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The Demon Comes To

The Demon Comes To



Samuel Waverly is an ordinary young man, who experienced paralysis in his legs, due to an attack by his upperclassman. One day he was declared dead due to a heart attack, while he was studying in class. But the next day, everyone was frightened, because Samuel suddenly entered school, in perfect health, he walked on his two legs and looked very handsome. No one knows, if actually Lucifer, the beautiful devil, has incarnated into Samuel's body, Samuel had made a pact with Lucifer, when he was on the threshold of the afterlife. He lent his body, so that Lucifer could carry out his task, to recapture the demons of mortal sin, who had neglected their duties. In return, Lucifer will provide the luxury of life and also perfect Samuel's body again. But there was one thing that Samuel never expected, as the ruler of Hell, Lucifer apparently has a soft side, the Devil really likes humans and can quickly adapt. He also really likes the Unicorn doll, which is displayed on Samuel's bed, Samuel happily gave the doll to Lucifer and he always took it wherever Lucifer went. But no one knows if Lucifer is actually hiding something inside that cute doll.

Chapter 1 Samuel Waverly

The bell rang loudly three times, the students rushed out of the classroom. Everyone seemed very happy, because they were finally able to finish their studies that day. But among the happy faces, there was one face that looked pale and haggard. A young man sitting on an electronic wheelchair, slowly came out of the classroom.

He was actually quite tall, with a handsome face, but his condition made everyone look down on him. Samuel Waverly was the young man's name, thick eyebrows with slightly slanted round eyes, thin pale lips and sunken cheeks. His hair was normal, with soft bangs that fell in front of his forehead.

His legs were paralyzed, due to bullying from his senior brother last year, but the school never took up the case, because the bully was the son of a mayor in their area. The student only received a warning and was responsible for Samuel's medical expenses, but unfortunately, Samuel actually lost his ability to stand on his feet.

Since then, many people avoided Samuel, not because they hated Samuel and his shortcomings, but because they were afraid of the threats posed by their senior brothers. Samuel's class ranking even dropped, as he felt pressured by his situation.

“Samuel, you used to be so clever and brilliant, why is your ranking dropping now? Do you feel that your condition is very disturbing?” His homeroom teacher asked him on one occasion, but Samuel only lowered his head with a gloomy face.

“You have to be able to get up, Samuel, being paralyzed is not something that can destroy your dreams.

I'm sure you can still improve, with your intelligence,” continued the man while patting his shoulder.

“Do you think I can live my life with this disabled body? Everyone avoided me and was afraid to hang out with me. My future is completely ruined right now, don't you know that? You as teachers can only give a warning. If this school was filled with people like Alan Celeste, then even more people would be in my shoes.

Maybe it's true, money and power is everything. Because of that, even you teachers are afraid of him, because of the position of his parents.”

After saying all the things he wanted to say, he left the counseling room, followed by the Master's gaze, which was filled with regret. Alan Celeste was the son of the county mayor, however, the fruit fell not far from the tree, the Mayor's arrogant and arrogant nature, passed on to his son and tended to make him feel great. He does not hesitate to make someone, as his bullying material.

The case that happened to Samuel Waverly was the fatal case, the first time he had ever done it.


"Don't you intend to teach this class, huh?" Alan sat on the teacher's table and started hitting the Math teacher on the head, using a thick book.

"Sorry, because my wife just gave birth, I have to go there first, to see her condition. I've already informed the school that I'm going to be late." The teacher lowered his head in fear, he knew very well how the young man's actions were.

“Are you currently making up an excuse? My friends and I have been waiting for your arrival since earlier, and we have no activities for half an hour. Can you even be called a responsible teacher? Huh?” Casually, he hit the thick book on the head of the teacher. The short, chubby man was even more scared, with Alan's arrogant and powerful demeanor. He was unable to even reply to Alan's words.

“I think that's enough, your childish behavior,” Samuel said with a displeased look.

The other students started to feel anxious, when they heard that, who didn't know Alan Celeste as the most delinquent and overbearing person in the school?

“Samuel,” Ivy, his seatmate shook her head, she seemed to disapprove, when Samuel decided to interfere, so did the other students. However, Samuel felt that Alan had gone too far towards the Master. He then decided to ignore his friend's ban and then stood looking straight at Alan.

As expected, Alan flung the ledger down on the table and then approached Samuel, along with his six companions, who were always following him.

“Do you guys currently have a hero in this class? Wow, this is something that is beyond expectations. Samuel, science champion and also a martial arts expert. Why don't you use that ability of yours, just for yourself and don't meddle in other people's business!”

After saying that, Alan then threw a punch at Samuel's face, but with agility, Samuel dodged the punch and jumped back.

“Ah, yes, that's right, you are a martial artist. But can your ability save you, without causing trouble for you? I heard that if you cause trouble, you'll never be able to enter the championships again and your scholarship will be revoked. Haven't you thought about this?

Think about your parents, who might suffer the pain of having to pay your school fees!”

Samuel's eyes lit up when he heard that, but he knew that he couldn't cause trouble. Soon the Wushu championship was coming and he didn't want to cause a scene. Therefore, when Alan and friend. started attacking him, he could only parry and dodge, until at one point, Alan's comrades managed to lock onto his moves and that bad thing happened.

Alan lifted a heavy wooden stool and without being able to prevent it, he injured Samuel's legs and body. Samuel's screams and howls at that moment sounded heartbreaking, Alan himself actually felt a bit surprised, but then he smiled sarcastically.

“I told you, didn't I? Don't look for trouble with me and mind your own business. Now you suffer the consequences. All of you! If anyone dares to be a witness for him, you will suffer the consequences, you know who my father is, don't you?"

Receiving the threat, the entire class could only keep their mouths shut and no one dared to talk about the incident. As a result of this incident, Samuel suffered an injury to his spine and he experienced paralysis in his legs. Because Samuel's parents demanded clarity, the school was only able to give Alan a warning, while his father was only willing to pay for Samuel's medical expenses as little as possible.

And as expected, no one dared to raise this bullying case.

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