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Destined To Love.

Destined To Love.

Nancy Rose


Olivia Asher is not easily defeated. She is a scientist and a single mother who is accustomed to standing up for what she believes in, maintaining composure, and going above and beyond to defend her daughter Jane. But "whatever it takes" has never before involved getting married under the influence of a threatening-looking stranger with a character flaw...If not Yes, the enigmatic Rowan claims to be there to safeguard Olivia and Jane. Additionally, he claims to be a 300-year-old vampire. In fact, based on the way he handles her, Olivia might mistakenly think he has had that much experience.

Chapter 1 Mama, get up! They Are Approaching...

Mama, get up." Tiny hands trembled ferociously as they clung to Olivia's stained nightgown. As soon as her eyes opened, Olivia's heart began to skip a beat. She was pierced by frightened blue eyes in the morning gloom. It is likely that the young girl experienced another nightmare. The question is, "Jane, sweetheart, what?"

They are on the way. The bad guys are now on their way. We had to leave. Jane gasped for air in quick bursts before crying out in a shrill voice.

Olivia shook her head and extended her arms to embrace her daughter. The intense wish to calm her infant caused her to slow her breathing. Jane is so unfortunate. No more nightmares, please. She realized she had slept off while wearing her reading glasses when she grabbed them on the table. Again. The most recent issue of Botanical Magazine was not the fiery debate she had anticipated.

While quietly reverberating all about them, she stroked Jane's hair down. She wished Simon had survived now more than ever; perhaps he might have allayed their daughter's anxieties. The vintage pink Depression glass lamp was turned on by her. "No worries, sweetie. Undoubtedly, that was only a bad dream.

Olivia yelled when a loud crash erupted from the other room. She was driven into action by the sound of wood shattering. She jumped out of bed, grabbed Jane, and ran for the master bathroom, just missing the potted plant in the corner. She shut the door and ran to the tiny window while her heart pounded against her ribs. Before the flimsy door exploded open behind her, she tried but failed to unlock it.

The door was prevented from banging against the wall by a large hand. The entryway was at least six and a half feet wide and was filled with a muscular male.

She yelled as she threw Jane to the ground and dove in front of the four-year-old. As the level of adrenaline in her blood rose, the air in her throat caught, and her ears began to ring. This was not taking place. She wrenched her head sideways and willed herself to accept the predicament. Recognize that she had to battle. She forced air into her constricted lungs and looked around the tiled counter for a weapon because her tweezers most likely would not hurt anyone.

Jane was pushed back against the wall by her. She took a step backward while extending one hand to deter the danger. She gasped at his size. Although he was wearing the required flak boots, dark pants, and bulletproof vest, his brown eyes and raven black hair reached his collar with a freedom that denied any military ties. On a Discovery Channel series on soldiers, she had seen the equipment.

Her breath was taken away by the energy he emitted.

She said, "Get out," while protecting her infant. attempting to protect herself from the emotions he hurled her way. She felt dizzy as her own panic mixed with the whirl of anger, passion, and hurry. Her head ached, and her knees were shaken. She typically blocks more effectively. Or perhaps his feelings were just that intense.

"We have to leave," He said . When he saw the picture of Einstein surrounded by shopping bags on her fading nightshirt, he immediately thought of the phrase "quantum shopping." He twitched his top lip, and a dimple sparkled. Her breathing became slower as a result. Her attention immediately turned to the revolver on his hip and the numerous blades stored in his vest as he inched closer while keeping his hands at his sides.

Her heart sprang back to life. You are at the incorrect home. She gave him an angry look as he stood there with a face built of rock and a jaw that could take a punch. She would have to leap to even approach.

The space was filled with the aroma of scented pine and men.

He gave a headshake. As the room came into great focus due to the adrenaline, a pit the size of a huge boulder formed in her stomach. Her scientific mind was searching for an explanation as her breath flowed through her shorts, a means of bringing his enormous frame down. When she could not think of anything, she tried again to find a weapon until she found the little Fittonia "White Anne" in the terra-cotta planter and stomped on the escalating terror. The plant would not live if she threw Annie at the man.

To look over her shoulder, the intrusive person made another step. "It will be alright. We had to leave. He dragged Olivia into the bedroom, his big fingers encircling her bicep. Her thinking was disorganized as fear briefly gripped her vocal cords. Must she order Jane to leave? Would she be able to stop him long enough?

Then he dropped her arm while muttering an expletive. He looked at his hand and let out a deep growl. He then re-grabbed her after wiping it on his pant leg. What was on her shirt before?

She spotted the phone next to the bed and reached for it. He pulled her back while placing a solid, warm hand on her arm. Olivia tried to break away as he drew her toward a basket of garments at the foot of the bed by digging her feet into the carpet, but their onward motion would not stop.

"Jane, follow us," he said over his shoulder.

Olivia puffed out some breath. He recognized Jane by name. Not at random, either. She again seized up in fear. The question is, "How do you know her name?"

He turned around until she brushed up against him. She felt heated all around her. His resolve and intensity hammered at her as his hands landed on her arms. Oh, dear. She failed as an empath because she could not block him. He lowered his head after that.

"Olivia, I recognize both of your names. Listen. Rowan Kayrs is my name, and I promise not to damage you. I am here to assist. While he gave her a minute, his determined eyes caught her attention. Breathe in deeply. I sense your strength. The truth can be found right here. You can be sure I will not harm you. His tone was gruff. Soothing.

Even though her head resisted, her body grew softer as a result of his tone. Her breathing became more even. The man radiated danger, but she sensed no desire to hurt her. Also Jane.

