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Married to a narcissist

Married to a narcissist



"Are you insane? Let me go!" She barked,trying to free herself from his strong arms that tightly and aggressively held her. "I will let you go,but before then,I want to remind you of something,in case you've forgotten. "The only darn thing keeping us under the same roof,is the stupid contract marriage our parents signed. "I do not love you,and never will. I don't even have any feelings for you" He spat,disgustedly. "Just so you know,I have a girlfriend that I love. So,stay off my lane and live happily!" He gruffly said,yanking her hand off without caring.

Chapter 1 Their loathe


The sound of the shower running can be heard right inside the bathroom.

And in there,stood a masculine, séxy, dripping wet guy having his bath.

He's taking time having his bath,to make sure every dirt on his body is washed off.

After some more minutes of about thirty five minutes baths,he finally turned the shower off.

His black hair dripping wet,making him look hotter and sexier.

He stretched his hand to the towel bar,and picked his very big towel from it,which he cleaned his body with. After that,he wrapped it around his waist,covering his naked self.

He walked out of the bathroom with a satisfied grin,as he sniffed in the sweet fragrance of his bathing soap.

"Shooting starts by eight,I should hurry up" He conversed with himself.

Yes! Caesar is an actor,as we all already know.

And right now,he's getting ready because they have a shoot today.

After doing everything needed to be done,he picked his sweet smelling cologne that Cindy (his girlfriend) loves so much. He sprayed the desired amount,closed his eyes,and took a deep breath.

He dropped it afterwards,then picked his expensive gold wrist watch,wore and picked other necessary things too.


🗣️ I heard Master is getting Married tomorrow

🗣️ Yeah,heard that too. But to someone else.

🗣️ What,why? What happened to Ms. Cindy.

🗣️ That's why I hate men!

🗣️ Hold on,parrot. Before you start hating men.

🗣️ Heard his parents signed a contract with the parents of the person he's getting married to, even before he met Ms. Cindy.

🗣️ Wow! International newscaster of the year. I swear,you deserve an award.

The last person said and everyone bursted out laughing.

They are all Caesar's maids and male servants who work for him.

He has over thirty of them,with each,having his own duty in the enormous Mansion.

"Cancel all the appointments I have at the Company. I don't think I'll be available for the whole of today" Caesar spoke over the phone with his P. A.

"But,sir. You have an important meeting today,which you personally asked me to schedule" Reece replied with a trembling voice.

It took him a lot of courage to say what he just said,because he knows Caesar will reply him with an insult.

"I remember what I said,because I still got my brains working.

Do as I say or get fired,you fool!" He shouted angrily and instantly dropped the call.

He hissed,then pocketed his phone,alongside his hands.

His workers composed themselves immediately they heard his voice and saw him walking towards them.

"Good morning,sir" They greeted in unison as he finally walked up to them.

He didn't reply,though. He just hummed and nodded his head.

"Where is Brandon?" He asked,as he scanned everyone,but did not see Brandon.

Brandon is actually one of his chefs.

"You gave him a day off,sir" Claire,the female chef replied with a bow.

He still said nothing. He just left with some of his body guard and his driver.


It's another blissful morning in the big and beautiful city of CHIANG MAI.

A slender figure can be seen curled up in her bed like a little snake,with the duvet almost covering her entire body.

The sun rising slowly,and piercing directly on her body. She rolled to the left,then to the right,her eyes slowly opening.

Gently,she pulled the duvet out of her body,as she finally opened her sleepy eyes. She sat up and yawned lowly,with her left hand covering her mouth.

"I'm hungry" She groaned,holding her growling tummy like one who hasn't eaten for days.

Georgia loves food a lot,but no matter how much she eats,it doesn't show on her body.

"Smokes! If I get the chance to go to heaven,I'd tell God to increase the hours of my night sleep.

I feel like I didn't sleep at all.

"Maybe I should sleep for another ten minutes" She shrugged,trying to lay back in bed,but wasn't done when....

Her sister, Alvira swung open the door,and it went making a loud bang.

Georgia grunted,hissed and shook her head in frustration at the sight of Alvira.

Alvira does this all the time,even with Georgia warning her to stop barging into her room like that.

You won't really blame her,though. She's doing her a favor,actually.

Because, Georgia always wants to sleep for another ten minute,but will most times end up sleeping for another hour.

Anyway, Alvira will always be Alvira.

She's a crazy girl,and beats anyone who steps on her toe.

She's the real definition of trouble,unlike her twin sister, Alvara.

Georgia actually has younger sisters who are twins.

Alvira and Alvara.

Alvara is the complete opposite of Alvira,quiet,calm and a bit timid.

But,Alvira is something else. She's always ready to beat the hell out of who crosses her path. She hates bullies,same way she hates wearing girls clothes.

Yea,they are both still in Highschool.

That's by the way.

"Stop barging into my room like you own it! What if I was naked?" Georgia half yelled.

"Then,I'd see what Adam was seeing on Eve in the garden of Eden.

"For crying out loud,I am a girl. With a P and B, like you. Frack!" She cussed, standing at akimbo.

"Smokes! So,you finally agreed that you're a girl" Georgia rolled eyes.

She pulled the duvet,and got out of the bed.

"Why are you here?" She esquires,as she started making her bed.

"I came to remind you that your darn Wedding is tomorrow,and you've not bought your dress yet" She blabbed,as she picked a comb from the mirror Stan and started flipping it.

"I swear, i'mma break your head this morning" Georgia charged towards her with a pillow immediately she heard what Alvira said.

