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My Bloody Alpha

My Bloody Alpha



He simpered "Haven't you heard?" I furrowed my brows in confusion "Heard what?" "That I am the bloody Alpha, I get whatever I want with blood, and what I want includes you, mate" *** Callie is a werewolf who was orphaned at a young age and has a troublesome brother as her only family. One day, she came along with him to the fighting ring to watch him fight. That was when she found out she was mated to Alpha Randall, the popular alpha of her pack. It was that moment the problem started. Randall is everything Callie runs from. He has a bad past and he is known to be a ruthless Alpha that never loses in fights. The moment he found out that Callie was his mate, he wanted her, and decided to get her in any way he could. Do you think Callie would succeed in getting away from him or she would stay to know what is behind his blue icy eyes that turns red whenever he is furious? Sit back and turn the pages to find out more.

Chapter 1 1...The red door...


I watched with edginess as my brother prepared for the bloody match he is having tonight. He is always so eager to go fighting all night, while I get apprehensive about his fights.

"You don't have to do this, you know that right?" I said quietly, trying to persuade him not to go for the fight.

He smiled, rolling his eyes "You don't have to worry, I've done this many times, and I'm still alive, am I not?"

He is right, but he doesn't always win, which is like waste of time and energy. Losing the fight, means losing the money. Sometimes, I allow him to go on with the fight all because of the money. You can't blame me, ever since our parents died, we can't say things have been exactly easy for us. Living in the pack house with the Alpha and other powerful werewolves is not an option so I had to work my ass off to settle bills.

My brother sometimes acts like the troublemaker he is and run into debts. Cleaning his mess is something I'm used to, but trust me, I can't clean every mess.

Whenever the bills are too much for me to handle, I find myself reluctantly agreeing with my brother to go for the fights in the pack training academy owned and controlled by the Alpha, assisted by his second and third in command, repectively known as the Beta and the Gamma.

"Cody?" I called with a questioning look "What if you lose?"

He smiled confidently "I'm not gonna lose, I'll do everything I can to impress Randall"

My eyes grew big, almost bulging out of it's socket "The Alpha?"

Cody gave me a weird look "Yeah? The same Alpha Randall"

I felt the hairs on my body rise at the mere mention of his name. He is well known for his wicked ways and stoic expressions, and let's not forget his money. He is like one of the richest Alpha I know, owning hotels, and yeah, he controls the werewolves fights.

The first time I saw Alpha Randall, I had followed Cody to the training academy that day. The Alpha was present, naturally commanding attention from everyone. I made a terrible mistake of allowing my eyes lock with his cold ones. Oh, goddess, I almost stopped breathing. He affected me in many ways, not only because he is handsome, but there is something terrifyingly strange about him.

There's a sensation that comes with being in the same room with the Alpha, and having one's eyes connect with his icy ones.

It was my first time in the academy that day, I made sure it's my last time.

"Cody, you are not going for this match, please tell me you'll listen" I begged softly.

Cody might be a shitty head brother who goes into trouble, but I still love him anyways. He is the only family I've got.

Cody frowned at me "I'm going. Nothing can change my mind"

I think I forgot how obstinate my brother can be.

I nibbled on my lips. "Please, Cody"

He sighed "Why?"

"Alpha Randall"

Comprehension dawned on him. He chuckled "Alpha Randall?"

I nodded affirmatively.

Cody grinned amusingly "Are you crushing on him?"

I glared at him "Crushing on the Alpha? Fuck, no"

Cody eyed me disbelievingly "So, what's the problem?"

I sighed "That's a stupid question, Cody. We both know the Alpha's cruelty is the problem here"

Cody simpered, not taking me serious "Randall is a cool guy. Why do people view him as a beast that's out to eat up people"

"Because he is" I said slowly.

Cody shook his head at me, smiling.

"If you really wanna go through with the fight, then I'm following you" I stated firmly.

"No. Hell no!" Cody disagreed strongly.

I understand his opposition. The first time and last time I watched him fight, I ended up passing out when I couldn't take in the bloody scene anymore. He got distracted and lost the fight.

"You can't stop me" I said with a fierce look.

"Wait, you're serious" Cody studied me and he saw he can't talk me out of this "Fine! Just don't pass out this time"

"I won't" I promised.

He threw me a disbelieving look.

"I won't pass out, Cody" I rolled my eyes "Let's just go"

Thirty minutes later, we arrived at the pack's training academy. The moment I stepped foot into the hallway, a bloody smell hit my nose. I shook it off and walked side by side with my brother, but it became with each steps foward.

My brother talked about how excited he is for the bloody match, but his voice sounds far off, and his words dropped sluggishly.

We headed towards the hall where the fight would take place. It's called the 'hall of power'. It's a big hall having a large fighting ring with thick nets designed round it which made it look like an extra large cage for wild animals. The ring stays in the middle of the hall while the crowd surrounds it, screaming on top of their lungs to encourage their champion.

As we walked further, the smell began to change. I could still perceive the blood, but it's similar to blood mixed with different pleasing flowers. It's hard to explain the weird scent.

We walked past different rooms with closed doors. Each door has its own colour for easy recognition. The green door, the blue door, when I got nearer to the black door, the scent got stronger. I walked past it and got to the red door. The scent got really instense and I could bet it in my life that the weird scent is coming from the red door.

I halted on my track and stood afront the door, staring curiously at it.

"Callie?" My brother called, also stopping on his tracks.

"This room...." I pointed to the red door.

"Oh, that's an office" Cody said.

"It's a weird office" I muttered, uncaring if he heard or not "Whose office is this?" I asked with a clear voice this time.

"Alpha Randall's office" Cody answered.

The hair on my back stood straight just like it does every other time the Alpha's name is mentioned. There was a strong urge to press down the door knob to get the door opened and go in there, but I had to surpress the urge.

"Come on, let's go" Cody held my hand and dragged me away, but my mind wouldn't leave the red door.

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