Jane pulled at the woman's waist. "Do not worry, Mama. We must leave. They are on the way.

Olivia took a sidestep and nodded. "Fine. We will go now. We can go after you. If only she could get Jane to the vehicle.

He smiled while displaying pearly white teeth. "You cannot possibly lie for spit. To put on clothes, you have one minute. His gruff voice pierced her flesh, igniting nerve endings. but not out of dread. He made a turn for the entrance.

"No." Her body tingled where it touched his, and she struggled to wriggle away once more.

You then leave in your pajamas. He hauled her into the hallway while holding the laundry basket in his other arm. "Jane, keep going." The young child trailed behind, holding onto Olivia's waist with both hands.

Jane yanked at her mother as she shouted out, "Wait, no, Mama." "I need you, Mr. Mullet." Her loud sobs increased in volume.

Turning around, Rowan peered over Olivia's shoulder while squinting. A "Mr. Mullet?" He glanced at the doorway to the living room before concentrating on the young girl.

In order to solidify her position of defense for her infant, Olivia placed a hand against his chest. She always carries Mr. Mullet, her plush bear, with her. Olivia could truly fight if Jane could leave the room.

Rowan arched an eyebrow and looked deeply into the eyes. "Jane, hurry. We must leave, so go get the bear.

Jane quickly sprinted out of the space. When Olivia's dark eyes caught hers, she hesitated before shooting her knee upward to his groin and simultaneously punching his face with her fist while grunting angrily.

He moved, allowing her knee to make contact with his upper thigh muscle as his arm extended to block her blow. The sound of skin against skin reverberated throughout the space as his big hand encircled her fist just inches from his chin. He kept the laundry basket secure in his free arm.

Her leg ached, and she felt a wave of panic go over her. She was gasping for air as she awaited revenge. He would knock her out if he struck her. Jane, how about her?

With his palm warming hers, Rowan cocked his head to the side. "How is your leg doing?"

He inquired about her leg. Seriously? She had just attempted to transform him into an eunuch. She growled, "Fine," through her teeth.

He responded, "Hmmm," before grabbing her wrist and dragging her into the living room. The next time, you ought to be careful not to make your intentions clear with those lovely blue eyes. His tone was merely kind; there was no trace of rage.

For the first time that evening, Olivia truly lost her footing as she stumbled.

Jane chirped as she ran into the room carrying the plush bear and her tattered blanket. "I got him, Mama." "We can leave now."

The entranceway hung inebriatedly, divided in two. Olivia started to struggle once more as she saw it. Rowan dropped the basket of clothing with a frustrated moan, moved Jane to the side, and then took her into his arms.

"No!" Olivia screamed and grabbed her daughter before slapping his wide back. She defended Jane out of pure instinct, and when she hammered on his dark vest, wrath choked her.

He growled over his shoulder and said, "Get the clothes and move them." He walked across the porch and reached the black Hummer that was sitting at the curb.

Olivia threw herself towards the parent-holding parent, tipping the basket over in the process. The wooden planks were covered in clothes.

"Leave her alone, you scumbag!"

Even if he did not mean to hurt them, he had no right to abduct them. As her knees pressed into his back, she wrapped one arm over his enormous neck. She violently jerked up against his throat. Her body felt a surge of rage that drove out the fear.

His lengthy steps toward the car continued unhindered even as she struggled on his back. He threw open the back door, slid Jane into the booster, and quickly belted her in. When Olivia attempted to jump off of him, he closed the door, grabbed her arm, and turned her around. Two powerful hands lifted her up. He walked into her, his face descending to hers, and hard steel touched her behind. "Stop fighting with me."

He had incredible strength. The realization that her nightshirt had risen to display her pale pink underwear made her feel vulnerable. Her naked legs felt the cool night air wash over them. She opened her mouth to scream as the dark denim rubbed against the sensitive area on her inner thighs.

He quickly covered her mouth with his. Firm, warm, and restraining in some way. She felt the pressure of his constraints. He struggled with self-control. Her body erupted in heat. Her ears were overwhelmed with a roar, and she gasped. Time stood still as her heart slowed. His heartbeat briefly reverberated through her body to a region below her tummy.

He gave a low growl while moving his mouth over hers to taste rather than to silence her. Exploring. The other lifted to entangle a hand in her hair as one strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her towards him. He pulled and further cocked her head to one side. He moved further.

When his tongue touched hers, she groaned. He examined her mouth as if it were his own. He did for a split second. She misplaced everything. Only his lips, which were demanding, were on hers. Promising. As she kissed him back, she felt his heat warm her and lost herself in his firm body, oblivious to the outside world.

Pure power was all around her. Dangerous and hot. Tempting. Then, from a great height, a bird shrieked, and she suddenly became aware.

Her mind was racing as she wrenched her head back, her lips tingling. Her gaze was held by deep brown eyes. He raised his head higher and tightened his arm around her waist.

Avoid screaming. Her lower stomach began to flutter as a result of his voice deepening and becoming guttural.

"Mama?" Inside the car, Jane's voice was hesitant.

Rowan said, "She cannot see us; I have got the privacy screens up.

Great. Therefore, no one could look inside. clever kidnapper.

"Tell her it is okay," I said. He let go of Olivia's hair to make room for her.

"No. Let us leave. The icy coldness of his departure sent reality tumbling back. What was she up to? She put her elbow right up against his collarbone. Hard. Her eyes widened as a shaft of pain surged up her arm. How did that avoid hurting him?

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