresh night air and the gentle breeze that entered the dark room, was able to make Duke feel the cool and fresh breeze outside.

Without asking a word, Duke grabbed his sword and went out of the dark room that locked him up for 5 years.

Duke closed his eyes, enjoying the fresh air that he could breathe freely.

Duke's footsteps were getting wider and faster to immediately meet the king.

Duke entered the throne room with a big smile.

"Father," Duke called with an excited voice and wide strides towards Hagen.

"Stay where you are," Hagen ordered, making Duke immediately stop where he was standing.

Hagen sat back on his throne with a flat look at Duke.

Duke looked a little disappointed, when his father believed in the curse of the power he had.

Where Hagen was so distanced from him like other people.

"How is it after being free? Are you happy?" Hagen asked about Duke's feelings after being free from confinement for the past 5 years.

Duke exhaled briefly, glanced around, and looked back at Hagen.

"The same," Duke replied briefly making Hagen only nod briefly.

"It's been 5 years, now is a good time to show your strength to everyone," Hagen told Duke.

Duke looked confused, feeling suspicious of his father's veiled words.

"Isn't this power a curse to the kingdom? Why are you asking Duke to show everyone?" asked Duke curious about Hagen's order.

Hagen let out a long breath before he explained to Duke.

"A few days ago the kingdom of Sylvamoon was attacked by a group of rogues, Talamus said that they had extraordinary powers. Chances are they were sent by someone," Hagen explained to the Duke.

Duke just silently listened, until he asked a question, "Then what should Duke do?"

making Hagen stare very seriously.

"Talamus asked you to guard his kingdom," Hagen replied briefly.

The Duke seemed to exhale in exasperation.

"Doesn't he have many guards and wariors, why should he ask for Duke's help? Did he forget what he said before? Why did you agree to it after Talamus spread rumors of curses to all the kingdoms in the forest about Duke's strength?" asked Duke who could not understand Hagen.

Hagen sighed and seemed to nod in understanding of Duke's feelings.

"I know you still can't forget what Talamus did 5 years ago, but if I tell you one important secret, it seems you will change your mind," said Hagen trying to convince Duke about helping Talamus.

Duke looked away, showing his distaste.

"The Moon Goddes just told father about removing your curse," Hagen said which seemed to interest Duke in this conversation.

Duke swallowed his saliva, looking closely at Hagen.

"Moon Goddes said that Talamus is hiding a big secret about his only daughter, Selene Talamus. Moon Goddes is not sure yet, but he feels that Talamus' daughter, is the only person who can remove your power curse," Hagen explained with a slightly happy face making Duke feel happy to hear the good news.

"Did the Moon Goddes really say that?" asked Duke to confirm.

"You can meet her yourself after this to ask further," Hagen replied making Duke look so bright and happy.

Duke's sexy lips curled upwards when he heard the good news.

Hagen who saw that was also happy.

Actually, Hagen himself did not have the heart to confine Duke all this time.

It was just that, Moon Goddes said that there were many dangers targeting Duke if he was allowed to roam out there.

Until the time was right, Moon Goddes asked Hagen to let Duke out.

Because the werewolf world needed Duke for now.

"But father, isn't the Duke forbidden to get close to the royal princess? How can Duke get close to the princess of Talamus?" asked Duke who was worried about that.

Because since the rumors about the curse of the Duke's power circulated, all the kingdoms forbade the Duke to approach their princesses, including Talamus.

"Talamus offers any reward you ask for after you manage to get rid of the rogue group that has been troubling the kingdom lately, why don't you take advantage of that to be able to benefit from Talamus?" Duke who heard the suggestion a few seconds later smiled meaningfully.

Hagen, who saw that the Duke seemed to agree with the task from Talamus, showed a faint smile.

"Then Duke will meet beta and the others, after which Duke will go to the kingdom of Sylvamoon," Duke told Hagen.

Hagen only nodded making Duke bow half of his body and waltzed away from Hagen's room.

Duke walked outside the palace to breathe fresh air.

All guards and wariors were seen, bowing their heads and keeping their distance from Duke.

It doesn't matter, Duke doesn't care about that.

The most important thing right now was to get rid of the curse inside him.

Duke walked to the park to find his friends.

"ALPHA!" someone shouted loudly making a sweet smile appear on Duke's sexy lips.

"Oh no, the great Duke is back," said another.

"Greetings His Majesty," greeted Matteo who immediately knelt in front of the Duke dramatically.

The Duke chuckled at their over-the-top reaction.

"Did you really miss me? Your reactions are so illustrative of how much you miss me," the Duke admitted proudly and confidently.

The three of them who heard that compactly looked away and pretended to be nauseous.

"I'm sorry, but every day we pray not to see you," Matteo said honestly which Galen nodded at making Duke smile wryly.

Matteo and Galen were both Gama, where they were identical twins.

That's why the Duke appointed them both as Gama because of their cohesiveness in responding to things.

"Now that you're free, that means you're going back to lead the Lykantor kingdom, right?" asked Astra, a Beta who had almost the same power as the Duke.

Duke let out a long breath, looking at the three of them.

"You have to come with me!" Duke pleaded with them.

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