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Princess Amelia is forced into a marriage of politics. Despite her refusal, she was forced into it because it was her responsibility and only use as a princess. Married off to one of the princes of mythvile, a land of vampires. Amelia submits to her fate. Damon, her love, her life, her fate. He noticed a petite figure holding a lantern up enough to see her face, her long blond hair was left to fall down her shoulders and her petite body was covered in a flowing blue gown with fewer layers. Amelia. The sight of her registered in his mind, his eyes drinking her appearance as he walked towards her.

Chapter 1 Princess Amelia

Amelia ran down the stairs barefooted as her maid, Rosamond ran after her with her shoes begging Amelia to stop. She was usual not this much of a nuisance. She was a quiet polite princess whose daily life was directed by her father. Her parents had gone out for a soiree so it was safe to run around. She ran into the garden and fell on the soft grass enjoying the feel of the sun on her and the sweet smell of blooming flowers. It was spring, her favorite time of the year.

She was going to be betrothed on the night of the spring ball the palace held every year just like her sisters and she was excited and at the same time nervous.

" My princess." Rosamond panted as she finally caught up to Amelia. " You should wear your shoes."

" Not just yet Rosa, I want to feel the soft feel of the grass on my feet. It's been so long." Amelia said smiling up as her maid. " You should join me." Rosamond had been her personal maid ever since she turned thirteen, an age when she had started her training on marriage. In the society they lived in, a woman was considered marriageable from the age of sixteen to the age of twenty, any more than that was considered old and out of use. On that note, most girls where made to meet with different men before sixteen so they are married off immediately they come of age.

" My lady, you stop sitting on the ground and wear your shoes please. The king would be mad if he meets your like this." Rosamond pleaded.

" He's never my father but the king and he's daughters are just assets given away for politics, his sons to keep the bloodline." Amelia said. She had always feared him.

" My lady." Rosamond immediately hushed her. " You shouldn't say that and please get up."

" He's not coming back now so.........""

" Amelia!!" Amelia could not complete her words as a loud voice thundered her name.

Shocked to hear the voice she had not expected hear, she quickly jumped on her feet and lowered her head not bothering to check who it was.

" Y... Yo..your Majesty."

The king stepped into the garden following his oldest wife, Amelia's mother.

He raised his hands to hit Amelia, slapping her across the face.

" What a disgrace you are, a princess sitting on the floor. This is the sole reason you remain unmarried. I wonder why I pay a governess for you when it's of no use. Look at your sisters, you are such a shame. You are of no use."

Amelia's eyes began to tear up. " I'm sorry, your Majesty." Amelia managed to apologize as tears threatened to fall, her head still hanging low.

" You will be locked up in your room till the day of the spring ball. If I don't find a betroth for you by then, I will send you off to Heathfield." Heathfield was a far away land that was just like exile. The king said and walked away before Amelia could reply.

She raised her head to see her mother still standing there, eyes looking at her in disappointment, like she was the worst mistake.

"Mother." Amelia called out, her voice cracking at the end.

" Wear your shoes." Came her mother's almost cold voice. " You are my only flaw Amelia." Queen Evelyn said.

" Mother, I'm sorry."

Ignoring Amelia, Evelyn said to Rosamond. " Take her back to her room." And left.

The tears that pricked her eyes finally spilled. Turning to Rosamond, Amelia smiled ruefully.

" My shoes." She requested.

Rosamond bent to help her put it on but asking worriedly. " Are you alright my lady?"

" Yes, I want to head back." Amelia said and started to walk back to her room with Rosamond following closely behind her.


Amelia sat on her bed, her legs safely in the comfort of her mattress. She sat with a book in her hands deeply engrossed in it. The spring ball was in next day and the entire palace was busy but Amelia was not interested in taking part in any of it. The door of her room opened and the queen stepped in. Amelia who was so engrossed in the book did not notice the queen's presence in the room.

Evelyn snatched the book alway.

" Mother." Amelia quickly climbed down the bed to greet her mother.

" What are you doing with this?" Evelyn asked waved the book in the air. " You are supposed to be a princess not a governess, there's not a need for all these reading." Throwing the book on the floor, she continued. " You are going to follow me downstairs, the seamstress has come with your gown." The smile on Evelyn's face was bright, Amelia could not remember the last time her mother had smiled at her so brightly.

" I had a new gown delivered yesterday." Amelia said.

" Now my dear, there is not a need for it anymore. You are getting a new gown, your wedding gown." Evelyn said, her smile even wider.

It took a while for the information to sink into Amelia's head.

" M....my what?"

" Your wedding gown my love, you are getting married tomorrow."

" What! No!" Amelia could not believe what she was hearing.

" What do you mean no?"

" I mean everything no, it's tomorrow, I'll sleep and wake up and it tomorrow, I'm just been told today. I don't want to get married to soon, it feels like I'm being shipped off." That was what it was, she was been shipped off. " Besides mother I don't know who I'm getting married to."

" You don't have the right to want or not want. Your are getting married tomorrow and that's final. Your father and the council have done some talking and it has been decided. He's a the prince of Mythvile and it's for the good of the kingdom." Evelyn said

So she was so kind of link to a truce. Amelia was shocked, any kingdom but Mythvile. Mythvile mostly inhabited by a different kind that were not humans, a kind that was top on the food chain, vampires.

" I'm been married off to a vampire? Mother please, I can't."

" Except you want to go to Heathfield Amy, you don't have a choice."

" I rather be exiled."

Evelyn face darken. "You will do no such thing so get your self to the drawing room, you have to test your gown." Evelyn said and exited the room.

Amelia stood frozen on the spot. No, she scream internally, it was impossible, it wasn't happening. Amelia had seen a vampire once, the blood red eyes, yellow fangs, pale skin and black blood as the vampire was killed before her eyes replayed in her head. Vampires were bloodthirsty, vile creatures that feed on humans blood and over the years humans had come to fear them now she was been made to marry one.

Author's note: ❤️❤️

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