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Mystic Evolution

Mystic Evolution



Lost in a dark creepy forest, Laurel took on a deadly adventure that would determine the fate of her child. A wave of love against fear and weakness battled down her soul. Her body betrayed her, her heart ached against her ribs. The stomping feet of terror, her antagonist enharboured drew near each passing second. She had to protect Teni against the cruel hand of Elinak Empire at the expenses of hers. Determination shields away the pain and led her every move. Sinister presence looms in the air, and Laurel's heart races as she prepares for the impending confrontation. Grodik, a werewolf lord from the dark realms, approaches with a menacing grin. A surge of determination replaces any fear or doubt, and she prepares to defend her child at all costs but being stroke by the lukid curse, a deadly effect of Janak's sword it drains her life force, but she continues to fight for her child. Life fades away from her with each passing minute. Having an hour to live, she makes her child her top priority to protect Teni from the cruel hands of the Elinak Empire. What awaits her? what's the fate of the young Teni on a thin line of hope............. All evolves on "Mystic Evolution" Anticipate this..

Chapter 1 A flee for love

The dazzling dark clouds stood out on the horizon. The fierce wind stirred up the already writhed tree tops, deriving it from its scanty, crispy yellow leaves. The clouds sparkled out in the dark night with flashes of lightening, followed by a frightening thunderclap. Amidst this, the cry of an infant could be heard piercing through the misty silence, accompanied by the clomping of footsteps.

“You must not let her escape! Get her!”. A voice could be heard full of rage.

Fueled by determination, Laurel swipes and swifts through the thick, gross forest regardless of the thorns and their spikes; not even the frightening sounds could stop her. But little did she know that her body would betray her. As she pushed herself harder, her legs began to ache and her breath became shallow. She had to care for her helpless child, who was depending on her for safety. The thought of her child's vulnerability fueled her determination even more, pushing her to ignore the pain and keep going. With every step, Laurel's mind raced with thoughts of protecting her child at all costs, giving her the strength to persevere through the physical and emotional challenges ahead. The adrenaline that had initially fueled her has now waned, leaving her feeling weak and vulnerable in the darkness of the forest.

With each passing minute, her doom drew forth; she could hear the approaching footsteps of death in living form—her pursers. Her heart pounded in her chest, matching the rhythm of her footsteps as she desperately tried to outrun them. She knew her fate could be sealed. Panic surged through her veins, urging her to find a way out of this terrifying predicament—an escape route. Her purser was drawing closer with each closing second; she had to keep pushing forward, hoping against hope that she would find salvation soonest before it was too late and the forest would be her final resting place. She ran at her top speed, but it seemed void; the dense foliage seemed to draw close around her. She was left with no choice; it had to be now or never.

'Her child must live on!' for her sake...

"Labdroc". She named her.

She took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of courage within her. With determination in her eyes, she made a desperate leap of faith, diving into a hidden crevice in the forest floor. As she descended into darkness, she whispered a silent prayer, hoping that this risky move would lead her to safety and ensure her child's future.

She thought of a way to hide her child from her prey, and an idea came forth. She decided to disguise her child as a small bundle of rags, hoping that it would go unnoticed by any potential threats. With her heart pounding, she continued to navigate through the treacherous terrain, praying that her plan would succeed and give her child a chance at survival.

Surging forward, she decided to take actions that would further increase their chances of survival. She carefully scanned the surroundings for any signs of danger, constantly alert and ready to react. Determined to protect her child at all costs, she made a mental note of potential hiding spots and escape routes, ensuring they were prepared for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise. Like God would have it, a hut was nearby, and she could only think of a way to divert her antagonist attention toward her while she fled, hoping and praying for the child's safety. Like a leopard, she swung into action. With a swift and calculated movement, she grabbed a nearby rock and hurled it in the opposite direction, catching the antagonist's attention towards the distraction. Seizing the opportunity, she swiftly scooped up her child and dashed towards the safety of the hut, adrenaline pumping through her veins.

Little did she know her plan was foreseen; her purser had caught a gleam of her image running to the hut. She kept her daughter in the hands of the unknown, her amused protector. She noticed the change in direction of her antagonist, and she knew this was it—her demise. She only thought of a heroic death. Laurel had no choice but to face her pursuer head-on, ready to fight for her daughter's life. As she braced herself for the inevitable confrontation, a surge of determination washed over her, replacing any fear or doubt. With every ounce of strength, she had left, Laurel prepared to defend her child at all costs.

"There you are! You think you can just run away from the great Babil". Janak, a top-ranked werewolf of the Elinak Empire, voiced out.

Laurel, enraged by memories of her torment and ills at the Elinak Empire, couldn't hold back her words. "Leave me and my child alone!"

The laughter of mockery echoed in the forest as Janak mimicked at her words. Laurel's blood boiled as Janak's mockery echoed through the forest, fueling her determination to protect her child. She tightened her grip on the weapon in her hand, ready to prove that she was not to be underestimated. She refused to let Janak's taunt break her spirit; she would fight for her child until the very end.

A delicate silence suddenly illuminated the atmosphere. No one would dare move a muscle at this point—a sinister presence hung in the air, causing a shiver to run down Laurel's spine. She scanned the surrounding trees, her senses on high alert, knowing that danger lurked nearby. With each passing moment, the weight of the situation intensified, urging Laurel to stay vigilant and prepared for whatever awaited her and her child in the darkness of the forest. Thunderous footsteps approaching the scenario echoed through the forest—a greater threat she had to face was lurking in the shadows. From the dark realms, Grodik stepped forth with a menacing grin, his eyes gleaming with malice. His intimidating presence sent waves of fear coursing through the spines of everyone. His towering figure and piercing gaze were nightmares.

As he drew closer, Laurel's heart raced as she braced herself for the impending confrontation, her determination fueling her every move. She knew that defeating Grodik would require all of her strength and cunning, but she refused to back down, knowing that a fierce battle was about to unfold.

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