Alvira took off instantly.

"Get out of my room!" Georgia shouted. She held Alvira,after finally catching her.

She dragged her to the door, and pushed her out with force.

Alvira bursted out laughing at her sister's behavior.

"Ughhh" She grunted frustratedly.


"Good morning,Dad....mom" Georgia greeted when she got to the dining room.

She's prepared and ready for work already.

"Good morning, darling" Mrs. Singto greeted back. Her name is actually Marisa.

Her dad(Damian) greeted back too,but his eyes and attention were on the meal he was having.

He's not really happy with Georgia for refusing to marry Caesar.

He,his wife and Caesar's parents sealed a contract, just to save their Companies. With all of them agreeing on their children getting married when it's due time.

Georgia picked a slice of bread,and ate it up before picking her bag,wig(Judge's cap) and her robes which she had dropped on the chair.

"See you later, everyone.

"Claudia,pack my lunch,please. Make it snappy" She added,smiling at one of the maids.

Claudia bowed and scurried off immediately.

"Darling,your wedding is tomorrow and you still haven't gotten your dress yet" Marisa said.

"Exactly what I went to tell her" Alvira cut in,and Georgia glared at her.

"Y'all stop reminding me of that suicide mission" She blurted, and Alvara started laughing.

Her dad sighed heavily and shook his head.

"That reminds me. Mom,and Alvara. Make sure you check Alvira's bag, to be sure there's no rope in there" She paused and said,and with that, she vamoosed.

"Isn't she just beautiful being a judge?" Marisa chuckled.

"She'd be more beautiful when she gets married" Damian replied sharply.


🗣️ Oh my gosh! The twins are here!

🗣️ Woo! Is it just me,or they look cuter today?

🗣️ Gosh! My big crushes.

🗣️Alvara is mine forever!

🗣️I love Alvira more!

🗣️ Gosh,our last concert was a bomb! You needed to hear their voices.

🗣️ My barbie princesses!

🗣️ Oh,you meant your ugly princess and the stupid prince?

Mitchel jealously asked,referring to Alvira as the prince because she dresses and acts like a boy.

Mitchel is actually one of the school's bullies,who intimidates other students. She makes them cower in fear and bow for her. All because she's beautiful and she comes from a rich family too.

Well,almost all the students in Beggleton are from rich families.

Mitchel has minions that help her in bullying others. She hates the twins so much because she feels they are more beautiful and are better than her.

Worst still,they are very good singers and dancers who sing better than her,which is why she loathes them so much.

While they walked passed everyone,giving some of them high fives.

They finally walked to their classroom,but didn't quite enter when Mitchel and her trooped in,glaring at the twins dangerously.

"I still remain the queen of this school, whether or not you like it. Get that into your dumb heads, stupid twins" Mitchell spat,with nothing but obvious hate in her voice.

Alvira giggled. She turned to look at her sister who was only smiling, a bit scared.

"Were you talking to us? Oh,sorry I didn't quite pay attention,because I was busy ignoring the trash you were saying" Alvira replied satirically.

"Fools! You think you're better than me? You're not even close to where I am,okay?! I don't even know what people hear in your voices, because to me,your voices sound like a frog croaking" She blabbed, and her minions bursted out laughing.

"Yunno,I would have slapped you hard,but that would be an animal abuse. So,f**k off!" Alvira spat and left the spot.

"Arrrgh!" Mitchell growled loudly like an animàl that has been let loose.


Caesar's driver parked the car exactly at the parking lot where few other cars were parked too.

His three bodyguards came out almost immediately the car halted.

One of them opened the door,letting Caesar out of the car like the celebrity he is.

He was wearing his black shades, which fit him so well.

Damn! He looks like a demigod.

Two of his bodyguards led the way,while the other was behind him.

He actually came to get some jeweleries for his so called wedding tomorrow. Even though he's planning on not going for his own wedding.


He still wants to buy things for tomorrow, in case he changes his mind. It's a fake wedding after all, so,no big deal.

He hasn't even told Cindy about it.

Few more steps, and they were inside the super expensive store where diamonds and golds are sold.

He began to search for what he came for,moving from one section to another.

He finally found it. He stretched out his hand to get it,but someone else was already getting it.

It was Georgia!

Well,she also came to buy her own thing.

They both raised their heads at a time to look at each other, and immediately, they scoffed and rolled eyes at each other.

"Aww. If it isn't Caesar, king of the Jews, who else would it be?.

"So,I heard we are getting married tomorrow" Georgia sarcastically said. Picking an item into her cart.

"I know you're so excited about it. But,let me burst your bubble. In your wildest dreams will I be your husband.

"Keep dreaming, maybe your dream will come true someday,that's if they come true at all" He rasped, and Georgia chuckled.

"Um,what's your name again?.....yes! Caesar Ruslee.

"Your lips kept moving while you talked, but all I could hear was blah blah blah" Georgia mocked,smirking.

"It's obvious you didn't take your medications today,you should go back home and do that, before you run into the streets" Caesar fired at her.

"You are more disappointing than a wet sandwich,believe me.

I have important things to do,and our darn wedding to think of.

"By the way,the middle finger was invented because of you. So...." Georgia rolled eyes, giving Caesar a middle finger, as she started walking out of the store.

"I am not done talking to you,get back here!" Caesar shouted.

"Talk to my ass,Caesar"h Georgia said, and again.

"Get her!" He ordered his guards,as he raged with anger.....

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