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" Lets fuck but let it be a quickie ", l breathed out. With that said , he out of the blue turned me around and he crushed his lips over mine . Though l was a bit taken a back , l instantly responded . This was wrong but I still loved it . With in a few minutes , he pushed his tongue in my mouth and began to claim me . With our tongues dancing in to each other's mouth , l felt his fingers run and slowly massage me in between my thighs . Feeling him, I instantly parted them to give him way to my paradise . I burned with need." Just a quickie , this is wrong ''

Chapter 1 Not any more

I had two choices: Stay where I'm at and plunge first into a scandalous disaster that would forever leave a stain on my record or leave and start fresh at an entirely new school. I wanted none of those two choices but I had nothing to do since l brought the disaster to myself. *** "Tracy, do we have a deal?", I stared up into Bruce's cold eyes as he glanced over his desk at me. His jaw was wound tight as if he was a bomb, he would have exploded in less than three minutes. He had been talking for a good time but l was lost in my own mind.

"I still don't understand why I have to make this decision and yet professor Milenkovic is going to keep his job and stay here, it sounds like you trying to protect him. Are you trying to sweep this under the rug, Bruce Donavan ?", I cocked up an eyebrow letting him know that l wasn't the type of girls he could pull the wool over their eyes and get away with it. He could try to hide the fact that professor Milenkovic was a complete womanizing jerk- tricking his female students into having sex with him - but l knew the truth. Clearing his throat, he watched me intently as he adjusted his tie. "I'm not sweeping anything under the rug", He adjusted in his lavish leather chair before shuffling some papers in front of him. "If any of this gets out Ms. Walter , you and l both know it won't be just the professor in trouble. You will face jail time as well", He spoke with his eyes on me. I groaned inwardly at his words. He was right. If l hadn't tried to burn his house down and then basically assault him, l wouldn't be here faced with a life changing decision. "Fine, where do my credits transfer to?", I knew there were only a few universities in the states that would allow me to transfer so many credits and two or three were close by. This only meant that l would get transferred to the farthest school possible. "It's a fine university, Tracy. You will find that it is just a short drive out of Luxembourg , we believe you will love NewOrleans this time of year", He began shuffling more papers on his table until he found what he was looking for then he handed me a small stack of papers with my name printed on top. "NewOrleans”? Doesn't it get cold there?", I asked. I hated winter and the thought of getting stuck in the tundra while this jerk gets to stay in sunny Lux made my blood boil. Bruce Donavan sighed while shaking his head. "I know it's not your first choice, Ms. Walter’s but this is what I have got. Take it or leave it but know if you leave it, you will go to jail - that is the judge's terms", When I heard his words, my fists balled up on my lap and l crinkled the papers in my hand as l glared at the dean in front of me. He was probably laughing at me inside his heart. He knew it that l had no say in all of this. I was totally screwed up. "I guess , I'm off to NewOrleans then", Standing up from my seat, l turned and headed towards the door but, I didn't open the door quickly. l just stopped in mid motion. I had one more message for the dean. "Can you give professor Edwards a message for me?", At my question, the dean looked up with curiosity written all over his face. Caring less about it, l reached into my back pocket and extended my middle finger toward him. "Nice", He replied dryly while shaking his head at me. Yes I meant. That bastard should fuck himself. A small chuckle vibrated through my chest as l left his office. I made sure that I slammed the door hardly behind me. As l made my way across the campus, l looked down at the papers in my hands noting that they were copies of my transfer. The date on the top told me that I will be starting at the new college in a week's time. Too bad that useless professor was MIA at the moment, l would have given him a proper farewell - a punch to his perfect nose. As l was walking, l stopped for a moment then looked at the papers. Standing still , l flipped through the papers until I found what I was looking for. It was my housing situation, it looked like the dean had me sharing a house near the campus with four other girls. I didn't know anymore but I still couldn't wait to meet them. Sighing out, l shoved the papers beneath my arm and headed back to my current house to start packing. The faster l packed up, the faster l could get out of here and I needed that. If l stay here any longer, l will end up hunting the useless professor then make him suffer as much as I was. Good enough my roommates were all away, l quickly packed up my stuff then put them in my car. I spun around and looked at the apartment l had lived in for the last two years and l noticed how l didn't feel an ounce of sadness. I could see that there was nothing here for me anymore. Closing up the door behind me , l descended the familiar stone steps and climbed into my spots car. As l drove away from the house, l had grown to know, l didn't look back once. I had to start over and l had to do it right now. Starting over meant - no professors , no more forbidden desires.

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